• assign id to components in WSRP admin ui

    Chris, Please see https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBPORTAL-2103 for detail. Basically, without consistent id for UI components and row identifier, we will have to do complex XPath queries to verify some assertions.
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    created by prabhat.jha
  • Portal 2.7.0 Beta1 error PermGen Space

    hi when i start the portal 2.7.0 beta 1 everything is fine but when i login as admin and want to click Administrator to get into the Administration menu i get the following stackstrace 2008-09-08 19:04:24,192 DEBUG ...
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    created by bjoernb
  • where to put new jboss cache/hibernate library?

    We normally use library from AS components (server/$CONFIG/lib). Given that the new JBC/Hib integration library is not in AS and EAP and I do not know which future release of AS/EAP will include this, how do we want t...
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    last modified by prabhat.jha
  • how big is portal/portlet session?

    Hello :-) If I add an attribute to Portlet Session as following: PortletSession session = request.getPortletSession(true); Integer data = new Integer(0); session.setAttribute("my_data", data); I then do serializa...
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    last modified by prabhat.jha
  • Tracking discussion for patch 1816: abillity to create profi

    http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBPORTAL-1816 - Presently the user has the ability to register, then after logging in they create a profile. At many places that portal will be used registration and initial profile c...
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    last modified by acoliver
  • Portlet instance Admin

    Hi, I'm trying to implement the admin preferences. Where the admin can change default values for a portlet instance that will be reflected for everyone viewing that page. Allowing administrators to easily tweak valu...
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    created by vishalstudent123
  • portal clustering problem when using optimistic locking

    The problem is described at JBPORTAL-1879 and I have narrowed down it to configuration where this problem can be easily replicated. It only happens when optimistic locking used with REPL_SYNC as cache_mode. <at...
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    last modified by prabhat.jha
  • why PortalObjectImpl.getChild does not use cache?

    In my perf testing, I have found that a call made to PortalObjectImpl.getChild results into connection to database. at org.jboss.resource.adapter.jdbc.WrapperDataSource.getConnection(WrapperDataSource.java:9 0) [JB...
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    last modified by prabhat.jha
  • Permission Issue

    Hi, I have several portals configured within my JBoss Portal instance. If for one of the portals I want to give access to Add/Modify content, but not for the others what can I do. I was thinking that I could use th...
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    created by dsulliva
  • Portlet Instance configuration with nice GUI

    For portlet preferences at instance level, we could use the admin portlet to change the preferences. However, there is no custom GUI available, this creates a huge drawback because the preferences data are of a raw ty...
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    last modified by michaelchan
  • Coordination work

    I worked a bit on the coordination: I started to redo the samples to better reflect the various use cases, for now I have done explicit and implicit, fallback will be redone tomorrow probably I have an initial impl ...
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    last modified by julien1
  • Portlet rendered twice on JBP 2.6.5SP1

    I was debugging my portlets on JBP today and found that my portlets sometimes get rendered twice. The following is the only way to sort of overcome the problem. When I am logged in as admin, the portlets definitely ...
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    last modified by michaelchan
  • Managed portlet mode support

    I have added support for portlet managed modes in the trunk of the portlet container. It is a feature that allow a portlet mode to be managed by the portlet and is equivalent for the portal a the PortletMode.VIEW mod...
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    last modified by julien1
  • CMS Interceptor stack will not be called, when a command wil

    When there is a command execution inside another command (i.e FileGetCommand), the context of the outer side command will be used as the command executer, instead of JCRCMS. but to call the interceptor stack is not i...
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    last modified by wulf.rowek
  • Portlet Container 1.2 changes

    I keep track here of the main refactorings done to the project in order to facilitate its integration in JBoss Portal 2.x project.
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    last modified by julien1
  • JBoss Portlet Container integration into 2.7

    I worked on the integration of the portlet controller, here is the status: - InvokePortletWindowActionCommand and InvokePortletWindowRenderCommand are implemented - the different controller context are implemented b...
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    last modified by julien1
  • exception in HellowIPCportlet

    I downloaded HellowIPCportlet and try to deploy JBOSS portal server 2.4. It throw me an excpetion says getPortalNode is not a method of JBossRenderRequest, which is true ( at least for the version I used). I removed t...
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    last modified by siyangsi
  • JBoss Portal 2.6.3 - 2.6.4 changes

    Can I check somewhere which portal components was updated in 2.6.4 release in comparison with 2.6.3? We did many specific patches in some modules so I have to evaluate can we quickly migrate. Maybe is some summary (a...
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    created by aldvin
  • Does the Portal Container 2.0 support Roll Based Access?

    Does the Portal Container 2.0 support Roll Based Access at a Portlet level?
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    last modified by jksmartt
  • Auditing of Applications on JBoss Portal

    Hi, I want to audit the different applications running on JBoss Portal.Suppose if a user clicks on "Home" tab, I want to know which user has accessed "Home" tab and at what time. Is there any API which I can make us...
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    last modified by yogessr