• How to hide a bean from other deployments?

    Hi :) I am trying to expose a couple beans (let's call them 'the public beans') in my service to other services via a KernelController (i.e. getInstalledContext(...).getTarget()) by letting the other services to look...
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    last modified by trustin
  • How to convert -service.xml into -jboss-beans.xml ?

    I have the following "classic" MBean definition in messaging-service.xml: <server> <mbean code="org.jboss.jms.server.destination.QueueService" name="jboss.messaging.destination:service=Queue,name=marketin...
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    last modified by juergen.zimmermann
  • Annotations scanning nightmare

    Hi Ales, having currently some performance problems in development environment due to the annotation scanning (multiple different frameworks, components, etc.) I'm wondering if there is any idea (or better ongoing wo...
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    last modified by obrien
  • bean undeployment in server (as5/jboss mc) shutdown

    I have a bean that is injected with the RealTransactionManager from JBoss AS5, and a second bean that is injected with the first one, and when I shutdown the server the RealTransactionManager is removed from the first...
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    last modified by emmartins
  • Lifecycle stop() method and new objects

    Hello, I just noticed an interesting problem with the bean lifecycle method "stop()". It seems that once we are in the stop method the classloader is not available anymore... Currently in my stop method, the code b...
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    last modified by gcompienne
  • Classloading question

    This is probably a dumb question. In a jboss-classloading.xml file, the root "classloading" element has a name and version attribute. Is doing this: <classloading name="blah" version="1.0.0.GA"/> the same as ...
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    last modified by dmlloyd
  • Microcontainer support in Netty

    From Trustin Lee (Netty author): I've just finished a preliminary integration layer for Netty and Microcontainer. I thought about adding various metadata and things like that, but ended up with just providing some si...
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    last modified by alesj
  • PDF version of documentation

    Would it be possible to make available, on the project site, a PDF version of the documentation available at http://www.jboss.org/jbossmc/docs/ for offline users?
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    last modified by jaikiran
  • Problem parsing jboss-beans.xml

    Hi I'm getting parser errors when trying to read jboss-beans.xml DEBUG [main] (KernelFactory.java:86) - Starting JBoss Kernel construction... DEBUG [main] (KernelFactory.java:112) - Completed JBoss Kernel constructi...
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    last modified by ahalley
  • Documentation on implementing Microcontainer services?

    Is there any page in the wiki that describes how to implement a microcontainer service? Right now there are a few pages but all they seem to have are UML diagrams on the various classes that would be involved. A "Im...
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    last modified by stuart_wildcat
  • Hiding a bean from the rest of the world

    I'd like to set up my BeanMetaData so that I can deploy a bean as a part of another deployment without it being visible to other deployments. The use case in this case is that I want the publicly available bean to im...
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    last modified by dmlloyd
  • Problems with examples

    Hi I downl;oaded the latest examples on 10-Dec-2008 and can't seem to get commandLineClient to run. It appears as if the deployer is not being initialised in EmbeddedBootstrap. Any help would be gratefully appreciat...
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    last modified by ahalley
  • Google reference not found

    Hi alesj; Yesterday I downloaded the DZone_1_0 example code and built it then moved the jboss-demos-classloading.jar, jboss-demos-ioc.jar into the sandbox directory and everything deployed. Then I put the jboss-demos...
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    last modified by garymarsh
  • Kernel/KernelController reference under JBossAS

    Hi, as the Microcontainer is not singleton by its design, what is the recommended way how to retrieve reference of Kernel (or KernelContext) running within JBossAS? What functionality is AS adding on top of Microcont...
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    last modified by obrien
  • Parsing Error run DZone_1_0 demos

    Hi I just downloaded the latest DZone_1_0 demos branch and got the following error when attempting to run JMXMain : org.jboss.xb.binding.JBossXBException: Failed to parse source: file:/C:/JBoss/DZone_1_0/branches/DZ...
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    last modified by garymarsh
  • Microcontainer articles @ DZone

    A series of articles discussing various Microcontainer's aspects. #1 - Component Models - http://java.dzone.com/articles/a-look-inside-jboss-microconta
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    last modified by alesj
  • Define dependency for ValueMetaData?

    I've got a ValueMetaData upon which I need to define a dependency before getValue() may be called. Possible? This is so that the target value is available before I inject via an annotation plugin. S, ALR
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    last modified by alrubinger
  • RuntimeError in JMX Demo

    I decided to build and run the actual jmx Demo code I downloaded from the DZone_1_0 area and I ran into this runtime error : Deployed URL: file:/C:/NichPro/MCJMXDemo/META-INF/varia-deployers-beans.xml java.lang.Ille...
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    last modified by garymarsh
  • Does the Microcontainer register MBeans that it deploys with

    I am using the DZone_1_0 demo's JMXMain.java, Main.java, JMXKernel.java, JBossJMXKernel.java along with HDScanner.java and MainDeployerHelper.java to deploy my own MBeans. I am using aop injection to pass the JMXKerne...
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    last modified by garymarsh
  • DeploymentUnitRegistry: exists?

    Is there an equivalent of a DeploymentUnitRegistry? For instance: Collection<DeploymentUnit> deploymentUnits = DeploymentUnitRegistry.getAllDeploymentUnits(); S, ALR
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    last modified by alrubinger