• What is the data source where the DB table named JBPM_PROCESSDEFINITION is created ?

    Hello,   I would like to know what is the name of the data source where table named JBPM_PROCESSDEFINITION is created ? Or where can I configure this data source ?   I need this name, because when I tried...
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    last modified by rdelarosa
  • How to provide my own transaction to jBPM?

    Hi,   we're using jBPM 4.3, the jBPM tables are part of a bigger database schema, also containing our own tables.   Our transactional service method looks like this:       @Transaction...
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    last modified by helmers
  • redhat support for jbpm 4

    Is there an official support for jbpm 4 by RedHat?
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    last modified by matrixpooh
  • Unable to deploy the examples of JBPM4.0 on JBOSS

    hi ..   i have been facing this problem from last two days….but still i could not solve this problem …..Please help in this problem   I am using with Eclipse Galleo jbpm4.0 jboss 5.0.0.GA ...
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    last modified by akstifr
  • Determine type of event notification

    If I create a single event listener that is set up to listen for both "start" and "end" events, is there a way to determine, from within the notify() method, which event (start or end) actually occurred?
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    last modified by gubespam
  • Converting a variable back

    I am working on jBPM 4.3. I wrote a converter to convert one of my classes into a Long (it's coming from JPA with the Long being its key). I added it to jbpm.variables.types.xml and using the following code I add th...
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    last modified by jochen_mader
  • Repeat Timer Issue

    This happened on jBPM 4.0. Initially I defined a normal timer in my process definition, it worked well but after I changed it to a repeat timer (by adding repeat="30 seconds"), I encountered the following exception: &...
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    created by seanmo
  • Injecting external object into custom activity

    In jbpm, you can use object references to have jbpm to dynamically inject objects into custom activities, like below:   {code} import org.jbpm.api.activity.ExternalActivityBehaviour; public class Custom implem...
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    last modified by gubespam
  • How to skip an Activity?

    I am trying to skip an activity through my application where I am getting an error. I tried the following but its giving an error.   ProcessInstance procIns = executionService.findProcessInstanceById( id) ;Execut...
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    last modified by yogitabartake
  • Create process instance without starting it

    Is there a way, through the public API, to create a process instance without starting it? The StartProcessInstanceInLatestCmd always starts it.   {code}     ClientProcessInstance processInstance = ...
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    last modified by gubespam
  • jbpm installation error win 7

    I am trying to install jbpm 4.1/4.2 on jboss 5.0.0.GA/5.1.1.GA on a windows 7 machine, but in demo.setup.jboss target, when it comes to install.examples.into.jboss target there are errors and none of the examples are ...
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    created by hakanm
  • Stop process from jBPM Console

    When I stop a process from jBPM console, is it any event, node or something I can implement to execute some code before end the process (to clean objects, etc.)? It is not intercepted by error nodes or something. Whe...
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    last modified by vegamilano
  • Problems with Deploy Examples en Server Linux

    Hi Friends I installed the jbpm-4.2 on a Linux server and  examples when I try to install I get the following error:   ***************************************************************** Buildfile: build.xm...
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    last modified by cmjhingeniero
  • Modeling a cycle with a timer in jBPM????

    I have the  following case: I have a task JAVA that makes a  transition decisions that evaluates a condition. If the condition is met the process  continues its normal flow, but marks the process shoul...
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    last modified by cmjhingeniero
  • Exception handling in JBPM4

    Hi, I have some questions about exception handling in JBPM4. 1) It seems we can't yet use exception handlers in JBPM4, we don't see any examples covering this and the JBPM4 documentation about exception handli...
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    last modified by pweemeeuw
  • Does anyone know how to deploy ProcessDefintion in JBPM 4.2

    I am facing a serious problem, which can a blocker for us.   I have wrote a small piecie of code that builds ProcessDefintion.   ProcessDefinitionBuilder builder = ProcessDefinitionBuilder.startProcess("Hel...
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    last modified by kot.filemon
  • Using timers when integrating jBPM4.2 with Spring 2.5.6

    Hi,   I'm using JDK and integrated jBPM 4.2 with Spring  2.5.6 in a web application that runs on Liferay portal. JBPM tables are in the same database with the tables for the application domain. The...
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    created by andriusms
  • How to configure jbpm 4.0 on Tomcat 6.0 +Tomcat 5.5

    Hi,   I want to configure to jbpm4.0 into Tomcat Server 6.0. Is it possible to configure in it??   or   I have to choose other version to do that ( i.e in Both case Jboss, Jbpm) . Which are supported...
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    last modified by akstifr
  • Create Groups and Users

    Hi  guys You can create different user groups to  which they are created from the target load.example.identities??   Are  there restrictions on users or group? I tried to create them directly ...
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    last modified by cmjhingeniero
  • Deployment mechanism details

    Can anyone shed some light on how deployment (of business archives and process definitons) works in jbpm 4? There is an Ant task that can be used to deploy deployments into jBPM, which I have working fine. The user g...
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    last modified by gubespam