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Thread 1.0 final release tasks
1.0 final release tasksThis thread is for discussing tasks that should be done before 1.0 release. Thomas D has requested an estimation date so he can plan WS release. So, please, let me know your requirements, wishes, etc.
SchemaBindingResolver HACK!Since my work on the work for XSD annotations based parsing is taking longer than I originally anticipated. I want to discuss a "HACK" that will look like the xsd annotations are working when in fact it is still usin...
Loop in schema binding resolutionAlex, I am testing the schema initializers with the bean schema binding and it is looping resolving the schema... See testcase: SingletonSchemaBindingResolverUnitTestCase Partial stack trace of looping thread:
WildcardWrapperI added that test for the wildcard wrapping.
1380 DEBUG [WildcardWrapperUnitTestCase] ==== Starting testWildcard ====
1400 DEBUG [WildcardWrapperUnitTestCase] Initialized parsing in 11ms
1447 DEBUG [WildcardWrapper...
Thread Resolving XB conflicts in Branch_4_0 and HEAD
Resolving XB conflicts in Branch_4_0 and HEADJIRA issue: investigate conflicts between XB versions in Branch_4_0 and HEAD http://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBXB-45 Would it be ok to update users of XB in Branch_4_0 to use the new API starting from 4.0.4? And t...
Thread Add method should consider method param to be of base type
Add method should consider method param to be of base typeThis case applies to the JBXB annotations based injection. Consider the following xml bit:
Annotations and holdersSorry, I've temporarily broken some of the JBossXB tests (the annotation pojo tests). This is part of this work: http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBMICROCONT-32 I've converted the tests to be more like the real par...
SchemaLocation parsing.There are a couple of "bugs" in the schema location parsing if the attribute does not contain the expected tokens:
public static String getSchemaLocation(Attributes attrs, String nsUri)
String location = null;...
Dependency on XercesBesides the fact that Xerces' XS API is used to parse schemas, an instance of SAX parser created in Unmarshaller is initialized with Xerces-specific features. Trying to use another parser, e.g. Crimson that comes with...
Eat our own dogfood xsd parserThis relates to this discussion thread: http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&t=71257 I was actually trying to fork the jbxb bindings but got caught up in the inability to replace the impleme...
JARJARing XercesI think we may want to JARJAR xerces for JBossXB. The question is, are SchemaBindings and ObjectFactories isolated from Xerces? One thing Bill D just ran into was Xerces problems on running embeddable stuff on Weblog...
Strange annotationsAnother reason not to use Xerces is that it is broken? :-) For some reason it thinks that plainValueType has four annotations (it has one):
765 TRACE [XsdBinder] binding complex type {urn:jboss:bean-deployer}plainV...
setNotValueThere is a comment in the code (and an error message) about not supporting overriding property names of a simple type. It just supports a setValue() I tried to hack around the issue with a "null" convertor that takes...
Consistency of jbxb and jaxb annotationsI have created an initial jbxb_1_0.xsd schema under as server/src/resources/schema/jbxb_1_0.xsd and I see that we are out of synch with respect to jaxb. The top level jbxb:schema element mirrors the jaxb:schemaBinding...
Java permissions and JBossXBI've been working on running the MC with a SecurityManager enabled. To make this work, I've had to wrap the JBossXB calls in a privileged block otherwise xerces doesn't find the resolved xml/dtds/xsds.
final Unma...
JBossXB as a projectHi Alex, How close are we to being able to do this? http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBBUILD-61 I think such a project should serve as an integration point for everybody's xml needs where issues cannot be resolved ...
SchemaBinding-based marshallerA new marshaller that works off of org.jboss.xb.binding.sunday.unmarshalling.SchemaBinding has been committed. It is org.jboss.xb.binding.sunday.MarshallerImpl. This is the one that is going to be the default one inst...