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Thread how to change the context root to go from xyz.com/myapp to xyz.com
how to change the context root to go from xyz.com/myapp to xyz.comHello all, How can I configure jboss so as to start up my website from a normal address such as xyz.com? My website can only be seen from xyz.com/myapp How do I configure jboss so that this I don't ha...
Thread Using XMLBeans binding for JAX-WS web services
Using XMLBeans binding for JAX-WS web servicesHi, My last post in this forum was made six years ago. How's everybody? I need to port some JAX-WS web services that use XMLBeans as the data binding from another application server. I'm us...
how to enable CORS on jBossI have a requirement where KANA application is hosted on a jBoss Server. I try to access the same in an iFrame in one of my websites. I need to access the KANA related information in a my website. CORS is preventing ...
JBoss 5.1 SSL Configuration exceptionHi, I am trying to initiate SSL in JBoss 5.1. I have followed the steps in the below link and I am receiving CANNOT RECOVER KEY error. Any help would be much appreciated. HOWTO Configure JBoss for H...
Thread CXF Endpoint not autowiring spring beans in JBoss 7.1.1
CXF Endpoint not autowiring spring beans in JBoss 7.1.1Hi, CXF endpoint is not properly integrated with spring. I am using JBoss AS 7.1.1 to deploy my cxf webservice integrated with spring. The log messages shows that both CXF and spring creates two different inst...
java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out: connectHi everyone, I'm using JBoss 4.2.2 with JBoss WS Native 2.0.1 and I have a problem with a web service containing an attachment. I use a Java endpoint
public class AttachmentWebService {
Thread Dump SOAP messages for web services in JBoss
Dump SOAP messages for web services in JBossI am using vanilla JBoss AS7. I am trying to find documentation on how to turn on logging for SOAP message for incoming and outgoing web service calls. I have tried the suggestions specified at the here:...
JBoss 4.2 Management interfaceWe had a application developed by a consultant and have the following problem. System is Jboss-4.2.2 GA - with Java and Oracle 10 G When browsing to the web-console i cannot see the options on the left...
Jboss EAP 6.2.0 SOAP Request Tag IssueI am facing a very weird issue where the Soap request is not getting generated properly. I expect the SOAP request to be generated in the below format: <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/...
Disable DTD declarationHi, How can i disable the doctype declarations, to prevent xxe injection? At the moment, I'm using JBoss 4.2.3 with JBossWS 3.1.1. and i can do stuff like this: <!DOCTYPE root [ <!ENTITY xxe SYS...
RESTEasy + Jackson2 integrationHi, I am trying to use jackson 2 with Rest Easy POM : <!-- resteasy start --> <dependency> <groupId>org.jboss.resteasy&...
how to upgrade jaxp libraries of jbosswe are dealing with these vulnerabilities, these are issues with XML parser from JDK . Our product uses both JDK supplied parsers and some jboss APIS to process the xml data. How do we know if we need to upgrade jboss...
Set Web Service Timeouts in Wildfly 10Hi, I set the connction timeouts for soap request using the request properties: endpointPort.getRequestContext().put(BindingProviderProperties.REQUEST_TIMEOUT, config.getClientTimeoutSec() * 1000); end...
Thread How to add parameter to service endpoint interface url?
How to add parameter to service endpoint interface url?These codes are my SEI @WebService(targetNamespace=http://www.aaa.com) public interface ICallMemberPort { @WebMethod @WebResult List<Member> getMember(@WebParam String id); } Implementation o...
Thread Json data is not wrapped from RESTEasy services
Json data is not wrapped from RESTEasy servicesI implements test RESTEasy services. These are simple codes. ====Memeber.java @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE) @XmlRootElement(name = "member") public class Member implements Serializable{ @Xm...