• Tomcat context.xml for AS7 howto?

    Hi folks,   I have an webapp (spring etc.) which loads all properties (debug on/off, feature foobar on/off, ...) from jndi. I have different environments (dev, qa, live). I can deploy the same war to each of...
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    last modified by ahoehma
  • AS 7 Internal Architecture Overview

    High Level Overview  At a coarse level, AS 7 consists of two main elements:   A core manageable service container based on modular classloading Extensions to that core that provide the kind of functionali...
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    last modified by brian.stansberry
  • SSL handshake

    Is it possible to capture a failed SSL handshake and produce a log message similar to the example here?   Any hint on how to do this within a WAR project to be deployed on JBoss AS 7 would be highly appreciated....
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    last modified by solidether
  • Remote EJB distributed transactions and recovery

    Overview  Unlike previous JBoss AS versions, remote transaction propagation between 2 server instances for EJB invocations does not require JTS. EJB client API which was introduced in AS7 uses its own protocol f...
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    last modified by jaikiran
  • JBoss AS7 vs AS6

    Distribution ChangesAS7 AS6 Comments ./modules ./common/lib AS6 common/lib directory contained system and user jar files shared among different configurations. There is no shared dir in AS7 in which to simply ...
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    last modified by dimitris
  • AS7ManagementVersionsKnownIssues

    See AS7ManagementVersions for the list of management model versions per AS 7 version. This document lists known issues/false positives in the output of CompareModelVersionsUtil for different AS 7 versions, mainly thin...
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    last modified by brian.stansberry
  • Detyped Description of the AS 7 Management Model

    Deprecated, instead see https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/AS71/Description+of+the+Management+Model for 7.1 or, for 7.2, https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/AS72/Description+of+the+Management+Model.  AS 7's...
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    last modified by brian.stansberry
  • Primordial Boot Options

    On this page I want to lay out some alternative approaches to altering the AS 7.2 / EAP 6.1 boot to realize the objectives discussed in https://community.jboss.org/docs/DOC-47927.   Primary goals:  To supp...
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    last modified by brian.stansberry
  • ClassNotFoundException (org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler) in a module

    Hi,   I am trying to deploy a web application within JBoss AS, where a class in a custom-built library (let's call it mylib.jar) extends org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler. As long as mylib.jar is situated in /...
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    last modified by markus_s
  • To use LdapExtLoginModule with JaasSecurityDomain mbean - encode64 operation

    Hi,   I am trying to port security code which was running on jboss4 to jboss7. As a part of it I need to encode the bindCredentials. Previously I defined a bean in jboss-service.xml and was using it in code to ...
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    created by veenaonnet
  • Need help to migrate JBOSS-Cache to Infinispan 5.1.x

    I am in process of migrating my application from AS-5.1.0 GA to 7.1.1. I have gone (at least it think I have) through all steps defined in the migration documentation.  The only part I am having issue is porting ...
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    last modified by seyed.z
  • [jboss-modules] More public ModuleLoaders

    Hi,   I'm currently trying to integrate jboss-modules into Tomcat (https://github.com/hasalex/tomcat-modules), in replacement of the regular WebappClassLoader. I'm not sure to have a real use-case of that, but I...
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    created by sewatech
  • Readonly transactions in session beans

    I am looking for something similar to read-only transaction in spring for JBoss 7.1.x. Does JBoss 7 and JPA2 supports something like that? Where I could find more information for it or for general performance optimali...
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    last modified by lszymik
  • Log HTTP POST data in JBoss AS 7.1.1

    Is there an easy way to log HTTP POST/GET data in JBoss AS 7.1.1?  I'm trying to track a problem where I believe to be receiving an invalid post.  Is ther a way to output the raw data to the logs?   Th...
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    last modified by justinksu
  • Install JBOSS tools on Eclipse Juno (4.x)

    Greetings:   I recently adopted Eclipse Juno for my IDE and went to the marketplace to install the JBOSS tools.  I noticed that there is only a package for Indigo and not one for Juno as of yet.   I a...
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    last modified by iainnitro
  • JBoss AS 7 Support for XDoclet tag @jboss.method-attributes needed

    Hello,   we are migrating from JBoss AS 4.0.5 to JBoss AS 7.1.3. We have a CMP Entity Bean (EJB 2.1) with a 1:n/n:1 relation (java.util.Set<ObjectXYZ>). When we load the Entity outside of a transaction (...
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    last modified by erscan
  • JBossAS Roadmap for JavaEE 7 ?

    Will JBossAS 7 implement JavaEE 7 or is JavaEE 7 addressed by a later JBossAS version?
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    last modified by juergen.zimmermann
  • How to specify a SAR's module dependencies?

    Hi all,   I'm trying to get a simple SAR deployed to AS7.  It has an mbean class in it that implements ServiceMBean.  However, when I deploy it, I get a ClassNotFoundException for ServiceMBean.  I...
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    last modified by matt.drees
  • On the topic of missing resources

    The current upstream master currently says upon finding a mismatch in datasource definition/lookup something like   JBAS014775:    New missing/unsatisfied dependencies:     &#...
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    last modified by nickarls
  • Using netty causes an classloader issue.

    Actually i am trying to implement a small tcp/ip server using google protobuf and netty. At the end an event handler from the netty pipeline will be called which passes the specified message to the server logic. Befor...
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    created by merdmann