• Configure Timeouts Gracefully in JBOSS ESB

    Hi<   I am using JBOSS ESB 4.11. I have a following requirements: Configured a main router servcie Based on Rules, it  will rout to different URLS. when ever the URL is unavailable or times out, i get...
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    last modified by ash316
  • Unresponsive EPR when using ServiceInvoker from Action class

    Hi all, I am doing a POC on invoking multiple services and aggregate the result and return synchronously. I have the following esb, in which, two services "google", "bing" are declared, which have inVM listeners. ...
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    last modified by khuevu
  • How does InVMCourier work?

    Apologies, but I'm totally new to JBoss ESB. I'm an ex-Java open source guy though (OpenSymphony, Struts 2, etc), so hopefully I still can learn quickly Anyway, these days I do product management at New Relic and I'm...
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    last modified by lightbody
  • Can't activate/passivate SFSB containing JPAKnowledgeSession

    Greetings,   I'm using Drools 5.5 with JBoss SOA-P 5.3.1. I have a SFSB which receives facts that it adds to a knowledge session. And in order to persist the sesion context, I use a JPA knowledge session. Every ...
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    last modified by simplex-software
  • Send Header Parameter webservice_consume doesn´t work

    Hi,   We are using SOAP CLIENT to send a request to external webservice. We have a problem because the SOAP has a parameter into HEADER:   <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soa...
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    last modified by alcanrom
  • Exception on remote ServiceInvoker invocation

    Hi there I'm in this scenario: a web application running on an EAP 6.0.1 on server A and my SOAP 5.3 running on server B From my web application on server A I need to remotely call the ServiceInvoker By following t...
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    last modified by angeloimm
  • How does one enable the -extended flag (of wsimport) using SOAPClient in SOA V5.3.1?

    Hi All,   I have had the opportunity to use the ESB for some proof of concept work. Generally, all is good, but I am trying to use the ESB to consume a remote webservice and an getting errors. When I run wsimpor...
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    last modified by stevef1uk99
  • Issue with setting up multiple threads in Jboss ESB

    Hello, I am fairly new to Jboss ESB and I am trying to discover what is causing messages to fail when I introduce multiple threads (users) in load testing. I am using SoapUI to perform the load testing and it is work...
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    last modified by shaun077
  • jbossesb-rosetta.jar in Maven pom.xml

    I'am trying to set up an JBoss ESB project using maven2. Where from do I get the jbossesb-rosetta.jar? Has anybody a sample-pom for me? This isn't working: <project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmln...
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    last modified by wili
  • Error while deploying ESB

    Hi,   I get the following error while trying to deploy my project on the ESB server. I was previously able to deploy without any issues, but when I added a newer version of jboss-logging.jar and jboss-common.jar...
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    last modified by divz80
  • Port 883 in use

    My jboss server is residing on a cloud platform (virtual environment), which has a private and a public IP. If I start the server giving my private IP in hostname, it starts properly. If I start my server using the ...
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    created by abhijitpassi
  • jboss 6.1.0 - esb  4.11 .. jaxr esb exception on startup

    Hello,   I am trying to startup jboss esb using jaxr and i got exception. This error doesn't appear using inVM config into esb.juddi.client.xml   at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:662) [:1.6.0_38] Cause...
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    created by eskuai
  • Does anyone know if HornetQ 2.2.8 or greater works with JBossAS5 and JBossESB4.10

    All,   Our current configuration is JBoss AS 5.1, JBoss ESB 4.10 and HornetQ 2.2.5. We are currently seeing an issue that appears to be related to a bug in HornetQ (https://issues.jboss.org/browse/HORNETQ-722)....
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    last modified by g8torpaul
  • SOAPProcessor.getMessage() returns null instead of the curre

    I am currently trying to expose a local WebService as an JBossWS WebService (ESB aware) on the ESB (mainly, because the ESB can be seen from the outside world whereas the local WebService is only available on the inte...
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    last modified by phisch
  • how to publish a webservice with SOAPProxy and chain request message?

    hi, I want to publish a webservice on esb,  this webservice will consume an external webservice through the action of SOAPProxy. There are two difficulties I need your helps: 1. Are there something special to ...
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    last modified by rephia
  • Jboss SOA-P v 6.0.0

    Hello,   Kindly update with the version of BRMS that is being included in SOA-P v6.0.0   Also any further documentation on the same would be HIGHLY APPRECIATED. Though was able to find the Getting Started ...
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    created by starfish15
  • Custom file read/write process in ESB

    Hi,   Note: I'm using Fuse ESB 7.1 but i believe the problem described below can be solved very similar in JBOSS ESB too, so i also ask for a solution in this forum (duplicated here).   i need to implement...
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    last modified by mirko.richter
  • Why is JBoss trying to use HornetQ?

    We have a puzzling error caused by JBoss trying to use HornetQ unsuccessfully:   Caused by: javax.jms.InvalidDestinationException: Not a HornetQDestination:JBossQueue[quickstart_helloworld_Request_esb]  &#...
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    last modified by mataratones
  • Dependency Issue with JAAS Auth

    Hey   I am trying to create a JAAS AUTH on my CXF endpoint which is exposed as service to another application.. I get following error   ERROR ----------------------------------- org.osgi.framework.Bundl...
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    last modified by reji.mathews
  • HornetQ and DLQ - How to configure Max delivery attemps?

    I am running JBoss ESB 4.12 and JBoss 6.0.0.Final AS. As far as I can see configuring max-delivery-attempts has no effect.   My scenario and configuration as follows: esbcontent/hornetq-jms.xml: <?xml ve...
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    last modified by msah