JGroups/JBoss Cache backed PersistenceManager?Is it feasible to write a org.jboss.messaging.core.contract.PersistenceManager implementation that is backed by JGroups or JBoss Cache? I ask because I need a JMS solution that ensures failover of persistent messages...
FilterParser.jjI am just reading the new JMS server source code, inside eclipse org.jboss.messaging.core.filter.impl.FilterImpl.java references the FilterParse.jj which is not a java file (well strickly speaking) thus it does not ...
Thread Fail to get a remote JMS Session due to NullPointerException
Fail to get a remote JMS Session due to NullPointerExceptionHi all My JMS client application running on JBoss 4.2.3 fails to create a JMS Session on startup due to a NullpointerException. Threads mentioned below already discuss the issue, but even when trying to change the sc...
JBM 1.4.4 dynamic port/firewall issueHi All I'm trying to access a JBM 1.4.4. environment deployed on JBoss 4.2.3 from a remote JBoss 4.2.3 server (client). The messaging client server is behind a firewall. We've opened following ports on the firewall:...
XA resource and setting the timeoutCurrently in JBM 2 we don't support setting the timeout on an XA Session. Since neither the JTA or XA specs define what a 'timeout' means we need to decide what the semantics of a timeout are with regard to an XA Sess...
Compatibility with JGroups 2.8Hi, One of the things I'd like to do for the upcoming AS 5.2 is move to JGroups 2.8. The big impediment to that has been that a number of projects (AS, JBC, JBM) have some code that casts JGroups Address objects from...
JBoss tests with new HSQLDB versionHSQLDB 1.9 is nearing GA release. This version improves in all areas, including transaction isolation, SQL and JDBC support. But most important for JBoss usage: * improved reliability with large numbers of large siz...
ignores on tests...IMO we should ban using using things like this: <exclude name="**/jms/tests/XAResourceRecoveryTest.class"/>
<exclude name="**/jms/tests/XATest.class"/>
<exclude name="**/jms/tests/stress/**"/>
Memory on test suiteI added the old memory manager component back in the code, it logs out how much free memory is left every few seconds. When running the full test suite, most of the time free memory is on about 83% but later on it go...
Thread QueueControlTest.testListScheduledMessagesAsJSON failure on
QueueControlTest.testListScheduledMessagesAsJSON failure onThis is the only test failing in http://hudson.qa.jboss.com/hudson/job/JBM2-tests-clone/99/ The test is not deterministic, there is a Thread.sleep(delay) while the message is sent with a schedule of delay. The sleep ...
Bridge LeakingAs I suspected, BridgeImpl is leaking. If we can fix this we would speed up the testsuite. This is easily replicated with MessageRedistributionTest::testRedistributionWhenConsumerIsClosed. (Probably with the others ...
Wrapped JNDI ServerIn the JMS tests we're now using a small wrapper around the org.jnp.server.Main class which introduces a small delay on stop(). This is because there appears to be a bug in the class which means if you start() it aga...
Logs overwritten in full test runWhen I do a ant dev-tests or ant hudson-tests. It seems that different subtargets delete the log files from the previous target - this makes it difficult to track down issues after a full run. Can the logging be con...
Testsuite updates...I just wanted to give you guys an update about my recent work on the testsuite.. You guys are a few hours ahead of me.. so an update would probably be a good thing now. I - I profiled the testsuite, and I added some...
Ping issues under stressI managed to get ping issues and clients stuck doing a soak test on our messaging Labs. Setup: 1 server (messaging-01) with 1 JMS topic 10 producers + 17 non-durable subscribers (splitted on 7 machines) server confi...
Reaper Thread Leaking...I am now running NettyFileStorageSymmetricClusterWithBackupTest, and it seems that the ReaperThread is leaking. I am investigating it. I made this post just as a FYI, as this may be related to other failures on the ...