• Genereate WSDL does contain information of static fields

    Hi I am building a web service using jboss 4.2.2. I have a web method which accepts an object of type Contact. Contact class further has a member variable of type ContactTypeEnum(see explanation below) private jav...
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    last modified by navighag
  • JbossWS Native, which class implements @WebServiceClient?

    I'm building a jaxws client that needs to run in axis, cxf, metro and jbossws native using SSL with client certificate authentication. The problem I've just discovered is all of the soap stacks uses a different API fo...
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    created by spyhunter99
  • HTTP Client Certificate authentication for JbossWS Native client

    I have a situation in which my web service client (running in a jsp) needs to be able to dynamically change authentication parameters for accessing a partical service based off of some administrative settings. (I need...
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    last modified by spyhunter99
  • Can I modify the HandlerChain at deploy time?

    I am improving the usability of JBoss XTS by providing annotation support. I have one class level annotation that when applied to a JAX-WS service implementation, indicates to the middleware to carry out a few pieces ...
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    last modified by paul.robinson
  • Building from source native 3.4.1 sp1

    I'm attempting to build from source jbossws native 3.4.1 sp1 for jboss6 final.   First of all, I had a lot of issues downloading the source from the svn server. It would download for maybe 30secs at a time then ...
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    last modified by spyhunter99
  • Cannot create EJB-based web service with JBossWS runtime

    Hi all, I am fairly new to JBoss but have some experience on Java EE so I apologize if this question is a bit newbie. I have done some research on the web but to no use. The problem is the following:   I am on...
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    last modified by hicsuntleones
  • web service response modification when authentication failed.

    Hi,   I have a jax ws based webservice with handler in place for user authentication.   I am returning false in handleMessage when the user is not authorised. So it si not calling the web service implement...
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    last modified by jilani2423
  • Question on wsdl security

    Hi,   Is it possible to make wsdl as secured without making the endpoint as secured ? Whether this question is a valid one ? If this is valid and possible, then please help me with the procedure on the same. &#...
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    last modified by thanikg
  • java.lang.ClassCastException: $Proxy60 while connecting to JAX-WS from Jboss

    Hi,     We are getting the below exception while connecting to a JAX-WS webservice from Jboss application server. JAX-WS Service has been hosted in Websphere (JDK 1.6) by the third party interface. ...
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    last modified by gopi_jboss
  • Need to send a Secure XML message

    Hi,   I am new to the development of   web services.. I am given a task of creating a Request xml as given below..   <SOAP-ENV:Envelope   xmlns:SOAP-ENV=http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelo...
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    created by kaviamar
  • cxf.xml doesn't work under JBoss 6.1

    Dear Forum,   Currently under JBoss 6.1, I have a problem by calling web service over https (SSL), which has a self-signed certificate. By using a dummy (certificate)TrustManager, I got one step further with fol...
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    last modified by tao_dl
  • Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.sun.xml.bind.api.JAXBRIContext.newInstance([Ljava/lang/Class;)Ljavax/xml/bind/JAXBContext;

    Hi,   I am getting the below exception while invoking the Web Service   log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.jboss.ws.metadata.builder.jaxws.JAXWSWebServiceMetaDataBuilder). log4j:WARN ...
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    last modified by srekt
  • Where can I find the nightly build?

    Hi,   Where can I find the nightly build for the JBossWS-CXF? I checked the Hudson build but did not see/or did not recognize the right name. Also on the your main page, for 4.0.0 beta builds, you have mentioned...
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    last modified by rareddy
  • Migrate IBM Webservice to JBOSS

    Hi,   We are trying to migrate an Web Service application built on IBM RAD 6.1 to JBOSS 5.1 using Eclipse. The Web Service of IBM is a customized version of Axis 1.1. we are not able to find a suitable plugin t...
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    created by jibsonline
  • JBossWS Native 3.3.1.GA client hangs during call

    Hi,   I have a webservice client that sometimes hangs during the web service call, here is the relevant thread dump:   "DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-6" prio=4 tid=0x07cc1400 nid=0x2574 in Object.wait() [0...
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    last modified by jozsef_attila
  • Illegal Argument Exception - Caused by Container name cannot be null

    I am  trying to deploy a EJB2.1 webservice. When i deployed the EJB jar file, it gave  an Exception  Illegal Argument Exception- Container Name cannot be null   The stack trace is as follows  ...
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    created by prathapkk
  • How to create a simple CXF web service using Jboss Developer Studio?

    Hi,   I am in need to create CXF web services using Jboss Developer Studio 4.0.Can anybody help me out in this aspect. Any releated links or procedures would be really really helpful.     Thanks.
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    created by dhivyateg
  • Deployment of war failed in Jboss 6

    I Tried to deploy a webservice war file in Jboss 6. The console gives me a message like                       "...
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    created by prathapkk
  • How to deploy a JaxWS endpoint during AS7 service startup?

    I have been integrating  the XTS code into AS7 and so far  have incorporated an XTS extension  which will deploy the main XTS service as part of AS7 standalone startup (see the xts subdirectory in my gi...
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    last modified by adinn
  • Tcp Monitor like tool for jboss

    Folks, shall we have this in our code base? Lms is an acronym for Logging Meta Service; Lms' goal and use are very similar to the axis' tcp monitor ones: it logs any tcp communication and gives developers the oppo...
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    last modified by thomas.diesler