• How to use session replication in domain mode and OSGi?

    Hi,   I want to use JBoss in domain mode and enable clustering so I could get session replication and HA. I was able to setup the domain mode and to use distributed deployment of osgi bundles. However, I have ...
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    last modified by cberger
  • Blueprint is not loading on Jboss 7.1.1.Final

    Greetings,   My current configuration is this (working):           <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:osgi:1.2" activation="eager">      ...
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    last modified by daniel.todt
  • Classloading OSGi / Modules

    Hello together   In our SOA environment we use internal Services they are deployed via OSGi and other ones per CDI in a war (because Switchyard). Now we need a bridge between this two approaches.   I know ...
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    last modified by werrenmi
  • OSGI Blueprint Issues

    This is my current Architecture   1.    SiApp is an OSGI project which contains two interfaces EchoService and BounceService.   2.    SIExampleService is an OSGI project :: ...
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    created by charlie7
  • JBOSGI Blueprint Class Ref in AS 7.1.3.Final

    Hi,   I was playing around with OSGI and changed one of my osgi api bundle interfaces from an interface to an abstract class.  I believe this may be issue with jbosgi.. but not sure.   In my blueprint...
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    last modified by djchapm
  • Accessing EJB classes from an OSGi Bundle

    There are lots of examples showing how to access an OSGi bundle from an ESB, but I am wanting to do the reverse. Specifically, I have a EJB jar, deployed within an EAR in the AS7.1 standalone/deployments folder, and I...
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    last modified by jdoble
  • JBoss 7.2.0 ALPHA1 - Acessing OSGi Bundles from EJB/EAR

    Hi all,   In JBoss 7.1.1 Final I had some osgi bundles and an EAR with EJB/JPA Modules working together "nicely" (not really, but it worked.) For various reasons I switched to 7.2.0 ALPHA.   The 7.1.1 Fina...
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    last modified by ralfoeldi
  • Issue with Felix Webconsole in latest 7.2 SNAPSHOT

    I am seeing a strange behaviour with the Felix Webconsole.   I build the latest snapshot from Github and started it. I initially noticed, that someone must have removed OSGi from the default standalone.xml (grrr...
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    created by ulrichromahn
  • Current master not building?

    All,   It seems like the current master branch does not build.  Is this on purpose? It's failing on a dependency on jboss 7.2.0.Alpha1-SNAPSHOT.  Is there something I can build locally to make it work?...
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    created by meetoblivion
  • Converting WAR to OSGi world: what to do with embedded dependencies

    This relates to JBoss 7.2 snapshot.   I have a war that I need to move to OSGi world to introduce OSGi dependencies,so I've added an OSGi manifest to it.   However the war has also embedded, standard maven...
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    last modified by jrantav
  • OSGi subsystem failure: read-attribute failed. Known defect?(JBoss 7.2 Alpha)

    Time to time, when deploying and undeploying bundles, we start seeing this:   14:06:55,101 ERROR [org.jboss.as.controller.management-operation] (HttpManagementService-threads - 6) JBAS014612: Operation ("read-at...
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    last modified by jrantav
  • Blueprint xml registration of a servlet to HttpService (AS7)

    What should be done to get a servlet within wab bundle registered with blueprint (xml configuration) to httpservice, thus responding to http requests? Or, how should I enable blueprint for a wab bundle?   I hav...
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  • How to undeploy osgi bundle

    If I deploy osgi bundle via adding a new capability via cli the artefact is automatically deployed and started, but if do a remove capability the config is changed as expected but the package is still deployed and run...
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    last modified by graben
  • How to activate bundles at boot time

    I have added a larger number of bundles to the standalone.xml as capabilities in the OSGi subsystem. Those bundles contain a set of services needed for my applications to be deployed onto JBoss AS.   When I star...
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    last modified by ulrichromahn
  • How to add a bundle in two different versions to OSGi in AS7

    In which folders to copy the jars and how to name the capabilities. It seems there is no documentation in the web for that usecase which is normal for OSGi!?   Maybe someone can help.
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    last modified by graben
  • Getting a ClassNotFoundException when starting my bundle

    Hello guys,   I'm getting a ClassNotFoundException when trying to start an OSGI blueprint bundle called "Bundle2" in JBOSS AS7 (jboss-as-7.2.0.Alpha1-SNAPSHOT):   00:21:27,444 DEBUG [org.apache.aries.bluepri...
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    last modified by damiox
  • Unable to start OSGI bundle in Jboss 7.1.3

    I upgraded and build Jboss from Git source tag . When I am trying to deploy OSGI bundles that worked on 7.1.1 I get following error log.   [Server:ha-server-2] 18:04:32,368 INFO  [org.jboss.as.server] (Contr...
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    last modified by manishdevraj
  • What's the difference between class-loading via jboss-modules and jbosgi-resolver-felix?

    Hey guys,   I'm a little bit confused. I learned that JBoss OSGi is built on top of jboss modules & jboss msc. So any OSGi Bundle delpoyed in AS7 is a JBoss module. The jboss-module project is the class load...
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    last modified by cberger
  • CXF  webservice support in JBOSS OSGI

    Does   Jboss 7 OSGI supports   CXF  webservice deployment , i mean does it supports  model/service deployment  as it happens in KARAF  ......
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    last modified by mishra900
  • Migrating osgi bundles running in Karaf  to JBoss 7 as OSGI container

    Hi,   I am very much new to Jboss 7 as OSGI container .. in fact i am a starter  in Jboss 7 AS .  i wanted to migrate  existing Karaf osgi bundles in to Jboss 7 AS . i mean we have some bundles al...
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    last modified by mishra900