• Server side connection clean-up

    In JBoss Messaging we want to clean-up server side connection resources when the connection from the client fails, e.g. the client dies. On the client side, we can hook into connection failure using addConnectionList...
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    last modified by timfox
  • remoting vs raw transport performance

    There was a jira issue logged (JBREM-195) that pointed out the performance difference between raw rmi calls and rmi calls using remoting. Although the performance is better now, it spurred me to write some tests to co...
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    last modified by tom.elrod

    If you want to help with the development or discuss the design of the Remoting you are in the correct place. If you are asking for help, go here: http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewforum&f=222 ...
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    created by adrian.brock
  • JBAS-2237: Discussion

    Comment by Scott M Stark [09/Sep/05 12:13 PM] Delete [ Permlink ] The stack trace and message look consistent to me. You appear to have used an invalid naming url for the current InitialContextFactory and its parsing ...
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    last modified by adrian.brock
  • Improvements of call-by-value and pluging jboss-serializatio

    I was going to send this message to jboss-development list at sourceforge but since the message takes forever to be delivered I decided to use this forum instead. I have worked with Telrod on improve call-by-value o...
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    created by clebert.suconic
  • Running into exception while using EJB3 Beta1 and 4.0.3RC1

    Basically we are polling the server from a client every 1 sec using a StatelessSessionBean and we run into this exception once in a while : 2005-07-28 18:06:31,421 DEBUG [ClientPoller][ClientPoller]: Initiating a pol...
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    last modified by koganty
  • Couple of questions regarding JBOSS Remoting

    Hi, Today only I read about remoting. I got few doubts, My first question, intially I thought of writing RMI server and client classes, then i read about remoting. Can I using remoting instead of writing directly u...
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    last modified by spothineni
  • Migrating Externalizable object to a versioned implementatio

    In looking into an issue I found that some pooled invoker changes had not been migrated to the 4.0 branch, and as part of this I wanted to externalize the current hard-coded retry connection count. This would require ...
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    last modified by starksm64
  • Remoting user forums

    Now that Remoting has been released, shouldn't we have a remoting user forum?
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    last modified by adrian.brock
  • MBean design flaw?

    Can please anybody explain the detector MBean design of JBoss Remoting 1.2.0 to me? There is a class AbstractDetector which implements the interface Detector, as well as the MBean interface AbstractDetectorMBean. The...
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    last modified by d_p_ludwig
  • Remoting JBossAS integration - next steps

    I'd like to start a discussion on the next phase of JBossAS/Remoting integration. In particular, I'd like to know where we are in terms of clustering and "sharing" or "not sharing" connections across applications for...
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    last modified by adrian.brock
  • Application server configuration confusion

    I have scanned the forums and the web for information on this but haven't found adequate information. If I simply missed some wiki page somewhere please let me know. 1. What version of JBR is included in JBoss AS 4.0...
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    last modified by mafor
  • getting error in connecting to server via client

    I am getting following error when I want to connect to server by outside client: org.jboss.remoting.CannotConnectException: Can not get connection to server. Problem establishing socket connection. at org.jboss.remo...
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    last modified by amitj
  • NAT issues

    I talked to a jboss user who indicated he needed to create a custom invoker to deal with firewall routing issues because the remoting layer did not have the notion of allowing the client endpoint to specify the connec...
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    last modified by starksm64
  • Is JBOSS remoting suitable for lightweight applets?

    Hi, I wonder if JBOSS remoting is suitable for use in java applets. The total size of the applet should be small < 150kb. I need a way to communicate with enterprise beans, and it also have to handle http transpor...
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    last modified by pesalomo
  • Streaming support - use cases?

    I am working on adding support of adding the ability to send InputStreams via remoting. I have the basics working, but am struggling with how to expose this via the API. The concept is that if a user wants to pass an...
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    last modified by tom.elrod
  • JBossRemoting 1.2.0 released

    The JBossRemoting 1.2.0 release is now available. Some of the new features include: * SSL Support * Support for HTTP/HTTPS proxy and basic authentication (direct and via proxy) * Sending of input streams * Servle...
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    created by tom.elrod
  • Servlet invoker added - test cases needed

    A servlet based transport has been added to the remoting code. See http://wiki.jboss.org/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=Remoting_servlet_invoker for more information. Although there are some tests for this invoker that match the...
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    created by tom.elrod
  • remoting on Jboss 3.x

    I'm curious to know about the possibility of running JBoss/Remoting inside JBoss 3.x. As we know, JBoss/Remoting can run standalone - so it doesn't have any JBossAS dependencies. However, due to some libraries that s...
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    last modified by mazz
  • security issues

    I delivered a presentation on JBoss/Remoting tonight at the Philly JBUG, and received a question that I didn't know the answer. I figured I post it here since I promised to find the answer :-) It involves security. W...
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    last modified by mazz