• Class not found com/sun/org/apache/xml/internal/security/Ini

    Hi, I'm making some interoperability tests with the metro plugin and WS-Security and .NET. When I want to consume the .NET service the following exception occurs. I'm missing something? Thanks! Guzman java.lang.No...
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    last modified by gllambi
  • metro distro issues

    Seriously I am having some major issues, why is all jax-ws support lost when I install the metro distro.
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    last modified by mat.hoff
  • Need help!!! Build issue with 3.0.0.GA

    ant deploy-jboss422 Buildfile: build.xml prepare: undeploy-jboss422: deploy-jboss422-endorsed: BUILD FAILED /opt/jbossws-3.0.0.GA/build/build-deploy.xml:26: required attribute stacklibs not set
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    last modified by jibrilg
  • SOAPBinding.Style.DOCUMENT and deployment failed

    My very simple web-service fails deploy with SOAPBinding.Style.DOCUMENT style 13:05:48,659 INFO [SunJaxwsDeploymentAspect] Add Endpoint name=services implementation=it.unipa.cuc.ersu.test.ServicesImpl url-patter...
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    last modified by fbenvegna
  • Problem with deploy war

    I have tried to deploy the application wstx-services.war, that cames with metro 1.1 installer of sun. This application deploy the endpoints nedded for ws-Addrassing, ws-Atomic Transaction etc. I have controlled that t...
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    last modified by psini