• How to edit Navigation Portlet in Jboss.portal 5.1

    Hello all How we edit Navigation portlet in jboss 5.1. I want navigation menu to left or right side.how can do this? please rply.....
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    created by utkarsh_shinde
  • IPC problem after JBoss Portal Upgrade

    Hi,   I am working on an application where there are various portlets accessed by a menu. The portlets are all at minimized state at start up. A portlet is converted to normal state whenever it is selected from ...
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    created by basardaldal
  • Getting nullpointer exception while doing requestDispatcher.include

    Hi,   I am trying to display a jsp page by using PortletRequestDispatcher.include() method, but i am getting the following exception. Kindly suggest what might be the issue, and solution for the same. I am using...
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    created by febaportal
  • test6

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    last modified by sudarshanacharya
  • test5

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    last modified by sudarshanacharya
  • test4

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    last modified by sudarshanacharya
  • How do I get the window name of a portlet?

    Hi,   I'm trying to get the window name of the different portlets in my portal in doView() in the GenericPortlet (version 2.7.2). In older versions this was possible with the JBossRenderRequest.getPortalNode().g...
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    last modified by kathrinrocketman
  • Unable to start server in jboss portal 5.1

    when I started portal server error arises that repository was not started and repository was not found...in jboss enterprise portal platform 5.1. error is that..     00:49:04,333 ERROR [RepositoryServiceIm...
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    created by utkarsh_shinde
  • Is there a way to know the current portal name?

    I have two portals with name portalA and portalB. One of my portlet is depoyed on both portals, and it needs to know under which portal it's running.     any help is higly appreciated.
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    created by adnanqureshi
  • "Normal Exceptions"

    14:29:05,729 INFO [DefaultLoadEventListener] Error performing load command org.hibernate.ObjectNotFoundException: No row with the given identifier exists: [org.jboss.portal.core.impl.model.portal.ObjectNode#3] Can yo...
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    last modified by swestbom
  • Jconsole with jboss-portal-2.6.5.SP1

    Hi, We are using jboss-portal-2.6.5.SP1 We wanted to use jconsole for remote monitoring our jboss instance. I added following properties for enabling remote monitoring: JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Dcom.sun.management....
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    created by tejaspajai
  • Getting error as : Error creating MBeanProxy: jboss.cache:service=TreeCache

    I am trying to configure JBoss Tree Cache  with JBoss Portal Server. I have followed the steps as given in the jboss documentation to change the following files.   META-INF/jboss-service.xml and hibernate....
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    last modified by ssaitala
  • Need help running Jboss portal 2.7.2 with oracle XE

    Hi,   I downloaded and installed Jboss portal 2.7.2, created a database user with appropriate permission. Changed the hibernate dialect to oracle 10g and database driver to oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver.   How...
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    last modified by anand9722
  • Automated Portal Solution

    Hi,   I am a newbie to JBoss Portals and in general, would like to know if there is an automated solution or wizard that reads in data, in the form of XML descriptors (or) directly from the database and creates ...
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    created by ragpan29
  • Portlet : Rollover text

    Is it possible to have mouse over a link in the portlet and the  linkdisplay text in a hovercard or a yellow tooltip. Are there any limitations with jboss portal?
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    created by ranman17
  • login taking a lot of time - Portal DB

    Hi,   We are using JBoss Portal version 2.6.5SP1 in our comopany. We didn't change the configuration of JBoss Portal that come with a default option of EHCache for the portal DB. I also checked the configuration...
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    last modified by vatoslokos83
  • WSRP Producer URL Rewriting

    Hello,   Does Jboss Portal support WSRP producer URL writing, based on URL templates received from the consumer.   I've gone through the documentation and I can't find anything specific around this or if i...
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    last modified by jcsw78
  • Run Portlet in parallel

    Hi,   As I saw in JBoss Portal documents it seems that the portlets can be run on parallel on the server side. I am using JBoss Portal version 2.6.5SP1 and at the login page I have at least 5 different portlets....
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    created by vatoslokos83
  • Disable log output of RichFaces in JBoss server

    Hi,   How can I disable / minimize log output of RichFaces?   I tried following entry in my jboss-log4j.xml file, but it does not seem to help.   <category name="org.ajax4jsf">   ...
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    created by dwarak_cit
  • Error in "bea" consumer configuration(WSRP)

    Hi friends, I am trying to use demo WSRP consumer hosted by BEA, by entering the WSDL URL: http://wsrp.bea.com:7001/producer/producer?WSDL. But After clicking Refresh & Save it gives me this error java.lang.Runt...
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    last modified by pooja.ambre