• Seg Fault in libtcnative used by jbossweb-7.0.16  with large number of concurrent users in sip container performance test.

    We are using Jboss (7.1.2) with mobicents sip container.   We ran at 1 Call per second for 9h 12m.   This was using 500 users, each using a single Web Sockets TCP connection each to the Gateway. The users a...
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    last modified by gouldsj
  • funcionamiento extraño JBoss 5.1.0 GA / JBoss is weird

    Hola a todos, les escribo por que tengo un extraño problema con el JBoss, ya que tengo una aplicacion echa en tomcat  5.5 que cuando consulto registros me arroja 11626 registros, hasta ahi esta bien , pero c...
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    last modified by pedrosantos
  • Asynchronous Servlet: dispatching to jsp causes endless loop

    In JBoss 7.1.1.GA with JBossWeb 7.0.13.GA the dispatching of an asynchronous servlet request to a JSP causes and endless loop. This can be reproduced by installing the attached AsyncServletTest.war and executing the f...
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    last modified by ceiching
  • socketBuffer setting for JBoss 7

    In JBoss 5.1, there used to be a setting called socketBuffer which we could configure in the server.xml inside jbossweb.sar i.e. jbossweb.sar\server.xml, it looked something like this.   <Connector protocol="...
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    last modified by gouravmukherjee
  • Disable HTTP TRACE and/or TRACK methods

    Dear All,   How we can disable/enable Http Trace/Track methods onver Jboss V4.   Regards,
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    last modified by khkh82
  • JSPF not processed as JSP

    While moving my application from JBoss 4.2.2 to JBoss AS 7.1.1, I have run into an issue with files with an extension of jspf not being processed as JSP content. All of the JSTL in the files is being delivered to the ...
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    last modified by rdiddly
  • Porting JBoss 4.2.2 to JBoss AS 7.1.1

    Hi.   I have a new, unexpected problem in my endeavor to upgrade my deployment to JBoss AS 7.1.1. In my jsp pages I often reference other resources, i.e., with script tags, or link tags, etc. In an attempt to e...
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    last modified by rdiddly
  • JBoss 5.1: strange problem with HTTP requests/responses

    Hello! I'm writing because we're facing a strange problem with an installation of an application we've developed. The context: In a nutshell, we have a servlet which accepts http requests (no SSL in this installati...
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    last modified by davidec
  • How to create multiple ports in JBOSS 7.1.1

    Hi, And I have two applications installed on JBoss 7 (standalone only on one server), I need to be accessed through one external IP and the other only via internal IP, it is possible to do this? or need another insta...
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    last modified by dario.ajr
  • When login after logout, page refresh is required in JBoss JAAS

    When I login after logout, home page is not redirected. It shows login page with all fields are empty. When I refresh the page, page redirected to home page. I am using JBoss 4.2.3 GA JAAS. Please help me to avoid th...
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    last modified by bmahussain
  • Cached Static File?

    Using JBoss 4.2.3 and put out a static HTML file and then updated it.  Shows old version of the static file.  Restarted Jboss a few times and still shows old version.  I rarely do this stuff so want the...
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    last modified by tbellmer
  • HTTP 404 jsp resource not found

    Hi All,   I have precompiled jsp's in my application. Application runs fine for months, all the jsps's are accessible. However, suddenly I start getting http 404 error and jsp resource is not found. After res...
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    last modified by assi_pawar
  • Thread pool question in AS 7

    Hi,   One thing I noticed in the tests I did with AS 7 is that threads created hang around. They don't seem to go away after they are idle and not doing anything for a very long time. Ideally I would like to hav...
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    last modified by jacobmarcus20
  • out.write(bytes[]) taking long time for large xml strings.

    Hi  Good Morning,   when i am writing response string to output stream. its taking long time. my string contains xml data. that xml data may in size of 5kb to 50mb. please tell me the best efficient way to...
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    last modified by rameshchokkapu
  • Avoid sharing of same session across multiple tabs in internet explorer for java based web application...

    Hi,   We are facing the issues of sharing the same session accross multiple tabs in a single IE browser. If one user is logged in one TAB and opens a new TAB and logged to the same application with some other u...
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    last modified by srinu_ammina
  • How can I access to thread pool of jboss container in web application?

    I'm using jboss7. I add the following configuration in standalone.xml <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:threads:1.1"> <thread-factory name="my_tf" group-name="group1" thread-name-pattern="my_tf_" prio...
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    last modified by liverpoolilove
  • Package name conflicting with class name

    I found following problem in JBoss 7.1.1.Final. When I try to deploy following package com.company.model.businessobjects.contest and further I have class com.company.model.businessobjects.Contest   It fails on...
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    last modified by lukascz
  • How to restrict and redirect the web application to use hostname instead of IP address

    Hi,   Currently we are having 3 different java based web applications running in a linux server and users are currently using IP address in the web URL and we would like to restrict/redirect the user to use HOST...
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    last modified by srinu_ammina
  • Jboss AS 7.1.3 - Unable to access Web Context

    I am in the process of doing Migration from  Jboss 4.3.GA to Jboss AS 7.1.3. Below is the log snippets and the deployment descriptors. I dont find any error in the server logs. But unable to access the web applic...
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    last modified by georgesg
  • Exception in JBoss with SSO

    Hi,    Below mentioned is a stack trace of the exception which i am getting while accessing a particular JSP page through a SSO(Single Sign On) enabled server. Surprisingle it works completely fine when i s...
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    last modified by rajesh_sinha