• Maybe A bug in Jboss 3.2: TxManager.java

    =============================================================================== /** * Import a transaction propagation context into this TM. * The TPC is loosely typed, as we may (at a later time) want to * import...
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    last modified by qiujie
  • Tyrex failed under heavy transaction load.

    Hi, there, We've tested tyrex transaction manager under havery transaction load situation, tyrex failed after a few hours running. Here are our settings: OS: SunOS 5.8 JBoss(jetty) 3.0.4 about 20 session beans, 15 m...
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    last modified by alexsong

    See above
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    created by adrian.brock
  • Setting transaction locking policy for a web application

    I use JBoss as a web container and does not utilze the ejb features. I use the UserTransaction object to handle transactions inside my web application. Does anyone know how to control the locking policy (optimistic/pe...
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    last modified by morten.ilebrekke
  • Urgent help with Transationc

    Ooops sorry, enabled it and it still works, though I did need to increase the amount of memory for the JVM (Out of memory exceptions). ...and a ugly startup "picture" while trying to instrument e.g. some tomcat class...
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    last modified by gustad20

    This forum is for the discussions on development of JBoss's transaction manager and integration of thirdparty transaction managers. USER QUESTIONS WILL BE IGNORED/DELETED. Help on the transaction manager http://www....
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    created by adrian.brock
  • Reordering of resources in commit of XA transaction

    If I have a bunch of XA resources and one non-XA resource, can I use them in an XA transaction? Will JBoss reorder the resources so that the non-XA resource is committed at the end of the first phase? Here's an examp...
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    last modified by patrickbradley
  • rollback problem with some RequiresNew

      "mmqwertz" wrote: Hi! I have a problem or more a question concerning RequiresNew. As far as I read in the J2EE and EJB Spec and in this forum and the JBoss Doku there are no nested transactions in JBoss right? ...
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    last modified by mmqwertz
  • JTA vs SQL/JDBC controlled transactions

    What are the advantages/disadvantages of using JTA over SQL/JDBC controlled transactions? Is there any significance or preference of using them? thanks aalmero
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    created by aalmero
  • XA and NON-XA resource

    Hi, I have the following situation: 1.I'm using Connector that does not supports XA transactions and database that supports (oralce). 2.I have to perform transaction in SessionBean. The first solution is to use Bea...
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    last modified by piotrkotlinski
  • User Transaction and Entity bean

    Can i use remote of entity bean looked up before starting of User Transaction and update its data starting a new user tarnsaction ? will the remote hold its PK if it is passed through collection object from a session ...
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    created by gramesh
  • client managed xactions spanning session bean invocations

    Can a BMP Stateful Session Bean call UserTransaction.begin() in one method, return to the client, and on a subsequent method invocation call EJBContext.getUserTransaction() and expect it to be the same UserTransaction...
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    created by rdoust
  • Finder Exception causing transaction commit???

    Hi I got a strange behaviour with a transaction. When I call the method findByPrimaryKey, the transaction gets commited. I did some debugging and had a look at my db-Server, so I can definetly say that the commit take...
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    last modified by mmqwertz
  • CachedconnectionManager

    How does commenting out the CachedConnectionManager affect JBoss?
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    created by sysuser1
  • Some questiones about distributed transaction in JBoss.

    Does JBoss4 support distributed transactions? Can I integrate JOTM(Java Open transaction Manager) into jboss? Thank you for every advice.
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    last modified by amour
  • Already associated with a tx

    Hello. I'm getting this exception in a stateful session bean, which is frequently accessing another entity bean. As you can see, my app isn't really very complex, but I can't get it working. The weird thing is that, ...
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    last modified by norrin88
  • setReadOnly() in managed XA

    Since jboss 3.2.2 i can no longer do setReadOnly() or setIsolationLevel() on connections in managed transactions. I wonder what exactly is the problem with it, especially if these things happen before the first state...
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    last modified by justkeys
  • Beans and DB Connection

    I've deployed an MDB in JBoss 3.2.0. The MDB accesses an MS SQL 2000 DB through the JDBC APIs. I have a manual commit transaction block that involves multiple Inserts and Updates. One of the steps is to get back a gen...
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    created by deepak.j
  • transaction timeout property

    hello i have ported my applications from weblogic to jboss server i have few session beans for each session beans In weblogic-ejb-jar we have property for specifying transaction time out second for each bean like...
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    last modified by sameer_inn
  • create new XAResource in JBoss

    hello all, I have written an XAResource that persists files and want to integrate it into JBoss's Transaction management. In weblogic I used to talk to the transaction manager at runtime to create/retrieve XIDs as we...
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    last modified by emmanuelgad