• Problem with JBoss Messaging Queue

    I am using JBoss 4.2.3.GA, and am using JBoss messaging queue in my application. It is giving me the following error:   2012-06-06 16:24:42,227 ERROR -> (main) [org.jboss.messaging.util.ExceptionUtil] Queue[n...
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    last modified by albertnewton
  • Broken Pipe exception when a JMS client reconnected to a durable subscription

    Hi,   When my JMS client reconnected to the durable subscription in JBoss, the server reported this exception   2012-06-05 10:07:37,961 ERROR [WorkerThread#3[]]-[org.jboss.remoting.transp...
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    created by tdinhkim
  • SQL Server 2008, JBM_MSG & Deadlocks

    Hello,   Here is a quick overview of my setup JBoss AS 5.0.1 With JBoss Messaging MS SQL Server 2008 XA Datasource   I've been battling this issue for a while now but I can't seem to figure out why a de...
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    last modified by alfredw
  • Stuck messages in jboss 5.1, messaging 1.4.3

    Hello,   I have a problem with queues (not clustered) that does not delivers messages.   I'm using jboss 5.1.0GA and messaging and remoting versions are: jboss.messaging.providerVersion=1.4.3.GA JBossRem...
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    last modified by leonets
  • JNDI Lookup exception while accessing remote queue from local bridge

    Trying to setup bridge between JBoss-5.2 (/production) and JBoss-4.2 (/all). We have jbossmq jar installed on JBoss-5.2 and everything works great when connecting from JBoss-5.2 to JBoss-4.2 on port 1099 for lookup.&#...
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    last modified by krhiggins
  • Problem with retry in JMS using JBOSS 5.0

    Hi,   I have a problem in my application. When a messaged is being processed and before the response in sent if my server is shutdown, then on restart the message is processed again. I find this behaviour unique...
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    last modified by krishna.b
  • Multiple Post Office Configuration

    Hi,   we are currently dealing with Messaging problems in the JBoss 4.3 CP08 container. We realize these issues are well known and that the best move is to upgrade. However, our client (a very large corporation)...
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    created by caleb.powell
  • Consumer JMS in JBoss 7.1.1-Final

    I am using JBoss 7.1.1-Final with JMS.   When sending messages to the queue, all right.   But when I try to consume the messages, using the MessageListener Interface, the method onMessage() is not being ...
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    last modified by romarcio
  • Is it possible to have flat file storage in JBoss messaging instead of any database? If yes, How can I configure it?

    Hi,   Is it possible to have flat file storage in JBoss messaging instead of any database? If yes, How can I configure it? Can you pl provide any sample or example?
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    created by tejas3008
  • EJBException: Failed to acquire the pool semaphore

    Hi Guys,   I see that this problem's come up a few times in the past but our scenario is different so I'll raise it again. We're using ActiveMQ in JBoss 6 and are seeing intermittent errors dispatching messages ...
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    last modified by stannous
  • Does JBoss-Messaging have an implementation of an HTTPConnectionFactory.?

    We have a standalone client which is a message consumer on the queue configured in jboss 5.1.2 . In earlier version we used HTTPServerILService mbean with jbossmq . C:\jboss-4.2.2.GA\server\default\deploy\jms\jbossmq...
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    last modified by aartir
  • List all messages in a clustered Queue

    We are running JBoss EAP 5.0 in a clustered environment, containing clustered queues. We need a list of all messages currently queued for two reasons: 1. The customer wants a screen in the application where administr...
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    created by lbilger
  • Configuration of HornetQ-Paging in JBoss6.1.0.Final

    In order to send and receive large messages, we would like to use the paging feature of HornetQ. However, after changing the address-full-policy to PAGE  in hornetq-configurations.xml (see below)    &...
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    created by ukriegel
  • JMS Client program is not able to receive messages from the queue

    I have a jms client program and an MDB. The client program is not able to receive message from the queue. But I am able to see the messages in the MDB's system.out log. Can anyone help me please? Thanks in advance. &...
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    created by chithu21
  • JBoss MQ in Autosys

    Hi All,   I am ware that JBoss MQ support is provided in Autosys. (CA Workload Automation version r11.3). Is there any documentation around it? If yes please redirect to it.   Also, Is it possible to host...
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    created by manisha26
  • JBoss messaing 1.4.x - Failover in cluster with a vast number of messages in queues

    Hi We have cluster of 2 nodes, and observe huge delay when jms starts, particularly when we have the great number of messages e.g. 100 000 000 in queues. After crash in table JBM_MSG_REF remain all informations abo...
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    created by acure
  • JBM clients hangs when creating connections/sessions

    Hello guys   We're facing a problem with JMS remote clients hanging like forever when trying to  create connections/sessions on a JBoss Messaging 1.4.5.SP1 on JBoss 4.2.3 GA   The setup is the followi...
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    last modified by danezu
  • Connecting EJB2 MDB to WebSphere MQ Queue

    I'm trying to deploy an EJB2 MDB that processes messages from a WebSphere MQ queue. I found this documentation: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/websphere/library/techarticles/0710_ritchie/0710_ritchie.html. I would ...
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    created by mrrothstein
  • Prevent concurrent performing of the similar messages

    Hello,   I'm using JBoss Messaging in version 1.4.x. I work in clustered environment. I have some number MDBs consuming messages from queue. This messages provide data to perform some operation on database. Unfo...
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    created by fregg
  • I am getting the exception "java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Destination not specified" in the MDB

    I am getting the exception "java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Destination not specified" in the MDB. The MDB is set to send a reply as and when a message arrives. I am sending 5 messages from he client program....
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    created by chithu21