• How to handle failed processes/states due to server crashes?

    Hi,   I have a Spring 3.0 + jBPM 4.3 setup, basically a webapplication with embedded jBPM.   Basic flow of my application: On receiving a message on queue, my application creates a process instance based ...
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    last modified by pkk4jbpm
  • TaskService.deleteTask(taskId) is not working?

    Is there a way to delete a task in jbpm 4.4? tried using TaskService.deleteTask(taskId), but always got an exception org.jbpm.api.JbpmException: tasks related to an execution must be completed. they cannot just be de...
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    last modified by zhangjing2000
  • Documentation of jBPM database schema

        Where can I find documentation on the jBPM database schema?  I have been googling for it, but I haven't found any yet.
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    last modified by joegottman
  • getting all not completed task for a processInstance

    Hi,   I'm looking for a solution to get all the next tasks for a particular process instance in jbpm 4.4...   I try this : taskService.createTaskQuery().processInstanceId(processInstanceId).list();  ...
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    last modified by newbeewan
  • Command service txn management

    In the default jbpm JTA configuration (jbpm.tx.jta.cfg.xml), the command service is set up three different ways (see below). Can someone say how jbpm which one to pick in each case? Looking at the code, it seems like ...
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    last modified by gubespam
  • JBPM Exception when running workflow

    Hi Guys,   I'm pretty new to jBPM and am seeing a couple of issues that hopefully someone can help with. I have a workflow that basically parses a set of XML files and moves these to different director...
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    last modified by stevesitton
  • Memory leak in webapp ?

    Hi,   My configuration is JSF 1.2/Facelet/RichFaces/JBPM4.4 (it was the same with 4.3)/Spring 3   I'm trying to use the new tool deliver by tomcat to find leak particularly in classloader and it find some....
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    last modified by newbeewan
  • jBPM and caching

    Does anyone have any experience enabling Hibernate second-level caching with jBPM? Things like User, Deployment and more are practically never changed in our application, and could easily be cached to reduce the amoun...
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    last modified by eivindbw
  • Error: execution is not active: OBSOLETE

    Has anyone ever seen this error before or know what causes it? I think it is happening when terminating processes from the console. A search through the code reveals that the only place "OBSOLETE" is referenced is in ...
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    last modified by gubespam
  • how to override mail configuration ?

    Hi,   It is a stupid configuration question in jbpm 4 !   I have in my classpath a jbpm.mail.properties and it works !   For test purpose, I have an other properties file to switch to an other mail s...
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    last modified by newbeewan
  • Deploying jbpm 4.4 snapshot on tomcat issue

    Hi,   I'm experimenting jbpm4.4 (build for svn commit 6420) and I have serious problem at deployment on tomcat.   My unit tests works as usual after correcting some comportments due to evolution of jbpm. &...
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    last modified by newbeewan
  • Unable to set the mail configuration properties in JBPM 4.0

    Hai!   I am using jbpm 4.0 with jboss 5.0 and i am unable to configure jbpm.mail.properties in my application I have created new file called jbpm.mail.properties and in that i have written my configuration set...
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    last modified by akstifr
  • Form Edit Process Modeling help

    We are using JBPM4 as the workflow engine to handle our process applications.   There is one use case we are not sure how to model using jbpm.   The use case is of the following:   User A:  ...
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    last modified by gujade
  • Injected hibernate SessionFactory is not used by jBPM 4.3?

    Hi there,   I'm using jBPM 4.3 and I want jBPM to use my own SessionFactoryImpl object, instead of creating its own. I'm doing the following to inject my SessionFactory into jBPM:   new Configuration().setR...
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    last modified by helmers
  • start a process within another process in jbpm 4.3

    Hi,   Trying to port existing 3.2 workflow implementation into 4.3   My requirement is to be able to calculate a number of sub-processes to start at a certain step of the main process. Since I haven't foun...
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    last modified by matrixpooh
  • jbpm 4.1 using "clob" variables

    We've been using JBPM for quite a while now, it's running smoothly. However today one of our users ran into a character size limit apparently caused by storing too large texts on the JBPM context. The user entered ...
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    last modified by tim83
  • org.jbpm.bpmn.model.BpmnProcessDefinition cannot be cast to org.jbpm.api.ProcessDefinitionImpl

    Hi all!   I'm porting an application from jbpm3 to jbpm4, replacing the necessary parts. Our main goal is to be able to run BPMN2 diagrams. I have Spring 3 integration set up and all that, but I'm stumbling on a...
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    last modified by michelemauro
  • jBPM5 - Request for Comments

    Please have a look at: https://community.jboss.org/wiki/jBPM5RequestforComments
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    last modified by sebastian.s
  • Trouble with jBPM 4 job executor and context reloading.

    In my development environment I have resorted to disabling the jBPM 4.3 job executor because when I publish any changes to my jBoss server which results in a context reload, the job executor thread doesn't die off....
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    last modified by unsavory
  • How to provide my own transaction to jBPM?

    Hi,   we're using jBPM 4.3, the jBPM tables are part of a bigger database schema, also containing our own tables.   Our transactional service method looks like this:       @Transaction...
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    last modified by helmers