• JBoss Native on Windows 2000 Server?

    Is it possible to use JBoss Native with Windows 2000 Server? I have several deployments that I would like to upgrade to JBoss 4.2 and JBoss Native, but the libraries are not found on Windows 2000. If I copy the entir...
  • source code for 1.x

    Hi. Please provide an scm url for source code version 1.x ? I've been to anon svn, but I see a tag for 1.x. Thanks.
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    created by lklm
  • JBoss Native 2.0?

    I can't find any documentation (except for the service installation). It must be more than a simple service wrapper? How do I install the native stuff and make my JBoss AS use them? What versions of JBoss AS is suppor...
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    last modified by carlabramsson
  • JBoss Web in Same VM as JBoss AS

    In the JBoss Web documention it says that it can be run in the same VM as the JBoss AS. Can anyone tell me or point me to information about how to do this? Basically I want to deploy a war to JBoss Web and have a ser...
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    last modified by jlombardo
  • Mod jk load balancing in JBOSS 4.2.0.GA

    Hi all , I was using the Apache mod_jk module for load balancing in Jboss 4.0.5 and was working fine but i changed the Jboss to version 4.2.0.GA then its not routing the requests to the Jboss even after giving jvmRou...
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    last modified by gaddamravikumar
  • JBoss clustering with SSL how?

    Can someone point me in the direction of some documentation on how to configure JBoss 4.0.5 clustering with SSL enabled???? I tried JBoss 4.0.5 clusteirng without SSL and it's working fine, but with SSL enabled HTTP ...
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    created by isreenivas
  • JBossWeb vs Apache,Mod-JK

    A recommended configuration for enterprise applications is to run Apache with Mod-JK in the DMZ forwarding traffic to application servers (Tomcat/ JBOSS, etc) inside a trusted network. This is fairly secure and the lo...
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    last modified by jghayward
  • Image Server

    hi guys, i have a Jboss AS running successfully and applications (specially EJB-3 applications) deployed and in use. Now i'd like to use Appache/Tomcat to have a server for pictures, because some applications need to...
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    created by divxyoda
  • org.apache.tomcat.util.net files in jbossweb.jar

    The jbossweb.jar I downloaded labs (the Windows 32 package version) doesn't have the full set of org.apache.tomcat.util.net classes. In particular, I'm looking for SSLImplementation and SSLSupport. However, when I bui...
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    created by ron_sigal
  • Urgent help required for JBOSS deployment

    Hi, I have just installed jboss server its up & running. http://localhost:8080/jmx-console can anyone help me with deployment 1] I have a war file to deploy. 2] steps to deploy. 3] how to get the first page runni...
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    created by bipsy_dba
  • JBoss Web running on OSX!

    Hey all, I just thought I'd post some news from the mac world... I just discovered JBoss Web and I must say the idea is great! No more fiddling around with Apache or IIS and Tomcat and JBoss AS! Finally, a single solu...
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    last modified by leaked
  • Contributing to JBoss Web

    How can developers contribute to the JBoss Web development (if is it possible off course)? I don't seem to find any information about that on the project pages... Regards, K.
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    last modified by jboss2005_01
  • PHP Module on Solaris x86

    Are there PHP Module on Solaris x86? ... I really need php module on solaris x86 ...... thank you.
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    created by varamthanapon
  • JBoss Web as proxy for JBoss AS

    Is it intended that JBoss Web also be used as a proxy for a JBoss AS cluster (e.g. when the JBoss AS is hosting a Seam app) or should we continue to use Apache with mod-jk for this? If JBoss Web can be used instead of...
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    last modified by schnelzer
  • How to  make JBossWeb  support Zend Optimizer?

    Hi,all How to make JBossWeb support Zend Optimizer? Thanks first!
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    created by zhongboqing
  • JBoss Web with SSL

    Can someone point me in the direction of some documentation on how to configure JBoss Web with SSL????
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    last modified by jmoran888
  • how do I start to deploy w. JBoss Web

    Hi everyone. I need some pretty basic help/assistance from someone re. just how exactly I get going w. starting to deploy web apps with JBoss Web, namely servlets which I certainly have had the most experience with tr...
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    created by s_burrus
  • Jboss runtime configuration

    Has anyone tried for instance reconfiguring the port that tomcat runs on - using for instance the Connector's MBean port attribute ?
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    created by acci
  • Universal binary versions of Jboss server

    Hi, can anyone tell me whether there are yet any universal binary build versions of Jboss 4.x.x available? regards beya
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    created by beyarecords
  • Server-Side Includes

    Do you guys know if Server Side Includes work? When I uncomment the *.shtml stuff in the web.xml, and create a blah.shtml, it just seems to try to download the content, instead of trying to parse the .shtml file. If ...
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    last modified by spiritualmechanic