• Blueprint not loading bundle's beans on EAP 6.1

    Ok. I'm sorry to write about this but I'm on a deadlock here. I have been searching here and through Google but with no success.   Using Aries Blueprint is pretty straightforward, but for some unknow(to me) rea...
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    last modified by guilhermeramos
  • what is JBOSGI011283: Revision content already closed?

    For a specific bundle, I've started to see this on deploy:   10:51:46,955 SEVERE [org.eclipse.gemini.blueprint.extender.internal.blueprint.activator.BlueprintLoaderListener] (EclipseGeminiBlueprintExtenderThread...
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    last modified by jrantav
  • How to set start level when installing a bundle

    Currently, when installing a bundle through admin console -> manage deployments -> add content, dialog doesn't seem to let you set a start level of the bundle. Also, the deployment element in the configuration ...
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    last modified by jrantav
  • loasing external OSGi bundles during startup

    When I am trying to deploy the OSgi Bundle it is failing to deploy as it is dependent on few other external OSI bundles. Can someone route me where should i include and what configuration files to be modified to incld...
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    last modified by kalyana
  • Gemini Blueprint Module/capability in jboss

    Hi,   I added in jboss the following capabilities:     capability name="personal.org.eclipse.gemini-blueprint.core" startlevel="1"/ capability name="personal.org.eclipse.gemini-blueprint.extender" star...
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    created by alexmuntean
  • Loading multiple dependencies

    I am curious, What is the best way to load multiple 3rd Party dependencies into JBoss OSGI? As an example, if I wanted to load in Apache Camel, I could load each library in as a deployed bundle, one at a time. Or as a...
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    created by g8torpaul
  • java.lang.ClassCastException: com.example.time.local.service.LocalTimeService cannot be cast to com.example.time.service.TimeService

    Hi all,    I want to call the osgi bundle's service in servlet which is in non-bundle webapp, i catch the exception:           java.lang.ClassCastException: c...
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    created by hongweichen
  • Is it possiable to integrate a traditional webapp with JBoss OSGi to become a hybrid webapp?

    Hi         We just have a traditional web application  (already provide basic modules like access control,cron job) that deployed on JBoss AS. and it is consisted by many class...
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    created by li55_99
  • Batch deployment of bundles

    Aaron says   I think I am still seeing this issue because I am deploying a large amount of bundles and the deployment scanner is executing halfway through my # cp *.jar deployments/ command so it only sees half t...
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    last modified by thomas.diesler
  • How to get the bundlecontext in servlet which is in webapp

    Hi all,   I want to get the bundlecontext in servlet which is in webapp,    my code is:       public class HelloWorldServlet extends HttpServlet {        ...
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    last modified by hongweichen
  • Exposing OSGi bundles as Web Services return no existing context in JBoss 7.1.1 --- It works under my Eclipse 4.2 Juno.

    Hi, i am learning JBoss 7.1.1 OSGi Bundle mechanism. I have created two very basic example bundles: a HelloWorldService and a HelloWorld which makes requests to HelloWorldService. Everything is ok when the bundles are...
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    last modified by yukhanan
  • How to get the BundleContext inside Web Application?

    Hi,   I wan to access a OSGI Bundle from a Web Application (a resteasy service). For this I tried the approch mentioned by Thomas Diesler in his webnair - Invoking OSGI service from a web app.   I used a...
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    last modified by nikhil_joshi
  • OSGi bundle that is JAX-WS client? (ClassNotFoundException: javax.xml.ws.Service)

    Hi,   I am trying to deploy a bundle that uses the JAX-WS API to make calls to a web service. The JAX-WS API (and probably implementation?) are not on the classpath. Which capabilities should I express in standa...
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    last modified by dawid.loubser
  • JPA Service in JBoss OSGi?

    I'm a little confused by https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/JBOSGI/Introduction - I mistook this for a JBoss OSGi feature list at first reading, but it really only seems to be an overview of the OSGi specs.   ...
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    last modified by hwellmann.de
  • How to make dependency on osgi bundle from war file

    There is little documentation on osgi integration with servlets. I have not found any working example. Can you help me. How to make dependency on osgi bundle from war file. I need to use classes that are in osgi bun...
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    last modified by adamsus
  • Jboss Bundle start order and Bundle start issues

    I am trying to deploy some OSGI bundles  which use blueprint xml in Jboss EAP 6 and i am facing issues with bundles start order and bundles starting.   I have 3 osgi bundles blueprint-api.jar , blueprint-se...
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    last modified by joshna_r
  • Are OSGi services, import-packages, export-packages available anywhere

    Felix web console provides visibility to registered OSGi services as well as extended bundle information including import-packages, export-packages etc.   Since Thomas commented that using it is deprecated, is t...
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    last modified by jrantav
  • Equivalent of Jetty-WarFolderPath in 6.1.0 Alpha

    Is there an equivalent manifest header to Jetty-WarFolderPath in 6.1.0 Alpha?
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    last modified by bnevis
  • OSGi-JPA AS7 how to switch off OSGi for a JAR?

    AS 7.1.1.Final (would use EAP 6.1 but some research indicates useful stuff is missing,   JBoss Tooling, connector doesn't know about modules/systems/layers/base/** change, and maybe other matters,   snowdr...
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    last modified by dlmiles
  • JBoss implementaion of OSGi

    Hello, Does JBoss have its own OSGi implementation or does it use a 3rd party framework (e.g. Felix, Equinox, KF) ?   Thanks
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