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Thread expose a SOAP Hello World
expose a SOAP Hello WorldI have the JBossESB 4.8 and Rift Saw as BPEL. I'm working on it for a few days, but can't expose a SOAP web service. There is no tutorial that would really help... At least publish a soap web service on th...
Thread Message loss during shutdown or JMX stop of JMS Listener
Message loss during shutdown or JMX stop of JMS ListenerI'm looking into JMS message loss issues during shutdown. I enqueued several thousand mesages into an ESB application. While the messages were being processed I toggle(stop/start) lifecycle state for the j...
Thread How to create a app with JBoss ESB or JBossAS?
How to create a app with JBoss ESB or JBossAS?I have been working on the JBossAS5,and I know there are a lot of plugins or others projects like JBoss ESB,JBoss MicroContainer etc. which are great app with IoC or dynamic deployment or something much greater! ...
Naming for webservice endpointsWould like to get some community input on how we reference webservice endpoints in JBossWS from JBoss ESB configuration. Today, SOAPProcessor and SOAPProxy can be configured with the name of webservice endpoint ...
Wise based soap client for esbHi all, I wrote an alternative soap client action for esb. The client is based on my open LGPL software wise: http://sourceforge.net/projects/jax-wise http://www.javalinuxlabs.org/wise/index.html It uses wsconsume ...
Thread Best practise packaging ESB archives, No. of Services per .esb?
Best practise packaging ESB archives, No. of Services per .esb?Hi, I've worked through the tutorials and am interested to know on what the best practise for packaging up services into ESB archives is? I'm working on a project that has gone through a prototyping phase and...
Sql-provider validation seems invalidIm using jboss-soa-p.4.3.0-cp02 and discovered something strange about sql-provider. Looking through the source code i found that it validates input through soa-work\esb\checkout\product\rosetta\src\org\jboss\soa\esb\...
Smooks claim DB to CSV ?Althougth smooks claim, it can do transformation from DB to CSV. I don't see anyway how it can write csv file or even edi file. Except the only hope, I can see is use the free marker tempate to generate the csv file ...
ESB CEP support for multiple event streamsCEP applications often are designed to correlate messages from multiple event streams. A common example (used often the Drools CEP presentations and documentation) is a Online Trading System, which has a "Home Broker ...
Thread Where can I download the xsd files for Smooks?
Where can I download the xsd files for Smooks?example- xmlns:http://www.milyn.org/xsd/smooks/datasource-1.1.xsd
I am trying to int...
Getting ESB DetailsHi, I am using Jboss 5.0 for ESB development and I have a requirement to get the service details like CategoryName, Service Name, Process Id, and etc for logging. Can any one help me on this? ...
null transport for soapactionHi, I am new to JBoss ESB, i have created one ESB project in the Jboss developer and i have Jboss 5.0 server. I have attached the jboss-esb.xml file... where in we use soap proxy and have given the wsd...
JBossESB example using Saxon (XSLT 2.0)Hi Folks, I have currently an esb based project that implements transformation logic using xalan (xslt 1.0) processor. But I am now planning to...
Thread Supporting config file(s) host specific settings
Supporting config file(s) host specific settingsI added support for substitution properties in jboss-esb.xml. At construction time I merge properties from a soa-p.properties file to support host specific changes(sample below). I either look for this fil...
How to create my own gateway classesHello. Take a look in the jbossesb-1.2.0.xsd, there exists a amount of predefined Providers: - jms-provider-type - jms-jca-provider - fs-provider - ftp-provider - sql-provider - hibernate-provider - jb...
Smookes Problem csv2 xml genearationIt's throwing org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: cvc-elt.1: Cannot find the declaration of element 'smooks-resource-list i verify this http://community.jboss.org/thread/146734 but not works. pls h...
Use a XML to construct SOAP RequestHi everybody, I'm currently testing JBoss ESB in my company but I encountered some problems with SOAP Client. I've seen all the samples attached with JBoss ESB but no one answered my question. I want t...