• Eager bundle activation

    Hello,   I'm using the 7.2 release of wildfly and I'm trying the deployment of several osgi bundles with an EAR. So, the problem is that all my bundles first_module_use is deferred to PASSIVE. The messages look ...
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    last modified by carrizo.conde
  • Is there a way to create a package of bundles?

    Hi, I'm working with JBoss OSGI and I'm developing several bundles that are deployed in the bundles folder. Some of them have startup levels. My problem is that as the number of bundles grow I'm starting to think that...
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    last modified by anderruiz
  • JBoss OSGi now officially unsupported in EAP

    Just FYI, as I've not seen any bigger announcement about this. From EAP 6.2 release notes:   JBoss OSGi JBoss OSGi, an implementation of the OSGi specification, has been demoted from Technology Preview to Unsup...
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    created by jrantav
  • Status of JBoss OSGi

    Hi Thomas I'm a little bit (dazed and) confused about the status of JBoss OSGi.   Some days ago, in the wiki (https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/JBOSGI/JBossOSGi-2.0.0) you wrote :   "This is the first...
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    last modified by dastraub
  • A little problem with Config Admin on JBoss EAP 6.1

    Hello,   I'm playing with the jboss osgi config admin manager and I think I found a little bug.   When I configure the felix webservice root path as follow :        ...
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    last modified by ffrench.mathilde
  • WAB bundles starting when deployed, but not at startup

    Hello,   I just created an OSGi WAB bundle, which starts and deploys fine when deployed from the jboss-cli, but fails to be registered to the web container at the next wildfly startup.   When I deploy it t...
  • java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory

    Accessing a LDAP server by new InitialDirContext(env)   from an OSGI bundle throws java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory detailMessage: com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory from...
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    created by gunterze
  • null pointer exception while deploying osgi bundle in war format

    Hi, I'm getting null pointer exception while deploying osgi bundle in war format. Any help in this regards are welcome.   [Host Controller] 15:28:49,449 INFO  [org.jboss.as.repository] (management-handler...
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    last modified by vijaydaniel
  • Problem with JBOSS OSGI SubSystem (ConfigAdmin)

    Hi All.   I created an OSGI application that uses the ConfigAdmin subsystem and had no problems with felix. Now I need to make my application available with jboss.   I successfully deployed my application an...
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    last modified by zmdott
  • Reducing JBoss startup time + OSGI + PAX web capability

    Hi, I'm trying to make a simple web application which is OSGI bundle and using PAX web capability as mentioned in the below thread. Getting 404 when hitting OSGi WAB servlet deployed on JBoss AS7 But, I have some c...
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    created by vijaydaniel
  • Getting 404 when hitting OSGi WAB servlet deployed on JBoss AS7

    Hi EveryOne,   I am very new to OSGi.I am doing a POC for my project. I am able to develop normal OSGi bundles,deploy them on JBoss AS 7 platform, consume other bundle's services etc. But when it comes to the we...
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    last modified by thehashcoder
  • Does Aries Blueprint integration in JBoss OSGI 2.1.0 already support OSGi declarative transactions?

    Does Aries Blueprint integration in JBoss OSGI 2.1.0 already support OSGi declarative transactions? If not, is it already at the roadmap of future releases?   Best Regards, gunter
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  • Apache Felix iPojo integration warnings/errors in WildFly 8 Alpha 4

    Hello,   I'm getting some new warnings/errors when integrating iPojo 1.10.1 into WildFly 8 Aplha4.   Snaphshot of the problem :   18:41:15,801 WARN  [org.jboss.osgi.framework] ([iPOJO] pool-6-th...
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    created by ffrench.mathilde
  • Blueprint Container configuration in JBoss OSGi 2.1.0 running in Wildfly 8.0.0 Alpha4

    I'm trying to load a Blueprint bundle in JBoss OSGi 2.1.0 running in Wildfly 8.0.0 Alpha4.  When I deploy the bundle the OSGi manifest seems to be read but the blueprint.xml is not processed.  I'm guessing t...
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    last modified by davenoel
  • OSGI bundle and EJB module in EAR sharing common jars

    I need to place OSGI bundle and EJB module jar in single EAR. All interfaces of EJBs are packed in separate jar and placed to ear/lib folder. From OSGI bundle i need to call EJBs which are in ejb module. So I have t...
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    last modified by didka
  • JBoss OSGi / Wildfly 8.0 Alpha 4 : What is the Level of OSGi /Java EE integration

    What is the current level of integration between OSGi bundles and Java EE in Wildfly 8?  I can't seem to find this information anywhere on the web.   Specifically I want to know if I can create an OSGi bund...
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    last modified by davenoel
  • JBoss OSGi clustering

    Hi,   we are currently investigating the possibilities to run our osgi based web application in a clustered jboss environment. We need session failover/session replication to avoid loosing any web session in cas...
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    last modified by nreojb
  • Fresh 7.1.1 and EAP 6.1 taking 100% cpu usage

    Hi. Well, I am facing a annoying behavior with these versions in my workstation.   Both 7.1.1 and EAP 6.1 with nothing deployed, after a few hours of idle time just take all my CPU. First I think it's was my ...
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    last modified by guilhermeramos
  • Can't update bundle

    Hello,   I can't update bundle on JBoss EAP6.1 I packed my application in EAR and trying to update the small bundle: org.apache.felix.shell.remote. But it causes stopping all bundles in EAR though no one depen...
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    created by suva
  • Best practices

    Hey guys,.   We will soon upgrade Web our application to work with JBoss 7 (runs on JBoss 5 at the moment) and I am also planing use some OSGi features on the way.   I don't want to deploy the Web Applicat...
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    last modified by speleomaniaque