• Problem with using the

    when I use the following syntax to show an image in my forum [img]http://my_images on the web....[/img] the result is the exact string that I wrote in the forum and not an image. what am i doing wrong? my setup ...
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    last modified by tcollier
  • problem with using the [img] tag...no image

    when I use the following syntax to show an image in my forum [img]http://my_images on the web....[/img] the result is the exact string that I wrote in the forum and not an image. what am i doing wrong? my setup ...
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    last modified by tcollier
  • JBoss Forums 1.0.1 DR Released

    Dear All, It's been a longer while since the last release and today I'd like to announce that Development Release of JBoss Forums 1.0.1 has been made available in project's downloads ( http://labs.jboss.com/jbossforu...
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    created by unibrew
  • ClassCastException after integration with LDAP

    I work on JBossPortal 2.6.1 itegrated with LDAP and I use JBoss Forums 1.0.0. When user creates new topic, then a ClassCastException is thrown and no topic is created. How to solve this problem? Bellow is stack trac...
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    last modified by lukasz.wiktor
  • I need some i18n  documents for JBoss forum

    Our work heavily depends on JBoss platform( JBoss AS, Richfaces and so on), Thanks for your works. Now we want a user forum and JBoss Forum is good enough. But I want the forum to support simplified chinese(zh_CN). I ...
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    last modified by goldfrog
  • Error on 2.6.2

    Hi All, I followed the instructions to install the Forums on 2.6.2. Whe I attempt to create a Forum or Category the following error is thrown: Cause: javax.portlet.PortletException: javax.portlet.PortletException: Cl...
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    last modified by dcostelloe
  • Accentuated characters not displayed correctly

    If I add a message which contains accentuated characters (é, â, ù, etc...) in my installation of JBoss forums, it interprets them not correctly. Both server and database charsets are utf8. How can ...
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    last modified by lucboudreau
  • Jboss forums over SSL

    Hi. Did you test Jboss Forums portlet over https? It has strange behaviour, when some pages are shown correctly and some of them shows exception: An error occured while rendering window 'oov-a_Portal.Forum.ForumPortl...
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    last modified by andixt
  • Forums Message Editing and Future Release of Forums

    It would be nice if the WYSIWYG CMS editor were used for message editing in the forums. Danny
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    last modified by thorntond
  • Search Engine for JBoss Forums Portlet 2.6.1

    Does JBoss Forums Portlet have a search engine to search the forums? I have heard that the JBoss Forums team is working on the indexing. Is there any documentation or timeline as to when to expect a search engine for...
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    last modified by vailski
  • Is this the best jboss forum?

    Hello! I have posted two questions on this forums, but I have never received any answers on my really simple questions. I have also seen that compared to other forums (about other things than jboss), people in gener...
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    last modified by anderslinden
  • how can I use chinese word on Forum

    I deploy forum on jbossportal-2.6.1 when I input chinese word the page show the ??? word how can I install forum and can use chinese word(big5 or utf8)
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    last modified by kevnlin
  • problem with special character encoding

    I am using jboss forums for jboss portal 2.4.2. I am created database with latin2 coding CREATE DATABASE `jboss` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET latin2 COLLATE latin2_general_ci; I am configured my jdbc:myslq connection to ...
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    last modified by k3nnymusic
  • Can't get forums working on 2.6.1 or on AS 4.2

    I know this is a problem with the Sun RI versus myfaces. Are the developers working on a version that works with AS 4.2?
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    last modified by iamsteveholmes
  • No ClassLoaders found for: org.jboss.portal.faces.el.Delegat

    JBoss AS: 4.0.5 JBoss Portal: 2.6.1 MySQL: 4.2 I get this error after deploying the most current downloaded Forums ear. I will take a look... Thanks Indy
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    last modified by indyjones
  • problem with jboss forum 1.0.0 GA with jboss portal 2.2.2 CR

    hi, I am new to jboss forum.I have downloaded the Jboss portal 2.2.2 CR1 bundled .then i downloded Jboss forum 1.0.0 GA and pleaced jboss-forum.ear file in deploy directory. I am using mysql as database. It is not c...
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    last modified by ooty_ramesh123
  • Permissions per forum

    Hello, I would like to set up permission to moderate particular forum for particular user. I see there is possible to set up permission only by roles, but no ability to set up permission for moderation by user id or s...
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    last modified by andixt
  • Deploying forum on portal 2.6 GA

    Anybody has installed forum over portal 2.6 GA? I have this error on deploy: --- MBEANS THAT ARE THE ROOT CAUSE OF THE PROBLEM --- ObjectName: jboss.web.deployment:war=portal-forums.war,id=-1496252847 State: FAILED...
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    last modified by german.castro
  • Forum 1.0 GA and PostReply Button Visible to Guest Users

    Is there an option I can set in the Forum 1.0 GA release that will make the PostReply button and the NewTopic button visible to a guest user? Danny
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    last modified by thorntond
  • Posting options on new topic ?

    Environment Information ---------------------------------- OS-System: Windows 2000 5.0,x86 Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM 1.5.0_02-b09,Sun Microsystems Inc Release ID: JBoss [Zion] 4.0.5.GA (build: CVSTag=Branch_...
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    last modified by 733nb