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Thread profiler not producing .jps files
profiler not producing .jps filesI have the following problem. When running, profiler produces folder with a lot of subfolders and files in it, but even when jboss get stoped, it does not converts it to jps file for futher analisys. Could this be d...
Classloader leaks with JBossProfiler 2I'm trying to use version 2.0.0.Beta5 of.JBossProfiler to track down a classloader leak, as per Brian Stansberry's ClassloaderLeakUnitTestCase wiki page (http://community.jboss.org/wiki/ClassloaderLeakUnitTestCase), b...
Standalone JBoss Profilerhi All, Can JBoss Profiler be used as a stand-alone java profiler for profiling few JUnit tests running in a standard JVM. I want to use a log based profiler for some JUnit tests and then view the results in a Web Ap...
Profiler RequirementsHi! I would like to know what are the software requirements for the JBoss Profiler to run. As I can understand JVMPI can only be used up to Java 5.0 and after that JVMTI must be used. Another question relies with th...
stopProfiler / snapshot questionstrange, nobody else has posted in this forum. I've downloaded the latest beta version of JBoss Profiler 2 yesterday and set things up according to the instructions on my JBoss 4.2.3 GA and Java JDK 1.5 Windows machi...
JBossProfilerJBoss Profiler JBossLabs JBossProfiler is now available at JBossLabs where you can find much better information. I'm still keeping this page but the information at labs will be more updated. Over...