• New resource adapter deployers (JCA)

    I'm currently looking into implementing the new resource adapter deployers for JCA 1.6 (JBJCA-35). The chain must be able to handle the following 1) ra.xml 2) jboss-ra.xml 3) JCA 1.6 annotated classes from within a...
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    last modified by jesper.pedersen
  • directly injecting a bean in a property

    Following the docs here: http://www.jboss.org/file-access/default/members/jbossmc/freezone/docs/2.0.x/userGuide/ch11s03.html I attempted to replace this xml: <bean name="Muppet" class="org.apache.qpid.agent.M...
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    last modified by bryan.kearney
  • How to install a bean without affecting unrelated bean's sta

    Consider this case: 1) You have a MC bean (named Bean1). 2) Bean1 during its START phase (through the start() operation) wants to "install" another MC bean lets say Bean2 (which is of a completely different "type"). ...
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    last modified by jaikiran
  • Programatically create a Inject fromContext

    What is the API to create an @Inject which is equivalent to this: public class MyBean { @Inject (dependentState="DESCRIBED", fromContext = FromContext.CONTEXT) KernelControllerContext context; ... } I was able to...
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    last modified by jaikiran
  • Deployers and service dependencies

    A custom deployer (stage=REAL) depends on the TransactionManager. I tried the MC 'depends' clause, however when the undeployment kicks in the dependency is not satisfied anymore. What would be the proper way to set i...
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    last modified by heiko.braun
  • Zip deployers and deployment aliases

    I have a directory that I deploy on JBoss AS5 that contains various different deployables (mostly sars and wars). We use an alias file in a sar for dependency management. Everything works fine when the directory is d...
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    last modified by mwringe
  • Ordering a deployer which needs multiple inputs

    If i have n number of deployers in a chain, is there a specific order these deployers follow while deploying an unit? Right now, i have the following scenario: public class FirstDeployer extends AbstractDeployer { ...
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    last modified by jaikiran
  • Query on MicrocontainerTest

    Hey Guys, I am writing unit test for my application extending MicrocontainerTest. public class EventFactoryTest extends MicrocontainerTest { public EventFactoryTest(String name) { super(name); } public void ...
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    last modified by amit.bhayani
  • Making the classloader of one deployment the delegate of ano

    Hi, I am currently trying to integrate an Execution Environment for BDI Agents into Jboss. I have a problem making classreloading work properly. I am deploying a ExecutionEnvironment using a jboss-beans.xml. The Age...
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    last modified by bastib
  • Attachments eligible for being passed to the deployers?

    If one of the deployers adds a attachment to an unit that is being deployed, will that attachment then be passed on to the list of available deployers for being processed? Ex: public class MyDeployer extends Abstra...
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    last modified by jaikiran
  • JBossTransactionServices and WebBeans

    Moving this to forum. "david.allen" wrote: how to best inject the RealTransactionManager bean into one of our beans. I modified webbeans-ejb-jboss-beans.xml to also have the following bean declaration: <beanf...
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    last modified by alesj
  • What is the correct time to invoke the getProperties on a Be

    I am trying to dynamically create and deploy an MC bean as follows: // My MC bean public class MyBean { // the attributes especially the bean name will be dynamically modified @Inject private MyOtherBean otherBe...
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    last modified by jaikiran
  • start() and stop() methods in a MC bean

    I have a simple MC bean with a method named start and annotated with @InstallMethod: public class MyBean { @InstallMethod public void start() throws Exception { // do something } @UnInstallMethod public voi...
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    last modified by jaikiran
  • Howto inject beans into a collection

    Hi all, I just started looking at the Microcontainer and wonder how I should inject beans into a collection (List) that is a property to another bean? I can't find any examples how this should be done (if possible)....
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    last modified by welle
  • Accessing EJB's with custom annotations.

    I dont know if this is an EJB or a Microcontainer question, but I will post it here. I am working with JBoss 5.0 GA. I would like to be able to annotate my session beans with a custom annotation (say @BK) and be able ...
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  • Setting up JBossMC_2.0 for Eclipse

    I am having a hard time figuring out setting up the microcontainer SVN source project in Eclipse. I am using the microcontainer for research purposes and would appreciate any help with setting up an eclipse project fo...
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    last modified by segfault
  • Possible bug in jboss-cl dep resolution

    I'm deploying a couple of JARs in the "all" profile of a jbossas built from the 5.1 branch and getting a weird problem. I was originally getting that NPE bug, so I updated jboss-cl to a 2.0.3-SNAPSHOT I built from svn...
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    last modified by dmlloyd
  • Deployment unit aware annotations

    I need to have deployment unit aware injection / annotations, so stuff like: @PersistenceUnit public void setEntityManagerFactory(EntityManagerFactory emf) { this.emf = emf; } works within a MC bean while obeying...
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    last modified by wolfc
  • How to add Annotation Plugin?

    I'm currently adding my annotation plugin like: // Add our annotation plugin BeanAnnotationAdapter beanAnnotationAdapter = BeanAnnotationAdapterFactory.getInstance() .getBeanAnnotationAdapter(); AbstractBeanAnnot...
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    last modified by alrubinger
  • annotation plugin - mismatch

    Hi, I'm trying to solve this problem for last two days. Following example in BeanContainerInjectionTestCase.xml and the ALR's example at http://is.gd/cV5p I want to add my custom annotation plugin. In spite of all th...
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    last modified by obrien