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Thread Wildfly 10 Erro DataSource DB2
Wildfly 10 Erro DataSource DB2Primeiramente Obrigado!!! Estou tentando implementar o Wildfly 10 porém ao configurar um DataSource para conexão com um Banco DB2 o Seguinte erro abaixo é relatado: "failure-descri...
Jboss 6.0 not releasing connectionI have my grails application running on Jboss 6.0. On load we noticed some connections are getting hung and leaving in active session in data base. Connection management is completely taken care by grails, we are not...
out of memoryHi I installed Jboss profiler 2.0 Beta4 and configured. I started the server and profiler 2.ran the application 3.tried to get the snapshot but once I got the snapshot I could only se...
Thread JBoss Profiler 2.0 Beta5, can it be used on AS7?
JBoss Profiler 2.0 Beta5, can it be used on AS7?Hi, I have downloaded the JBoss Profiler 2.0 Beta5, on reading the user guide PDF, I didnt find any mention of its usage for Jboss 7. Can i still go ahead and use it since i am desperate to find a bug which is...
JBoss Profiler Dead ?The project appears to have got rather stuck. Has it been superceeded by another tool designed for use with AS7 ? Does the current beta of version 2 even work with AS7 ?
Using JBoss Profiler2.0.0.Beta5I am using java6 and also installed JBoss Profiler2.0.0.Beta5, I am successfully running the profiler but i am not clear where we have to find the memory leaks in my application
VerifyError: Inconsistent stack height 2 != 1I am getting this when attempting to profile an app in JBoss 4.2.2.GA and JVM 1.5.0_22. The app uses spring autowiring and this appears to be interacting badly with the profiler: 2011-02-18 14:03:17,352 ERROR&...
My profiler's not workingHey, guys, I just downloaded jboss-profiler-2.0.0.Beta5 and jboss-5.1.0.GA, fellow the setps in the user guide to install them on my win7 system. i call the run.bat in the command line and got the fellowing ou...
Thread Need help to make JBoss Profiler (2.0 Beta5) work
Need help to make JBoss Profiler (2.0 Beta5) workI just installed JBoss Profiler 2.0 Beta5 on my server which is running jboss-4.2.3.GA on Linux. I followed the procedures from the bundled UserGuide to set up and configure the environment. And after I ran ...
Thread Profiling remotely a Tomcat web application with JBoss Profiler
Profiling remotely a Tomcat web application with JBoss ProfilerHi, I have a current setup: * Tomcat 6.0.xx running a web app which I want to (remotely) profile with JBoss Profiler * Hudson running tests Now I want to remotely start profiling (in Hudson job), run the t...
The report throws a StackOverFlowI on a real world project its a rewrite of a legacy web app. I know a stackoverflow means I'm trying to look at too much but I gota see it if I'm to get a clear view of the app. I'm looking at a 7000kb jps file. How l...
Thread Report creating from profiler's jps file crashes
Report creating from profiler's jps file crashesHallo, I got error when I am trying to create report from JBoss profiler jps file. Thanks for the help. Ludo Running on SLES 11+jdk1.6.0_20+jboss-5.1.0.GA My jboss-profiler.pro...
Thread java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space when use profiler
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space when use profilerWhen i'm use profiler in my aplication i have memory problems. In my server configuration y have this: -Dprogram.name=run.bat -Djava.endorsed.dirs="C:/jboss-5.1.0.GA/bin/../lib/endorsed" -Xms512m -Xmx1...
Thread Bundled log4j configuration in jboss-profiler-client jar.
Bundled log4j configuration in jboss-profiler-client jar.Hi, I wanted to question why a log4j configuration file is bundled in the jboss-profiler-client.jar ? My experience has been 3 hours wasted tracking this down why my project stopped logging as expected...
JBoss Profiler 2.0 B5 + myApp = JBoss Doesn't StartI'm trying to use jboss-profiler-2.0.0.Beta5 to profile an app I have on jboss-4.2.3.GA on SUSE 10.3. I have been able to run the profiler without the app using the default server config for example. However when I tr...