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Thread ValueAdapter not getting invoked for a top level type.
ValueAdapter not getting invoked for a top level type.I fixed a problem I found where if you define a ValueAdapter for a type it doesn't get invoked when the type is associated with the top level element. See TopLevelValueAdapterUnitTestCase.
Thread Printing source name that failed to be parsed on error stack
Printing source name that failed to be parsed on error stackDear all, I found this error stack when deploying seam examples. Based on what I've underlined, I found difficulties when debugging what xml source file that is failed to be parsed. 2006-12-13 12:11:09,442 ERROR [o...
Recent testsAlthough I discussed it privately with Alex, this covers the recent tests I submitted for JBossXB point out some problems. AnyComplexTypeUnitTestCase: This shows the problem with duplicate wildcard processing and nee...
Thread Need a valid jbossxb release to the maven repo
Need a valid jbossxb release to the maven repoSo we don't have a valid release of jbossxb in the maven repo as the jbossxb-1.0.1.TEST release has bogus dependencies on common artifacts. As part of http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBXB-91, it seems we need a JBos...
jboss5 version synchronizationthe current jbossxb trunk (or the 1.0.0.CR7 being pulled into jbossas trunk) is not being built with the same level of jboss common jars as is used in jbossas:
<componentref name="jboss/common-core" version="2....
Thread DtdAwareContentHandler to support SAX2 LexicalHandler events
DtdAwareContentHandler to support SAX2 LexicalHandler eventsThe only way I can get the version for ejb2.x descriptors is to get the doctype. I hacked in some support for this by adding an extended ContentHandler that supports the startDTD/endDTD from the SAX2 LexicalHandler: ...
Thread Unmarshaller/Marshaller support for javax.xml.transform.Sour
Unmarshaller/Marshaller support for javax.xml.transform.SourWe have a task on our roadmap (after TCK completion)[1] to remove string processing from jbossws. In order to do this, we would need an enhancement to JBossXB that allowed parsing of DOM fragments. The best way to do ...
Thread Problem with repeated but not repeatable particles.
Problem with repeated but not repeatable particles.In the ejb-jar xsd there is a repeated particle that is not a repeatable particle, this causes problems for JBossXB which wants to treat it as a repeatable. I added a test for this, see RepeatedElementsUnitTestCase. ...
Thread Using annotations to define schema mappings
Using annotations to define schema mappingsSince: 1) obviously we can't define schema annotations on the javaee schemas 2) writing handlers (objectmodelfactory, schemabindinginitialzer) by hand is laborious and error prone 3) none of this information on the m...
Still got problems with groupsI still have an issue mapping groups. This relates to the work being done here: http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&t=92129 It is relatively easy to map elements/types, since if you have: ...
DTD and schema bindingsI need to verify that I can use a schema binding to parse a dtd. Alex, I know you did some magic for the rar parser (ObjectModelFactory) will this trick also work for a SchemaBinding?
Marshalling Into java.util.propertiesI tried using the jbxb marshalling into properties in conf/login-config.xml
xsi:schemaLocation="urn:jboss:security-config:5.0 resource:security-config_5_0
Top level groupsI've reworked the XsdBinder to add support for top level or global groups. This lets you look at and change the model of the group. The main change is to reuse the top level groups where they are referenced rather th...
Sundry JBossXB changesI've made a couple of fixes/changes to JBossXB. 1) The SchemaBinding now exposes the namespaces in the document 2) I've improved some error messages. This needs a review. JBossXB is eating lots errors making the real...
Changes to the unmarshaller interface.I want to make some changes to the unmarshaller interface. 1) There should be methods based on InputSource. This actually makes most of the other methods redundant. This is needed because I want to attach a system i...
DefaultSchemaResolver logic is wrongAs per the previous thread earlier this year, it is not possible to compose schemas using imports with JBossXB. I've fixed this, with the new implemetation, I can now get an XSModel for the JavaEE schemas (which prev...
Thread JBossEntityResolver and predefined locations
JBossEntityResolver and predefined locationsThe JBossEntityResolver only looks in the classpath for predetermined filenames. I've added some code that treats the file as a system id, i.e. a URI when it is not found in the classpath.
InputStream ins = loadC...
Supporting XIncludeI'd like to be able to compose xml documents. With the old dtd stuff this was done with entities, e.g. see the build scripts. :-) When using xsd, the only option is XInclude. But this isn't supported until java5 ht...
MTOM value adapterWe need to be able to adapt different marshalling/unmarshalling values to specific java types. With MTOM a xsd:base64Binary can have multiple java representations: Source,Image,DataHandler, Stream ... What i am pictu...