• Task Engine in JBPM suite

    Hi ,           Is a task engine provided as part of the BPM Suite? If yes, are the following features provided? Does the BPM Suite provide templates to create human tas...
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    last modified by bhargavdesai99
  • JBPM-Model Driven Architecture(MDA)

    Hi,           Does the JBPM solution implement any MDA/MDD approach? Is the solution aligned to OMG (Object Management Group)?     Thanks, Bhargav
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  • BAM(Business Activity Monitoring) in JBPM

    Hi,        Is BAM support available in JBPM ? If yes , then what features (Automated Business Process Discovery , Realtime monitoring  , Impact Management , etc . ) are supported ?  ...
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  • Predictive Analysis in JBPM

    Hi ,         Is Predictive Analysis (financial, risk, critical path, rule simulation/what-if analysis, …) supported in JBPM ? If Yes, then which analysis features are supported ?...
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  • Simulation in JBPM

    Hi ,         Is Simulation supported in JBPM ? If yes, which simulation method/features are available?       Thanks, Bhargav
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  • JBPM CONSOLE : HTTP Status 500 -

    Hi all,   I encountred an HTTP 500 Error on the jbpm console, it's repetitive problem and i can not fix that, can any one help me please. Here the stacktrace og the exception   type Exception report mes...
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    last modified by ramouda
  • How to deploy a process created in eclipse on jbpm 3.2.8 running on jboss server?

    Hi Guys, I've created a few process using eclipse but i've no clue how to deploy them on the server, except for creating a .par file and uploading it using the jbpm-console. But as this is cumbersome I would like to ...
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    last modified by sanket.srimany
  • JBPM 3 : EL resolution issue

    Hi all, I'm quite new to JBPM / Seam, I'm facing a problem of missing resolution of a Seam component in a jpdl transition : in a process definition we use a reference to a seam component called "etatEvenenemt", norm...
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    last modified by rododendro.ivan
  • jbpm timer +  End transaction failed for XAResource

    Hello, I've misunderstanded problem with jbpm timer behaviour, timer is like :       <state name="WaitOTAInstallCommandResponse">         <timer name="time...
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    created by ramouda
  • Instance is created but not showing in Process instance screen once its completed

    Hi   I am working with jbpm-jpdl-3.2.GA. I have developed one flow for demo purpose and deploy it to jbpm console. I am able to start the process and it stars the process and displays the instance id [ My flow w...
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    last modified by jaiyachandhiran
  • JbpmOnTomcat

    This how-to outlines the necessary steps to get jBPM 3.2 working with Tomcat and MySQL.    It has been tested with the following environments:   Tomcat 5.0.28 / 5.5.26 / 6.0.10 / 7.0.22 (see the notes...
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    last modified by anibal.sanchez
  • How to use Automatic Decision in jbpm 3

    Hi   I am using jbpm-jpdl-3.2.GA and i am trting to create a test workflow. I made  a workflow with decision. I learnt that we need to write a java class which implements DecisionHandler in which we can cal...
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    last modified by jaiyachandhiran
  • [JBPM]Orchestration  undeployment.

    While deployment of orchestration I want to undeploy all previous versions of it.   To find them I use bpelGraphSession.findAllProcessDefinition(name + "$%", orchestrationId);   Then I deleting them all ...
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    last modified by yrachek
  • not able to login as a new user in jbpm console

    hi i have started working on jboss jbpm web console there are 4 default users manager shiper admin & user i can login with these id's but i have created some new users for the purpose of my project but i can...
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    last modified by rishab.rishie
  • How to start a sub-process independent from main process

    Hi all,     I am using JBPM3.2. In my case I have a requirement to start a new process at a node of my main process and pass parameters to it from main process. Actually I want my sub-process be an ind...
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    last modified by pragiya
  • JBPM api

    Please I'm confuse, because I would like to use JPBM  api to design and manage  process in my web application . So I would like to know if some one have done it before, so It can help me with his example. ...
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    last modified by ggotam
  • Process variable resets to null

    Hi all;      I have a problem with jbpm 3.2.8. My jpdl file is shown below. I have a process varible named "amount". The type of which is Integer. I set the value of it to 200 at the 'start'. ...
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    created by pragiya
  • Determine the task node's actor ID.

    Hi,   Can anyone tell me with simple example how to determine the task node's actor ID?  I would like to develop an application feature which can check if the current task node's assigned actor ID is the cu...
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    last modified by bensonfungjava
  • Determine which process instance and which task node by a given user id.

    Hi,   I am writing a simple application for approval process.  When a user login to the application, the application needs to find out which process instance and which task node that the user needs to do.&#...
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    created by bensonfungjava
  • How to know if a token is running

    First of all, hi all there, I am new on this community.   Second, sorry for my bad English.   I hope someone can help me with this problem (sorry if this is a silly question).   It is related with: ...
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    last modified by josepm