• Problem in capturing the data from the Profiler

    Hi, I'm using JBoss profiler for profiling my application. I've made a temp folder in the C:\ drive for capturing the logs of the run (.gz file). I believe, that the profiler is working fine but it is not capturing a...
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    last modified by singhsachin13
  • How to capture the data from the JVMTI

    Hi, I'm using JBoss -4.0.5. But when I start the "run.bat" file from the JBoss\bin, it gives me the error that JVMPI is not supported. Please help me out what changes I've to made or what settings to be done to captur...
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    last modified by singhsachin13
  • GC Operations screen

    I'd appreciate it if somebody can help me understand this screen: process view / memory: I ran my ejb app for a few minutes and am using the profiler. I see six lines in the "GC Operations" view. One of my applicatio...
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    last modified by forumer
  • Exception thrown sorting profile data

    Did you find a solution for this? Its now three years later and I am seeing it on Windows XP, JBoss-4.0.4.CR2. I'd appreciate any tips. Thanks
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    last modified by forumer
  • Does this sequence of operations make sense?

    Thanks for providing the JBoss Profiler. It seems like a great tool for me if only I can learn to use it properly. Does the following sequence of events make sense to do? Activate Carry out a bunch of application o...
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    created by forumer
  • Running JBoss Profiler - start up problems

    Hi, We have a customised version of JBoss on Linux. Am trying to set up the JBoss Profiler for this machine. I copied the SO files into the directory mentioned by LD_LIBRARY_PATH. And when i execute "java -Xrunjboss...
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    last modified by balajisaranath
  • Design performance metrics into distributed java enterprise

    Hello, I want to develop my master thesis in the performance testing for jee application domain and I'm interested to use JBoss in the practical part. I will be glad to receive any advice related to performance metri...
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    created by mironus
  • web.for,.FilterForm - ClassNotFoundException

    HI, it has been more than a year since the last time I used JBoss Profiler. Recently, I use it again for a new assignment, but keep getting this error when clicking the "Runtime Profiler" link under my http://localhos...
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    created by hykwok
  • Problem with -agentLib:jbossAgent

    Good Afternoon I am using JBOSS 3.2.3 with java 1.5 on Windows XP and am having a problem with the profiler. It occurs when i add -agentlib:jbossAgent to my JAVA_OPTS param. For some reason i'm getting Unrecognize...
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    last modified by paarsar
  • JBOSS 3.2.7 supports jboss-profiler-noAOP.sar?????

    Hi all there I'm trying to profile a JBOSS over windows XP and after follow the install porcess it seems everything is OK. but when I try to deploy the jboss-profiler-noAOP.sar Jboss raises this error: ===========...
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    created by juanillo
  • Profller Generates Thousands of Files in 10 minutes

    I have been profiling an application on JBoss 3.2.6 on Solaris 9 using Java 1.4.2_06. The profiler generated about 55,000 files during a ten minute period, and during that time reported thousands of errors saying that...
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    last modified by nickman
  • Repository jars + dlls

    I can only find jboss-profiler-jvmti.jar in repository.jboss.org. Can everything needed for my tests be added, so I don't have to install it manually? This would include the native stuff.
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    created by kabirkhan
  • I want to extend the fucntions of profiling Java application

    Hi, all, Currently JBoss Profiler can gathering data of applications on JBoss. But it cannot gather data of normal Java applications. Current MBean cannot specify the ProcessID in the MBean. Maybe I can add the funct...
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    last modified by huijuanshao
  • Building on Suse 9.3

    Hi, I am having no luck building on suse9.3 using cr4 or rc3. I have gcc and g++ installed, I run /compile.sh with no errors but a libjbossInspector.so does not get generated. I need help here please or a step by st...
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    last modified by diondodgen
  • About Kill -3 signal

    You know the jboss profiler will sleep until you send a wake-up signal. The wake-up and stop signal can be sent by a kill -3 command on UNIX. I just want to know the reson for this, why I send kill -3 pid, the profile...
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    last modified by yimianshisan
  • JBoss Profiler and EJB

    ok jboss profiler is very good tool for web applications, but is it possible to use jboss profiler with enterprise java beans ?? Regards, Paata.
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    last modified by grdzeli_kaci
  • Native-profiler Is Not In jmx-console

    hi all, the jboss profiler i started successfully but when i enter into jmx-console i can't find Native-Profiler MBean, what i have done incorrect ??? JBoss Version : JBoss 4.0.4GA Profiler Version : jboss-profiler-...
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    last modified by grdzeli_kaci
  • JBoss Profiler On Solaris

    hi all, i am newbie on jboss profiler, i tried to install jboss profiler and done it step by step, 1.download jboss profiler 1.0.CR4, 2. first step "1. Build using ant. The built files will appear under the build/ dir...
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    last modified by grdzeli_kaci
  • JBoss Memory Profiler w/64-bit Sun JVM on Windows

    We are attempting to setup and run the Memory Profiler in our environment but I can't seem to get the server started. I have added the jbossAgent.dll file to the path. I have modified the run.bat to include -agentlib...
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    last modified by rheim
  • Stripped down reference reports from JVMTIInterface

    I'm loving using JVMTIInterface to generate classloader leak reports (see http://wiki.jboss.org/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=ClassloaderLeakUnitTestCase) but I'm wondering if it makes sense to add a method that produces a repor...
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    last modified by brian.stansberry