• clustered-standalone example

    I'm trying to run clustered-standalone example with the aim of automating it. I had to tweak run.sh and jbm-configuration.xml to run the 3 cluster nodes without requiring to edit the files. In run.sh, I commented th...
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    created by jmesnil
  • Configuration files on Management tests..

    There were a few tests failing on Management (what was also causing a cascade failure because of server not being stopped). The deployers were not finding jms-users and jbm-configuration on that test. Because of that...
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    last modified by clebert.suconic
  • JBM 2.0 release checklist

    I gave up trying to create and link a wiki page for this, so here it is: 1) Check version numbers are correct 2) Check and update README 3) Check docs are correct 4) Run full test suite 5) Run all examples 6) Tag rel...
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    last modified by timfox
  • A possible leak in management and failover tests

    I have found a few leaks already on the code. Nothing that stops production...but affects the testsuite because of stop/start the servers. (stress tests are affect by those) I have added -XX:+PrintClassHistogram to t...
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    last modified by clebert.suconic
  • Data and logs directory created in bin when running from dis

    When I run the standalone server from the distro, i.e. cd bin ./run.sh the data and logs directories are created inside the bin directory, this doesn't seem right to me, they should be created from the root directory
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    last modified by timfox
  • cluster.management role used in clusters

    Now that https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBMESSAGING-1629 is implemented, the SecurityStore does not bypass anymore the permission check for the clustered user. This means that *every address which can be clustere...
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    created by jmesnil
  • Multi-threaded replication

    Currently replication between live and backup node is done on a single thread. The operation is replicated, executed on backup, and when the result is returned to live, it is executed on live before the result is retu...
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    last modified by timfox
  • Journal pauses when creating new files

    One thing I noticed when doing perf tests. If you set journal min files to a high value, then fine. However if it's not high enough and you send enough data then eventually it will run out of files and will create n...
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    last modified by timfox
  • Unused branches

    Guys (mainly Clebert and Howard), there are several old branches here: http://anonsvn.jboss.org/repos/messaging/branches/ That were created by you guys. If you don't need them any more, please say and I will delete ...
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    last modified by timfox
  • jms examples in 2.0 Beta1

    Hi, I just build a distro from trunk and tried the jms examples in it. I found the following issues: The following have failures client-kickoff embedded symmetric-cluster The perf example has no readme.html, and a...
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    last modified by gaohoward
  • Ready to release beta

    The test suite is green, performance is looking great, docs are finished so I think we're all set to release beta first thing on Monday morning :)
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    last modified by timfox
  • Measuring server performance

    I added a couple of undocumented features to the server that are useful in getting readings of server performance, they just need to be added in jbm-configuration.xml: log-journal-write-rate true/false - if true then...
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    created by timfox
  • Sending NonTransactional Messages with journal-sync-non-tran

    I and Tim were running runServer/perfSender with journal-sync-non-transactional = true. And we were having timeouts when doing it. This is what I found about the test we were doing: - it doesn't make sense to set ...
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    last modified by clebert.suconic
  • jms.ConnectionTest::testConnectionListenerBug aways fail

    Other tests will also fail after that one as some port will stay opened. It doesn't matter if it is JDK 1.5 or 1.6
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    created by clebert.suconic
  • nanoSleep

    I'm writing a native call to nanoSleep. As we have talked over IRC, I'm measuring the precision, and the weight of JNI calls. I have made a bunch of tests: My conclusion is that it is close enough for 20K. Follow...
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    last modified by clebert.suconic
  • AIO documentation

      The size of the timed buffer on AIO. The default value is 128MiB. Really? ;) Also, there's not mention on tuning the timeout or buffer size, and there's no explanation on what any of these things do :( A...
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    last modified by timfox
  • SessionFactories being garbage collected

    I've noticed a *lot* of this, especially in the client integration tests: protected void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); ... ClientSessionFactory sf = new ClientSessionFactoryImpl(new TransportConfig...
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    created by timfox
  • CoreClientOverHTTPTest is commented out

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    last modified by timfox
  • Excluded JMS Tests

    Why are the following excluded: ? <exclude name="**/jms/XARecoveryTest.class"/> <exclude name="**/jms/XAResourceRecoveryTest.class"/> <exclude name="**/jms/XATest.class"/>
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    created by timfox
  • PagingFailoverTest

    ::testMultiThreadFailoverOnConsume seems to take a very long time to run compared to the other tests in that class... perhaps there is something wrong with the test.
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    last modified by timfox