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Thread Exception_Exception generated class with wsconsume
Exception_Exception generated class with wsconsumeHi folks, I`m generating the stubs with wsconsume plugin for maven to use in JBoss 7 (tutorial and doc), but when all classes are created, the exception classes don`t extend Exception (for example...
Rest WS - services listHi All! I'm newbe in RESTful. I've some experience in Tomcat + Axis2 but no with REST. My question is: When I want to see the list of services in a web services, I can see the WSDL, but when I use REST? How I ...
calling Web Service Method Through wsdlI have a web application which calls the web service methods through wsdl. The wsdl url is successfully browsed through web browser but get following exception while calling webservice through web application deployed...
Thread ClassCastException using CXF 2.7.0 JAX-RS Client in JBoss AS7
ClassCastException using CXF 2.7.0 JAX-RS Client in JBoss AS7I have trouble with CXF 2.7.0 in a JBoss AS7 environment. There is a classpath conflict with the RESTEasy Response class: Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: org.jboss.resteasy.core.ServerResponse cannot be cas...
Thread Is it possible to configure JAX-WS services with an external descriptor?
Is it possible to configure JAX-WS services with an external descriptor?Hi, I had to manage a situation similar to https://community.jboss.org/thread/146575 where a JBoss instance publishes a JaxWs service (annotated with @WebService) on plain http:// on an internal network, and an ext...
Resteasy encryption using jbossi have made one web service now i want to encrypt that json data using rest easy encryption at server side in this i generate the certificate by Java keytool command-line interface. @Path("/All")...
Thread How to turn swaref XSD offline JBoss WS Native 3.0.4.GA
How to turn swaref XSD offline JBoss WS Native 3.0.4.GAI'm running a Webservice on JBoss Ws Native 3.0.4.GA (under JBoss AS 4.2.3.GA) that uses swaref to work along with soap attachments. Today my wsdl imports (as shown below) the schema from a remote location, bu...
Bad Performance WebService JBoss 7.1.1Hi all, I've the same WebService deployed in JBoss 5.1.0GA e JBoss 7.1.1Final. In the first case it takes 0.3 seconds while in the latter 1.1 seconds... someone could help me,thanks?
Performance Issues with ?wsdlJboss 5.1.0GA, JbossWS native 3.4.0 also present in Jboss 5.1.2 eap with JbossWS native 3.1.2sp13 I've been noticing that each time something requests the wsdl from my web service endpoint, there is a huge sp...
Request timeout - JAXWSHi, I am trying to set the connect timeout and request time out on a webservice request.. public static ProfitWebService getProfitService(final String url) throws MalformedURLException {
How to use @JsonEncoding.Hi. My environment: - JBoss 5.x - JBoss native ws 3.1.2 GA I don't understand how to use @JsonEncoding. I have the web service class with annotations: @Stateless @WebService(serviceN...
Thread Invocation of a Web service using invokeAsync calls invoke method
Invocation of a Web service using invokeAsync calls invoke methodHi, I have an issue with my client in JBoss calling a web service defined in Adobe Life cycle. I want to call the invokeAsync method from my client and I'm using the following code to call the invokeAsync meth...
Thread Is polymorphic JAX-WS operation parameter possible to implement?
Is polymorphic JAX-WS operation parameter possible to implement?Hi, I'm developing a web service and I need it to accept a polymorphic parameter. For example, imagine an operation named processRequests(List<Request> requests) which may accept a "Request" and a "CustomReques...
ClassCastException: com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.JAXBContextImplwe are using jboss 4.2.3 one of our applications got following classcastexception Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.JAXBContextImpl cannot be cast to com.sun....
My ws-security setting doesn't work.My WS-security reference site is https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/JBWS/WS-Security. I coded interface and bean like below : @WebService public interface IHelloPort { @WebMethod @WebResult pub...
Thread Reference SAML assertion in Signature block
Reference SAML assertion in Signature blockUsing JBoss 7.2 from GitHub: Re: JBoss 7.2 Warning:No assertion builder for type {http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/07/securitypolicy}ProtectTokens registered So I switched back to the non-po...
Thread how to dynamically change URL where client is connecting to?
how to dynamically change URL where client is connecting to?Hi *, I have generated wsdl file of service I want to call. The service is fixed but I don't know where this service will be located. Is there an option how to generate client classes that I can use runtime URL para...
Using apache cxf.xml with a jax-ws clientHi forum, I'm taking the chance to put here an entry refering to my previous post made on the more general 'Jboss AS 7' community (cxf.xml and spring and jbossws-cxf-4.1.1.Final) Since the topic is really rel...