• WAR+OSGi   or   WAB

    Hi   what would be the recommended aproach with JBoss EAP 6.1.0.Alpha1 (AS 7.2.0.Alpha1-redhat-4)  --- WAR + OSGi  or WAB   Is WAB still supported by Pax-Web or is the JBossWeb based implementati...
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  • CXF DOSGi 1.4

    Hi, I've been working for few days to get CXF D-OSGi 1.4 working on my JBoss 7.1.1.Final and I finally managed to get it working. To some extent.   I have attached my OSGi subsystem configuration for referen...
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  • Class.forName() in an osgi library jar - ModuleClassLoader throws ClassNotFound

    I have spring libraries installed as osgi modules. Spring-security is started up with giving a strategy class name in the initializer, and then it uses Class.forName() to load that, like:   private static void i...
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    last modified by jrantav
  • Is anybody actually using OSGi/JBoss (any version) in a real world project?

    Hi all,   now I'm getting really curious. As nobody has responded to my question if anybody is using OSGi/JBoss 7.2.0 (https://community.jboss.org/thread/220441) I've changed the subject a bit:   Is anybod...
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    last modified by ralfoeldi
  • How to debug indirect OSGi dependencies? (AS7.2.0.alpha)

    Trying to deploy my app, I get   [standalone@localhost:9999 /] deploy my-app.war {"JBAS014653: Composite operation failed and was rolled back. Steps that failed: " => {"Operation step-2" => {"JBAS014879:...
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    last modified by jrantav
  • AS7 provides initial runtime support for Karaf based products

    Folks,   as of today AS7 provides initial runtime support for Karaf based products. If you have a clean AS7 build you can do   > cd build-modular > mvn -Dmodular=karaf clean install   in separat...
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  • BundleContext injection in J2EE servlet broken?

    I've been trying to deploy a J2EE compliant war containing 1 simple test servlet to jboss for 2 days and I'm afraid I simply don't get it and would appreciate some help/input.   17:13:33,397 INFO  [org.jbos...
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    last modified by cooperjk
  • Is anybody actually using OSGi/JBoss 7.2.0 in a real world project?

    Hi all,   I'm just curious because I am ditching JBoss and OSGi at this moment and I'm not sure if it's my fault or JBoss'   Is anybody out there actually using JBoss/OSGi in a real world project with - ...
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  • Capabilities bundles with different startlevel are installed at same time

    All capabilities are first installled and  and then started in the order of their starting level. This could cause trouble if during the bundle installation services of a bundle are needed with a smaller startle...
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    last modified by dastraub
  • Allow Maven URLs to be configured to resolve external bundles

    I have a general question for this community:   Currently, JBoss OSGi allows to provide a Maven URI in standalone.xml or  domain.xml for a bunle which will then be resolved by the deployer according to the f...
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  • Karaf integration removes JBoss JAAS configuration

    If we use karaf/servicemix as described in various threads, we note that login-module definitions from standalone.xml were removed from the JAAS configuration. That means, the karaf login works but not the login for ...
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  • ConcurrentModificationException during capabilities startup with blueprints

    During the start of capabilities with blueprint containers occasionally occurs a ConcurrentModificationException :   17:01:26,327 ERROR [org.apache.aries.blueprint.container.BlueprintContainerImpl] (Blueprint Ex...
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  • How can share session among the web bundles in osgi

    As it said in title,anybody has the solution
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  • How to use session replication in domain mode and OSGi?

    Hi,   I want to use JBoss in domain mode and enable clustering so I could get session replication and HA. I was able to setup the domain mode and to use distributed deployment of osgi bundles. However, I have ...
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    last modified by cberger
  • Blueprint is not loading on Jboss 7.1.1.Final

    Greetings,   My current configuration is this (working):           <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:osgi:1.2" activation="eager">      ...
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  • Classloading OSGi / Modules

    Hello together   In our SOA environment we use internal Services they are deployed via OSGi and other ones per CDI in a war (because Switchyard). Now we need a bridge between this two approaches.   I know ...
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  • OSGI Blueprint Issues

    This is my current Architecture   1.    SiApp is an OSGI project which contains two interfaces EchoService and BounceService.   2.    SIExampleService is an OSGI project :: ...
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    created by charlie7
  • JBOSGI Blueprint Class Ref in AS 7.1.3.Final

    Hi,   I was playing around with OSGI and changed one of my osgi api bundle interfaces from an interface to an abstract class.  I believe this may be issue with jbosgi.. but not sure.   In my blueprint...
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  • Accessing EJB classes from an OSGi Bundle

    There are lots of examples showing how to access an OSGi bundle from an ESB, but I am wanting to do the reverse. Specifically, I have a EJB jar, deployed within an EAR in the AS7.1 standalone/deployments folder, and I...
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  • JBoss 7.2.0 ALPHA1 - Acessing OSGi Bundles from EJB/EAR

    Hi all,   In JBoss 7.1.1 Final I had some osgi bundles and an EAR with EJB/JPA Modules working together "nicely" (not really, but it worked.) For various reasons I switched to 7.2.0 ALPHA.   The 7.1.1 Fina...
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