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Thread idea-HTTP/3Tomcat connector
idea-HTTP/3Tomcat connectorDear sir, I am a student of B.tech in Computer Science. I would like to participate in Gsoc 2020. For Gsoc 2020, I like to choose the project idea-HTTP/3Tomcat connector. The mentor of the project is MR. George Zaro...
MDB start and stop in jboss 5.2We have JBoss 5 integrated with TIBCO Queue and MDB queue listener and its working as expected more over calling stop() and then start() methods in the JBoss JMX console is working fine. Now we replaced TIBCO with Act...
JBoss5.1 JTA TransactionInProgressWe are trying to deploy EAR from WebSphere to JBoss5.1 Getting following exception during call to session bean. 2019-06-27 04:52:58,920 DEBUG [com.arjuna.ats.jta.logging.logger] (TRADE_SU...
Delay in Consuming messages from JMS topicThere are intermittent delays in consuming messages from jms topic. We have used a DurableTopic and MDB to consume messages. Any idea or suggestion would be helpful?
Thread Alternative JMS message is not getting posted in the Queue
Alternative JMS message is not getting posted in the QueueIn a custom application we have created a Queue and tried to post messages to test the configuration. Surprisingly it is observed that that every alternative message is not getting posted in the Queue when inq...
MDB consumes WebLogic QueueI have to consumes messages from WebLogic 12c queue in EAP 6.4. I have working standalone client: Hashtable<String, String> env = new Hashtable<>(); env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, WLS_ADDRESS...
Thread Publish messages to remote JMS provider in transaction
Publish messages to remote JMS provider in transactionI have the following code which sends messages to a remote jms provider(Tibco) in this case, I am looking for a solution to put the sending code into a Bean managed transaction or the usertransaction, but not sure how...
Thread Is Dynamic Server discovery possible with static tcp connectors.
Is Dynamic Server discovery possible with static tcp connectors.Hi, Please bear with me ...this may be a little off topic. Have deployed hornetq HA (2 co-located, shared nothing, live-backup pairs) on EAP 6.4 using docker images on kubernetes cluster (minikube). I am usin...
Thread Problem with Generic JMS Resource Adapter with Tibco Provider
Problem with Generic JMS Resource Adapter with Tibco ProviderHi, I have a jboss eap 7 installation in domain mode, I need to connect to Tibco jms provider, but I have a problem with installation jms Resource adapter module. I made the follow step to configure the...
Exadata and JbossHello we are moving to wildfly the new jbos version and our database is moving to exadata. will there be any issue connectiong to exadata database. please let me know ... if this is not the right pla...
JBM TablesHello New to Jboss. I know jbm tables are created when you start jboss app servers. and Jboss is used for messaging. question, do we need to drop JBM tables everytime we reboot the servers? ...
Thread activation of ironjacamar connection validation
activation of ironjacamar connection validationOn wildfly-10.1.0.Final, using a pooled connection factory with xa and in-vm connector, we are facing some hangs on a big production server heavily relying on JMS ; exactly like it is described in hanging on HornetQRA...
Thread JBoss JMS standalone GUI tool for beginners showing queues and messages
JBoss JMS standalone GUI tool for beginners showing queues and messagesWhen we (InterCommit.nl) started using JBoss Messaging, we needed a simple standalone tool providing an overview (via a GUI) of the queues and the number of messages on/through those queues. This information is availa...
Prevent JMS prefetching of messagesI'm using JMS queues which are defined within JBoss, and have consumers in Apache Tomcat that are accessing the queues using the Spring DefaultMessageListenerContainer with a cachedConnectionFactory. This is w...
Thread SOAPMessageContext vs SOAPMessageContextImpl
SOAPMessageContext vs SOAPMessageContextImplHello All, I am currently trying to move an application from IBM WAS server to JBoss server. One of them problem I am having is below code. private class ServiceHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMes...