• FTPS configuration using ftpprovider

    I am fairly new to JBOSS ESB. I am trying to create a FTP Listener configuration using ftps protocol. I have created a local ftps server to which I am trying to connect to. I am able to connect to my local ftps serve...
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    created by sidhu
  • Message delivery guarantee in JBoss ESB

    I'm evaluating JBoss SOA Platform 5.2 (I'll call it JBoss ESB in short) for my organization now. And I'm very concerned about its "Message Delivery Guarantee" capability when I came across its related document. It loo...
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    last modified by hujunzhe
  • redelivery

    Hi, I have a ESB service that needs as an action to push a message via a proxy mechanism to a remote server. How could I accomplish that the ESB retries the service at a later time if there is a connection problem t...
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    last modified by jurgenvb
  • SOA exception handling

    Hi,   I am using ESB in my application as a mediation. I am sending SOAPFault for the error response from the Business Layer. Can anybody tell me , is it good way to handling exception or is there any better wa...
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    last modified by bkasodariya
  • Error on invoking WCF webservice using SOAPClient

    Hi   I am working in jboss esb SOA platform, while trying to access the .net webservice i got some errors, below i had mentioned the details   <action name="soapui-client-action" class="org.jboss.soa.es...
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    last modified by veradismail
  • deducing host and port in new HTTP Gateway

    regarding https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBESB-2824 ... It's super easy to register a new HTTPEpr to the registry in HttpGatewayServlet.init() and unregister it in destroy(). I even added a loadOnStartup flag to ...
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    last modified by dward
  • How to get client IP address?

    Hi, everyone. We can expose an ESB service as web service by setting the 'inXsd' and 'outXsd' attributes of actions. How can we get client IP address when some client call these web services?   Thanks in advance.
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    last modified by yangrfa
  • Client side SOAPHandlers

    Hi, My environment details :- EnterprisePlatform-4.3.0.GA_CP10 jdk1.6.0_30 jbossesb-4.10   I am trying a simple client side SOAP handler. It's not getting called.   Client Side Service (generated using...
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    created by rajnish.kumar.76
  • AS 7 support

    Is it possible to deploy esb to AS 7? and do we have a plan or roadmap to support AS 7? Thanks,   Amos
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    last modified by zhfeng
  • sql-listener causing extremely frequent queries on database (once every 50millisec)

    Hi, Following is my jboss-esb.xml (ESB version 4.9) For some unknown reason the sql-listener (TxHelloSQLChannel) causes extremely frequent SQL queries being sent to the database server. Upon some investigation throug...
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    created by vishal_changrani
  • Should i Choose JBOSSESB?????

    Hi All,   I have just joined the community and i am kinda new to the jbossesb enviorment. We are planning to build our next application using jbossesb framework since it seems right for our requirement. (Also th...
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    last modified by rajesh4626
  • ESB to HTTP

    Hi, i'm searching for a tutorial how to create an HTTP Listener/Gateway. [Sending message From ESB to HTTP].Thanks
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    last modified by jihedbt
  • [AbstractKernelController] Error installing to Create:

    I am using jboss developer studio, i integrated jboss-soa-p-5 server. I ran a sample program it runs fine, but if i am giving xsd file as inXSD for the action means i am getting DeploymentException.   I saw many...
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    created by veradismail
  • org.apache.ws.scout.transport.TransportException: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: object is not an instance of declaring class

    Hi, I am trying to call a ESB service from a client. I get below error, any help would be appreciated.   Client side code :-   private void sendMessage() throws Exception{   System.setProperty("javax...
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    created by rajnish.kumar.76
  • Setting http client properties for HttpRouter from java code

    Hi all,   Currently I'm using jbossesb 4.4.   When using xml based configuration I can use the following XML to configure HttpRouter ----------------------------------------------- <action name="httpr...
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    last modified by tomis
  • JbossESB-4.10 build fail

    Hi all,          I´m new doing build of this project and I need some help. I´ve downloaded the source (jbossesb-4.10-src.zip) and I get the following error doing 'ant dist': ...
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    last modified by jmarquesb
  • How to combine published esb and make one wsdl?

    Hi All,   I have created three different webservices. Need to combine/merge all the three in one and create as one webservice.   How to do that? Can we create like that. Please help me.   Regards, R...
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    created by sgrprasad1979
  • JBESB-2805 - Splitter EAI Pattern

    Guys, What do you think about this feature request: https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBESB-2805 It is about a implementation of the splitter EAI pattern. Based on the pattern, it create different messages from th...
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    last modified by rferreir
  • Improving Spring support using annotations in annotated ESB actions.

    Hi guys,   There is still a fair amounf of JBoss ESB (and SOA-P) users that use a lot of Spring in their development. Now, I know that we support Spring through our AbstractSpringAction, however this has a numbe...
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    last modified by mccloud
  • Dynamic Routing by code via HttpRouter without ConfigTree po

    Hi, The JBoss ESB has various routing possibilities, but no dynamicaly configurated HTTPRouter (as far as I know). I need contentbased message routing without having to declare each and every http-endpoint in the jbo...
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    last modified by h.wolffenbuttel