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Thread Wrapper class could not be found
Wrapper class could not be foundMy webservice developed with jbossws-3.0.1-metro-1.0.1.GA doesn't work anymore under jbossws-metro-3.0.2.GA. I'm getting this error:
ERROR [http] WSSERVLET11: failed to parse runtime descriptor: runtime modeler err...
Install problems with JBossWS Metro 3.0.2I followed the installation instructions, but I'm getting these errors:
C:\jbossws-metro-3.0.2.GA\jbossws-metro-dist>ant deploy-jboss422
Buildfile: build.xml
[echo] integratio...
Thread Invalid HTTP server response [401] while trying to communica
Invalid HTTP server response [401] while trying to communicaI have ran into wall with this one. I used wconsume to create a 2 web service clients. The clients are part of an application that is deployed on Jboss-4.2.2.GA. The first client works just fine. However the second cl...
JBossWS-Metro on JBoss 4.2.1.GAIn order to install JBossWS the following steps are necessary: 1.) Modify the target container location in ant.properties 2.) Make sure to uninstall any deployed stack ant undeploy-<jboss.version> I.e. 'ant...
com.sun.xml.wss.RealmAuthenticationAdapter missing?I've downloaded JBossWS Metro 3.0.2 GA and am trying to write a custom RealmAuthenticator as outlined in the JBossWS Stack Metro documentation. However, it appears the the classes com.sun.xml.wss.RealmAuthenticationA...
JBossWS 3.0.2 ReleasedWe're happy to announce the release of JBossWS 3.0.2 GA that includes Native (fully certified JAX-WS web services implementation), Metro and Apache CXF integration Native runs on jboss-5.0.0.Beta4, jboss-4.2.2 and jb...
jbossws-metro-dist-3.0.1.GA missing SunRIConsumerFactoryImplHi, I'm trying to run the wsconsume ant task against the jbossws 3.0.1 metro 1.0.1 GA distribution. The build fails with: Failed to load: org.jboss.ws.tools.jaxws.impl.SunRIConsumerFactoryImpl It looks like the j...
Security Settings?Is there somewhere a documentation how to configure the security settings in JBossWS-Metro? Using the wsit-packagename.classname.xml doesn't work for me.
Thread Which Metro release/sources were used to build libs used by
Which Metro release/sources were used to build libs used byCan anyone identify exactly which of the Sun metro/jaxws source releases the jbossws-3.0.1-metro-1.0.1.GA build was based on and where to get them from. When I step into the metro code in the debugger the executed cod...
Thread Problems with org.jboss.wsf.spi.tools.ant.WSProvideTask
Problems with org.jboss.wsf.spi.tools.ant.WSProvideTaskI can't get that to work. It seems like WSProvideTask ignores the classpath I set:
<target name="test-wsprovide" depends="init">
<mkdir dir="${build.generated.dir}/wsgen/service"/>
<taskdef name="w...
Need Help in Exposing Web service methodHello, I have written a web service using jboss ws. I have exposed one of methods as follows:
public String getDevDetails(@WebParam(name="dev") String devName)
String devDetails = null;
Thread Metro Project: Netbeans/Tomcat to JBossWS ?
Metro Project: Netbeans/Tomcat to JBossWS ?Hello, I developed a simple WSIT-Metro Project with Netbeans 6.1 und it runs fine under Tomcat 6.0.16. When I try to run the WAR File under JBoss it doesn't work. So I red the new JBossWS 3.0 supports metro. So I ins...
Missing junit.jar lib in ant testsI posted about this a while back in response to the initial announcement. Heiko just responded to my post about this error with the advice that I should try running bash build.sh tests instead of ant tests I tri...
Using @FastInfoset & compressionHi, I'm using AS 4.2.2 [SVNTag=JBoss_4_2_2_GA date=200710221139] and jbossws-3.0.1-metro-1.0.1.GA (build=200803250907). How do i use the @fastinfoset in IDE (eclipse)? Also, is there a way to compress (on top of tr...
Thread Got an HTTP 404 error when trying to access http://localhost
Got an HTTP 404 error when trying to access http://localhostAfter I installed jbossws-3.0.1-metro-1.0.1.GA on a 4.2.2 GA server, I tried to access http://localhost:8080/jbossws but got an HTTP 404 error( /jbossws is not available ). The JUnit tests all passed. When I installe...
METRO SPI integration.Hello! I would like to know if there are plans to support JAX-WS RI extensions? For example @InstanceResolverAnnotation works, But what about SPI like: com.sun.xml.ws.api.BindingIDFactory or com.sun.xml.ws.api.pip...
Thread Does JBossWS-Metro support WS-AT like Metro
Does JBossWS-Metro support WS-AT like MetroSupport for WS-AT 1.0 is provided by the JBoss Transactions project. It also supports WS-BA 1.0. See the JBossTS Project page for details: http://labs.jboss.com/jbosstm/ Follow: the web services link for an overvie...
JBossWS 3.0.1 ReleasedI'm happy to announce the release of JBossWS 3.0.1 GA that includes Native 2.0.4 (fully certified JAX-WS web services implementation), Metro 1.0.1 and CXF 1.0.1 Native runs on jboss-5.0.0.Beta4, jboss-4.2.2 and jboss...