• Implicit marshalled values - a better way of handling region

    We had this discussion in Neuchatel, I'm bringing it up again here to solidify an approach. This pertains to JBCACHE-1231 Currently, we place direct object references in the cache. If the object in the cache is in a...
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    last modified by manik
  • Shutdown hooks

    This is in response to a user forum thread http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=4089709#4089709 and it's corresponding JIRA JBCACHE-1204. What will happen for JBC 2.1.0.GA is that the defa...
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    last modified by manik
  • JBCACHE-1251

    Thread for discussion of http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBCACHE-1251. Some further analysis of the problem; I don't really know the proper fix as I'm not familiar enough with all the subtle cases this code is hand...
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    last modified by brian.stansberry
  • Local changes on direct custom object or collection referenc

    Yesterday, one of our consultants (Chris Harris) brought up a very interesting point regarding local changes on direct custom object or collections references that are cached: I have a customer who is trying to use ...
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    last modified by galder.zamarreno
  • Problem with after loading Huge data

    Hi, I am new to Jboss cache, so i gone through some examples and try to use them to my requirements. here is my requirement. my aim is to store and retrieve frequency of a particular key (String), so i have written a...
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    last modified by sanatmastan
  • Partitioning in JBoss Cache - JBCACHE-60

    This is in reference to JBCACHE-60 and a wiki page I put up discussing some initial designs. Partitioning is basically a concept taking Buddy Replication a few steps further, primarily removing the need for session a...
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    last modified by manik
  • Hot Deployment -Object Cache

    Hi How can I develop a small cache without losing hot deployment functionality of JBOSS ? Ans suggestion will be appreciated. I'm planing to write code similar to following but it will not assure hot deployment will...
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    last modified by ekobir
  • Optimising contents of a prepare call - JBCACHE-611

    From Bela's original comments in JBCACHE-611 When we use transactions, all modifications (PUT,REMOVE) are bundled (keyed by TX-ID) and replicated on TX commit. This is very inefficient if (a) we have many modificat...
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    last modified by manik
  • Proxy Based POJOs (No AOP) in POJO Cache

    In a conversation we had offline, Vincent Marquez has advocated a proxy based approach in addition to the current AOP approach for POJO Cache. Best of all, he has offered to work on the implementation. The primary use...
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    last modified by jason.greene
  • Reusing options in PojoCache

    Jason, Just got bit by a bad practice, and I see PojoCache is doing the same thing (at least in 1.4.1.x), so wanted to give you a heads up. The bad practice is trying to reuse an Option -- i.e. create and configure ...
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    last modified by brian.stansberry
  • JBCACHE-1153 - structural nodes

    this jira is about not considering the structural nodes for eviction. This performance optimisation makes sense considering that nothing can be evicted from those nodes as they don't have an attribute map, but the evi...
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    last modified by mircea.markus
  • Locking tree before setting initial state

    When an initial state transfer is received from another node, locks are acquired on the existing node's tree before the state is applied. I'm not sure what the benefit of this is. Acquiring locks will ensure that any...
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    last modified by brian.stansberry
  • run jbosscache1.4.1sp5 in oc4j 10.1.3

    we were using standalone jboss cache 1.0 on oc4j 9.0.5 and 10.1.2 for a long time becuase its very good performance for clustering and very stable. now we are trying to upgrade it to jboss cache 1.4.1.sp5 to run on oc...
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    last modified by zhe
  • Concurrency issues on remote prepare when using optimistic l

    This is in relation to JBCACHE-1201. So this is in no way an easy fix. The main problem here is that when a cache enters it's prepare phase, modifications are broadcast, but the remote cache hasn't really entered the...
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    last modified by manik
  • Node removal not working with Invalidation?

    I'm seeing weird behavior in my unit tests of Hibernate/JBC integration with invalidation, so thought I'd look for JBC testsuite tests of node removal with invalidation. Didn't find any. So, wrote the following which ...
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    last modified by brian.stansberry
  • javax.servlet.ServletException: Cannot find ActionMappings o

    Hello, I am working on an Struts application> I am trying to run it on JBOSS but when I run it .. It shows me an error : javax.servlet.ServletException: Cannot find ActionMappings or ActionFormBeans collection or...
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    last modified by divya317
  • Optimistic locking doesn't scale well with large 'flat' cach

    Customer reported an issue where an OPTIMISTIC 1.4.1.SP3 didn't scale well when Hibernate was caching a large # of instances of an entity. All entity instances are stored in child nodes directly under a base node for ...
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    last modified by brian.stansberry
  • Eviction and buddy backup regions

    I don't think we handle evicting stuff from the buddy backup region very well. Looking at the code, all nodes under _BUDDY_BACKUP_ will be evicted based on the _default_ region settings, unless the user was really sav...
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    last modified by brian.stansberry
  • JBCACHE-1154 - Introduce ability to mark nodes as resident -

    Nodes marked resident would be ignored by the eviction algorithms both when checking whether to trigger the eviction and when proceeding with the actual eviction of nodes. E.g. if the eviction policy for a region is "...
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    last modified by mircea.markus
  • Removing classloader issues for PojoCache

    Jason, Would like to explore with you the possibility of eliminating the need for region-based marshalling with PojoCache. We use region-based marshalling to handle replication of custom types. But, since PojoCache ...
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    last modified by brian.stansberry