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Article Schema Validation in JBoss
Schema Validation in JBoss I am getting this error when I run a SOAP request.I want to validate the request and response.The schema validation happens for the request.But in the repon...
Thread Accessign XML schema types from another XML schema file
Accessign XML schema types from another XML schema fileHi All, I am accessing XML schema file from EJB to validate XML files. The XML schema files are having its own hierarchy. e.g. A.xsd includes B.xsd, B.xsd includes C.xsd During the deployment...
Thread JBossXB should swap out the Context ClassLoader before initi
JBossXB should swap out the Context ClassLoader before initiPlease refer to the following discussion for a detailed description of the problem: http://www.jboss.org/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&t=158645 The problem is caused by the fact that at the time of xerce...
elementFormDefaultHi, I have a web service in JBoss5.1.0.GA where I need to generate the elementFormDefault attribute in the schema tag in the generated wsdl file. The wdsl file is generated from annotations in the code. How can I a...
first stax performance testI've written a simple StAX-based parser for XB to see how it affects the performance. I've used the same tests I've been using previously while working on optimizations and comparison to JAXB. I'd like to ment...
turning all into unordered sequenceTaking into account that the new XSD spec is making all group exactly the same as XB's unordered sequence, should we reflect that in XB now? I've just tried runnign XB testsuite with AllBinding simply extending Unord...
Regression moving to JBossXB 2.0.2.Beta5Hi, after Ales moved AS trunk from 2.0.2.Beta3 to 2.0.2.Beta5, we're seeing some failures in JBossWS testsuite when dealing with xsd:any elements and arrays of them: http://jbossws.jboss.org:8180/hudson/job/NATIVE-CO...
Removing dependency of JBossXB on xercesCross reference: https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBXB-238 Alexey Loubyansky wrote: XB-wise it means all XB users must be on Java annotation-based binding, XSD-based bindings won't be supported...
Thread Using generics info in CollectionPropertyHandler
Using generics info in CollectionPropertyHandlerChecking how KernelDeployment handles BeanMetaDataFactorys I came with the following issue: - http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=4191432#4191432 I guess CollectionPropertyHandler could ...
Xml attribute listI'm trying to do the following to allow for several values in an xml attribute
public enum QualifierPoint
@XmlEnumValue("Constructor") CONSTRUCTOR,
@XmlEnumValue("Method") METHOD,
@XmlEnumValue("Property") PRO...
Redefining the javaee namespace for xsdsI am in the process of refactoring the jboss_x_y.xsd for any EE6 related changes. I am trying to reduce any duplicacy[1] between the ejb-jar xsd and the jboss xsd and instead follow a "extension" model to allow the jb...
Binding to multiple namespacesI posted a discussion in the user forum (the first, and only post there) at Binding to multiple namespaces? but have not yet received any response. I'm assuming that due to the lack of volume there, nobody is ac...
Thread Backward compatibility of metadata binding classes
Backward compatibility of metadata binding classesAfter upgrading jboss-metadata-ejb to the latest jboss-metadata-common (has EE6 specific things), i am seeing some regressions through jboss-metadata-ejb testsuite. Specifically, the JBoss50XSDBindingUnitTestCase and ...
Thread SchemaResolverConfig MC bean and its usage in AS
SchemaResolverConfig MC bean and its usage in ASI am trying to integrate EJB3.1 specific things in AS trunk. I noticed that there's a metadata-deployers-jboss-beans.xml with a SchemaResolverConfig MC bean: <!-- The schema location to JBossXB binding class...
JBXB-100Hi Alexey, below is the code we're talking about in JBXB-100. JBossWS code is reusing org.jboss.xb.binding.SimpleTypeBindings for un/marshalling. The methods we're using requires String for payload to be de/serializ...
Element is not bound as a global element.I have a schema like this
<xsd:schema xmlns="http://org.jboss.test.osgi.jbossxb.simple"
xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" targetNamespace="http://org.jboss.test.osgi.jbossxb.simple"
JBossEntityResolver cannot resolve...Hi all, I'm using JBoss 4.2.3 GA for my application. When I submit my first request to the web service that has been generated using WsdlToJava (and JAXB), JBoss appears to have an issue. The JBossEntityResolver (and...
Thread How to retrieve the value of a "fixed" attribute
How to retrieve the value of a "fixed" attributeJPA 2 has added a new attribute to the persistence-unit element. It is required but is fixed at the same time so the user doesn't have to set it explicitly. I can't seem to find a way to let JBoss XB to populate my m...
Customizing XB and performance testingSo, the previous tests show that generated parsers/handlers show the best time and significant difference. (Although the time and difference should be taken as a landmark value taking into account that Fast JAXB at th...