Strange classloading behavior -- thread stuckWhen testing mod_cluster, Bela's reported a couple different occurences where a thread appears to be unable to make progress inside some jboss-cl code. The thread is bringing messages up from the cluster which has the...
Chasing illegal URLWith the latest VFS (2.2.0-SNAPSHOT) I'm getting this exception when hitting Seam Booking app (although it deployes and eventually renders fine):
17:36:00,921 ERROR [compiler] Error Loading Library: vfszip:/C:/proj...
Security Deployer assuming VFSDeploymentUnitThomas has raised a JIRA issue I am opening this thread to see if I can get some second opinion from Ales, Adrian and Scott on this.
Finding RealClassLoader in ServiceDeployerThere was this fix mentioned here: - I have a patch ready:
Index: system-jmx/src/main/org/jboss/system/deployers/ServiceDeployer.jav...
Using temp at undeployWRT: - Moving Norman's post here: "Norman Richards" wrote: Do you have a complete example of a jboss-structure.xml that works? Whenever I tried to create one, the onl...
Sub-Profiles ProfileService changesI've committed a initial prototype on sub-profiles in AS trunk, based on different comments i could gather on this topic. The most important changes are to the ProfileService and Profile spi itself. Where ProfileServ...
Mapping web resources over VDFWRT: - - How hard would it be to 'move'/impl JBossWeb's TLD l...
JBAS-6061 or weird nested jarSome explanation about If you follow Luc's instructions and download the jar with the driver, you'll see a weird structure inside. sqljdbc.jar - com - META-INF - sqljdbc...
A taster - classloading docsI've finally made a start on writing up the classloading docs. To alleviate some of the boredom of doing this, I decided to a write "A brief history of JBoss ClassLoading" :-)
Towards new http invoker based on RemotingHello everyone, Re: I've started work on this JIRA on trunk and I wanted to briefly explain what I'm planning to do a and I'd like to get an answer to a couple of questio...
VFS cache impl changeI would suggest we use LRU vfs cache by default instead of timed cache: - Perhaps a max size of 10 is just fine, as we currently alrea...
Thread Loss of ability by ProfileService to connect to its persiste
Loss of ability by ProfileService to connect to its persisteAn issue I remember seeing in a 4.x support case was a lost connection to an NFS share where deploy/ was located led to the undeploy of all content from the server. Does the ProfileService have any logic to defend aga...
Thread Deploying Ears and Wars through ProfileService
Deploying Ears and Wars through ProfileServiceWe need a way to 1) List deployed apps (ears/wars), 2) Deploy apps (ears/wars), 3) Undeploy apps(ears/wars), 4) Get the availability status of the deployed app through the ProfileService. For deploying apps, we nee...
Use of jboss-reflect projectAdrian's rant is here for all projects to look at if they are using any kind of reflection to get to class info, methods etc. --------------------------- I'm very tempted not to respond to this thread since there's n...
content of jboss-javaee.jarRE: jboss-javaee.jar needs to be updated to resolve the inconsistency of classes contained in it for Java Persistence and Java Servlet APIs with those contained in ejb30-pe...
Thread JBAS-6297, mbean service optional injection
JBAS-6297, mbean service optional injectionI'm not understanding the current mc optional dependency implementation. I expected that I could simply leverage an optional notion from AbstractDependencyItem to update the ServiceInjectionValueMetaData.visit method ...
JBAS-6286, properties management view, we should have management views for system properties. There are 3 levels of properties (at least): - jvm properties that have to be passed to the jvm launcher - system p...
Thread Why do Topic/Queue descriptors need extra metadata in order
Why do Topic/Queue descriptors need extra metadata in orderLooking at our example queues... I see they contain the following piece of metadata: <annotation>
Missing org.jnp.server.NamingServer_StubWe've introduced reverse compatibility tests (AS5 client accessing 4.2.x server) and one of the problems I'm seeing is the client AS5 side missing the org.jnp.server.NamingServer_Stub class. It seem after jboss-namin...