• Wrapper class could not be found

    My webservice developed with jbossws-3.0.1-metro-1.0.1.GA doesn't work anymore under jbossws-metro-3.0.2.GA. I'm getting this error: ERROR [http] WSSERVLET11: failed to parse runtime descriptor: runtime modeler err...
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    last modified by aroeder
  • Install problems with  JBossWS Metro 3.0.2

    I followed the installation instructions, but I'm getting these errors: C:\jbossws-metro-3.0.2.GA\jbossws-metro-dist>ant deploy-jboss422 Buildfile: build.xml target-jboss422: prepare: init: [echo] integratio...
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    last modified by aroeder
  • Invalid HTTP server response [401] while trying to communica

    I have ran into wall with this one. I used wconsume to create a 2 web service clients. The clients are part of an application that is deployed on Jboss-4.2.2.GA. The first client works just fine. However the second cl...
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    created by paramsevak
  • JBossWS-Metro on JBoss 4.2.1.GA

    In order to install JBossWS the following steps are necessary: 1.) Modify the target container location in ant.properties 2.) Make sure to uninstall any deployed stack ant undeploy-<jboss.version> I.e. 'ant...
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    last modified by heiko.braun
  • Using JAX-WS web services built using Netbeans 6.1 with jbos

    I'm running JBoss AS 4.2.2 with the jbossws-metro-3.0.2.GA stack. Does that combination support JAX-WS web services developed using Netbeans 6.X ? thanks
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    created by user05
  • com.sun.xml.wss.RealmAuthenticationAdapter missing?

    I've downloaded JBossWS Metro 3.0.2 GA and am trying to write a custom RealmAuthenticator as outlined in the JBossWS Stack Metro documentation. However, it appears the the classes com.sun.xml.wss.RealmAuthenticationA...
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    last modified by jeffrho
  • JBossWS 3.0.2 Released

    We're happy to announce the release of JBossWS 3.0.2 GA that includes Native (fully certified JAX-WS web services implementation), Metro and Apache CXF integration Native runs on jboss-5.0.0.Beta4, jboss-4.2.2 and jb...
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    created by ropalka
  • JBossWS-Metro 3.0.2 Release?

    Hi there, When is the JBossWS-Metro 3.0.2 Release planned? Best Regards, Andreas
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    last modified by aroeder
  • jbossws-metro-dist-3.0.1.GA missing SunRIConsumerFactoryImpl

    Hi, I'm trying to run the wsconsume ant task against the jbossws 3.0.1 metro 1.0.1 GA distribution. The build fails with: Failed to load: org.jboss.ws.tools.jaxws.impl.SunRIConsumerFactoryImpl It looks like the j...
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    last modified by andyredhead
  • Security Settings?

    Is there somewhere a documentation how to configure the security settings in JBossWS-Metro? Using the wsit-packagename.classname.xml doesn't work for me.
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    last modified by aroeder
  • Which Metro release/sources were used to build libs used by

    Can anyone identify exactly which of the Sun metro/jaxws source releases the jbossws-3.0.1-metro-1.0.1.GA build was based on and where to get them from. When I step into the metro code in the debugger the executed cod...
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    last modified by adinn
  • Problems with org.jboss.wsf.spi.tools.ant.WSProvideTask

    I can't get that to work. It seems like WSProvideTask ignores the classpath I set: <target name="test-wsprovide" depends="init"> <mkdir dir="${build.generated.dir}/wsgen/service"/> <taskdef name="w...
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    created by aroeder
  • Need Help in Exposing Web service method

    Hello, I have written a web service using jboss ws. I have exposed one of methods as follows: @WebMethod public String getDevDetails(@WebParam(name="dev") String devName) { String devDetails = null; try { if...
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    created by rknaik
  • Metro Project: Netbeans/Tomcat to JBossWS ?

    Hello, I developed a simple WSIT-Metro Project with Netbeans 6.1 und it runs fine under Tomcat 6.0.16. When I try to run the WAR File under JBoss it doesn't work. So I red the new JBossWS 3.0 supports metro. So I ins...
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    created by aroeder
  • Missing junit.jar lib in ant tests

    I posted about this a while back in response to the initial announcement. Heiko just responded to my post about this error with the advice that I should try running bash build.sh tests instead of ant tests I tri...
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    last modified by adinn
  • Using @FastInfoset & compression

    Hi, I'm using AS 4.2.2 [SVNTag=JBoss_4_2_2_GA date=200710221139] and jbossws-3.0.1-metro-1.0.1.GA (build=200803250907). How do i use the @fastinfoset in IDE (eclipse)? Also, is there a way to compress (on top of tr...
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    created by jibrilg
  • Got an HTTP 404 error when trying to access http://localhost

    After I installed jbossws-3.0.1-metro-1.0.1.GA on a 4.2.2 GA server, I tried to access http://localhost:8080/jbossws but got an HTTP 404 error( /jbossws is not available ). The JUnit tests all passed. When I installe...
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    last modified by tlu05
  • METRO SPI integration.

    Hello! I would like to know if there are plans to support JAX-WS RI extensions? For example @InstanceResolverAnnotation works, But what about SPI like: com.sun.xml.ws.api.BindingIDFactory or com.sun.xml.ws.api.pip...
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    created by ratoo
  • Does JBossWS-Metro support WS-AT like Metro

    Support for WS-AT 1.0 is provided by the JBoss Transactions project. It also supports WS-BA 1.0. See the JBossTS Project page for details: http://labs.jboss.com/jbosstm/ Follow: the web services link for an overvie...
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    created by adinn
  • JBossWS 3.0.1 Released

    I'm happy to announce the release of JBossWS 3.0.1 GA that includes Native 2.0.4 (fully certified JAX-WS web services implementation), Metro 1.0.1 and CXF 1.0.1 Native runs on jboss-5.0.0.Beta4, jboss-4.2.2 and jboss...
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    last modified by ropalka