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Thread Axis-1.4/Metro-3.0.5 conflict
Axis-1.4/Metro-3.0.5 conflictI tried to deploy an older WebService of us developed in Axis-1.4. I keep getting these exceptions: javax.xml.ws.WebServiceException: Failed to build METRO runtime model Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentExceptio...
Thread RealmAuthenticator is not a valid RealmAuthenticationProvide
RealmAuthenticator is not a valid RealmAuthenticationProvidehi forum, my system: jboss as 5.0.1, sun java 5, metro 3.1.0, net beans 6.5.1, windows xp i built a jbossws webservice with netbeans 6.5.1. i'm using netbeans in order to leverage it's nifty point-and-click wsit con...
Thread JAXBException: class com.sun.xml.ws.security.opt.crypto.dsig
JAXBException: class com.sun.xml.ws.security.opt.crypto.dsighi again forum, my system: jboss as 5.0.1.GA-jdk6, sun jdk 6.0.12, metro 3.1.0, eclipse ganymede, neatbeans 6.5.1, windows xp i built a jbossws webservice from a pojo. i followed a combination of the jbossws instru...
Thread best way to capture credentials in wsit-protected service?
best way to capture credentials in wsit-protected service?hi forum, i'm working with jbossws metro 3.1.0.GA on jboss 5.0.1.GA. i've been able to get the glassfish example described https://jax-ws.dev.java.net/guide/Configuring_Security_Using_NetBeans_IDE.html working by mo...
WSITI'm rather new to JBoss and have been having difficulty getting WSIT to work. I've installed the latest Metro version on JBoss 4.2.2. I must be missing a step somewhere though because I can develop a WSIT enabled sec...
Failed to build METRO runtime modelHi all, like some people before, i got some errors when deploying my own (and my first) WS. I'm using jbossws-metro 3.0.5 with JBoss 4.2.3 on IBM JDK 1.5 I want to deploy a war-file created with NetBeans. Without th...
Making use of the JBossWS SPI?I've been looking for a way to hook into the web services stack in JBoss to record/inspect messages without installing JAX-WS handlers in each web service, and recently stumbled across the JBossWS SPI. From what I've ...
Thread Exceptions to deploy Jar using jbossws-metro 3.05
Exceptions to deploy Jar using jbossws-metro 3.05JBoss 4.2.2 JBossWS-metro 3.05 I keep getting this error with a jar deployment (EJB3 endpoint):
17:10:43,313 INFO [EJBContainer] STARTED EJB: com.aas.employersvc.EmployerImpl ejbName: EmployerImpl
17:10:43,313 INF...
JBossWS 3.1.1 releasedI'm happy to announce the release of JBossWS 3.1.1 GA which includes Native, CXF and Metro integration. For a list of the new features, improvements and bug fixes, please refer the release notes available here: http:...
Invalid binding: http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/jaxws/2003/05/soI just compiled my metro webservice on a new PC and now I keep getting this exception: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid binding: http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/jaxws/2003/05/soap/bindings/HTTP/ at org.jboss...
Thread Is there an equivilant of wsrunclient.sh for Metro
Is there an equivilant of wsrunclient.sh for MetroI have a client running on native using wsrunclient.sh, and am trying to use the metro stack as well. I am getting wierd errors, and since the classpath seems to matter so much I would like to take that out of the equ...
Use annotations for reliable messagngAre there any annotations to enable reliable messaging? I have a wsdl file which I am maintaining and the only difference seems to be the inclusion of definitions/Policy/ExactlyOne/ALL/RMAssertion In the wsdl file. ...
Thread Version of Reliable Messaging in JbossWS-Metro 3.0.5
Version of Reliable Messaging in JbossWS-Metro 3.0.5I am attempting to run en endpoint with Reliable Messaging on 3.0.5 (in a Jboss5.0 container). It appears from the test suite that only 1.0 has been tested. Is that the version I should be targeting? -- bk
Stack Trace using Reliable MessagesI have an endpoint configured to be a 1.0 RM endpoint in JBossWS-Metro 3.0.5 on Jboss 5.0. My client was generated using the wsconsume.sh from the bin directory. When I run the client, I get the following stack trace ...
Thread @WebServiceRef fails in JBossWS metro webservice
@WebServiceRef fails in JBossWS metro webserviceWith JBossWS Metro 3.0.4-GA, integrated to JBoss4.2.3GA version, @WebServiceRef injection does not seem to work. In fact @ Resource , @Depends etc also don't seem to work. On the other hand, if a service object is cre...
JBossWS 3.0.5 ReleasedI'm happy to announce the release of JBossWS 3.0.5 GA which includes Native, Metro and Apache CXF integration. For a list of the new features, improvements and bug fixes, please refer the release notes available here...
Thread Failed to build METRO runtime model when using @WebFault ann
Failed to build METRO runtime model when using @WebFault annHi, I'm using JBoss 4.2.3 with JBossWS-METRO 3.0.4
20:32:10,903 INFO [Server] Starting JBoss (MX MicroKernel)...
20:32:10,903 INFO [Server] Release ID: JBoss [Trinity] 4.2.3.GA (build: SVNTag=JBoss_4_2_3_GA date=2...
Failed to build METRO runtime modelHi i am trying to use jbossws-metro 3.0.4 with JBoss 4.2.2 on jdk1.6.0_10(with endorsed) C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_10\jre\lib\endorsed\ jaxb-api.jar jaxws-api.jar jaxws-rt.jar saaj-impl.jar C:\Projects\Lib\JAXW...
WS-Secure Conversation Null pointer!Hi, I'm doing some tests checking the interoperability between JBoss Metro and WCF in a WS-SecureConversation scenario, where I'm having some problems. The problem occurs while I'm trying to communicate a JBoss Metro ...
JBossWS Metro 3.04 + Metro version 1.3?Is it possible to configure JBossWS Metro 3.04 to use SUN Metro 1.3 JAX_WS libraries? if so how would I go about it. Thanks in advance!