• Removing classloader issues for PojoCache

    Jason, Would like to explore with you the possibility of eliminating the need for region-based marshalling with PojoCache. We use region-based marshalling to handle replication of custom types. But, since PojoCache ...
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    last modified by brian.stansberry
  • Tracking whether nodes are in-memory vs persisted

    In 2.0 I don't see any way to determine whether a node exists in memory vs is passivated. In 1.x you can deduce this kind of thing by calling getChildrenNames() on the parent and then invoking exists() on the children...
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    last modified by brian.stansberry
  • Patch adding transactional putSilent() method

    Please, can you review this patch for addition into the mainline JBoss Cache? The motivation for this patch Currently, JBoss Cache adapter for Hibernate uses putForExternalRead() method. This method suspends and the...
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    last modified by cyberax
  • Node locking and transactions

    I'm kicking off this discussion in response to JBCACHE-923 and Jacek Halat's post on node locking algorithms on http://jboss.org/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=4084417#4084417. Most of the problems repor...
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    created by manik
  • Increasing Cache size for the application

    URGENT ADVICE NEEDED: We are developing a management software where it manages more than 15000 servers/devices in the network. We are facing problem while caching all the data from all these devices, we can not scale...
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    last modified by arunavnayak
  • jboss cache startup info

    Upon startup jbosscache prints out the $id:$ info of Version.java 15:16:25,218 INFO [PojoCacheImpl] PojoCache version: JBossCache 'Habanero' 2.0.0.GA[ $Id: Version.java,v 1.35 2007/08/01 16:52:13 msurtani Exp $] Wh...
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    created by dimitris
  • Space versus time, e.g. JBCACHE-1157

    JBCACHE-1157 changes the HashMap used in an UnversionedNode to a ConcurrentHashMap, which makes an empty node take about 1.3K to store, from about 150 bytes. To do this sort of change on 1.4 might affect people's runt...
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    last modified by genman
  • JBossCache Cache Mgmt interceptor hit/miss not collected wit

    I am using JBossCache (1.4) and I have a question regarding cache management stats collection - 1. when a call is made to treeCache.put(String, Object), the stats for hits/misses are not collected, and 2. when the ca...
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    last modified by mabc101
  • JBoss Cache and JBoss MC

    Now that we're finally up and running with our new SVN repo and new set of maven scripts, I'm about to get started with the MC and just wanted to run a few things by everyone. Keeping in mind that JBC is meant to be ...
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    last modified by manik
  • FLUSH and state transfer during high invocation load

    Hi, We are moving internal thread discussion to the forum so everyone can contribute and discuss. Discovery: While clearing up remaining unit test failures and getting ready for 2.0 GA release we noticed transient ...
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    last modified by vblagojevic
  • Too much jboss cache INFO logging

    I think we've discussed this before. We really don't need all this stuff to be logged as INFO, it should be DEBUG: 12:34:58,343 INFO [PojoCacheImpl] PojoCache version: JBossCache 'Habanero' 2.0. 0.CR3[ $Id: Version....
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    last modified by dimitris
  • New Locking Strategy Proposal for JBoss Cache

    Hello everyone, I would like your feedback on a new locking strategy design. This design, if ratified, would be targeted for a future version of JBoss Cache (not 2.0.0) Modern databases are able to achieve high conc...
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    last modified by jason.greene
  • Region management issues

    Some unit test fixing Vladimir did has uncovered a change between 1.x and 2.0 in terms of region management. In 1.x there's no need to register a classloader with a region before you can activate it. I.e. the activati...
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    last modified by brian.stansberry
  • static field replication in PojoCache

    I am trying to scope out the requirement for the static field replication. Here are what I have: 1. Create a @Replicatable field annotation so user can annotate the POJO to designate the static field for replication,...
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    last modified by ben.wang
  • JBossCache 2.1.0 - AOP framework

    The current (1.4.x and 2.0.0) versions of JBoss Cache used hand-wired interceptor chains to apply aspects to the underlying data structure. E.g., a put() call on the cache would: 1) Use a Method representing an inter...
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    last modified by manik
  • Consolidate delegating cache loader classes [JBCACHE-1134]

    This thread is to discuss http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBCACHE-1134. Here's a summary of my thoughts taken from JIRA: In the org.jboss.cache.loader package, we have: o.j.c.l.DelegatingCacheLoader and o.j.c.l.Ab...
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    last modified by galder.zamarreno
  • SingletonStoreCacheLoader: upgrade to java.util.concurrent?

    I was just about to finish http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBCACHE-1091 when I have realised that SingletonStoreCacheLoader was still developed under the old Threading model. Seeing as I'm reading the JCIP book, I t...
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    last modified by galder.zamarreno
  • Listener Notifications to happen asyncronously?

    regarding http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBCACHE-1107, will Notification calls happen asyncronously? This concerns me, with the way it was before, you could act upon a new entry in the cache before a 'user' had a ...
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    last modified by vincent.marquez
  • Defining eviction regions as regular expressions

    This post is related to Brian's post re: "Optimistic locking doesn't scale well with large 'flat' cache": http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&t=112462 As Brian mentioned, the customer has s...
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    last modified by galder.zamarreno
  • @CacheListener impl must be public?

    Notifier.isValidListenerClass() enforces a requirement that the @CacheListener be declared public. Is that necessary for the inspection of annotations on the methods? In the AS codebase I have a number of inner class...
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    last modified by brian.stansberry