• REST interface for JBPM

    I've made some kind of RESTful interface for JBPM 4 by mens of JAXB & Jersey. So I can share my code, if anybody care
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    last modified by jump
  • Changing objects and serialization problem

    I am responsible for an application where the hibernate objects are stored in the jbpm tables. I changed a hibernate object and now jbpm is throwing up exceptions since it cannot deseriliaze object anymore. Prior deve...
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    last modified by enderwiggin30
  • jbpm project suggestions

    Hi forum,   I am working on my final project for the master degree ~ BPM in a help desk support tool. For the technical part i need to implement jBPM, but I am not sure what exactly to do. Should I transform t...
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    created by pantearaul
  • Java activity ejb jndi name

    I have one query regarding jBPM Java activity. It supports ejb-jndi-name attribute. Is it possible to put an expression into the jpdl file in place of actual ejb name. I will be setting this ejb jndi name at runtime i...
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    created by pushpak1981
  • jBPM 4.4 Jobs

    Our jpdl contains only one async nodes at start and all the other Java activities are not async. So as per the docs my workflow will run in an single transaction as it has only one async node. Is there any way i can...
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    last modified by pushpak1981
  • jbpm 4.x - Extending Tasks & task-node

    Hi All,   We had option to extend/customize task instance in 3.x to add our own attributes - Something like:   <?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC      "-...
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    created by connectwithnk
  • Issue with Deploying jBPM-BPEL example processes: deployment throws errors on the jBoss server

      Hey guys,   I deployed jBPM-BPEL 1.1.1 on jBoss AS 4.2.3. I followed the directions in the jBPM-BPEL documentation and created a schema using ant create.schema. Everything ran smoothly till that point. ...
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    last modified by kvishnu13
  • get name of the actual state

    Do you know how we can get the state of our process with the code java by jBPM API ?   if we have : ProcessInstance instance = executionService.startProcessInstanceByKey("helloworld");   and when i pick ...
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    created by kaissun
  • Jbpm Shutdown

    Hi All,   I have some queries regarding the Jbpm Shutdown. Our Web Application is using Jbpm service deployed in Jboss. And the Java Jbpm Activities are using EJB's that are deployed into our application.  ...
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    created by pushpak1981
  • Console timeout

    Is there a way to configure the two timeouts for the console? 1. Time until user authentication times out (ie. inactivity, after which they must log in again) 2. Timeout for remote data requests (like refreshing tab...
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    last modified by gubespam
  • Remove variable from outside the process

    Hi   How do I remove a variable from the process variables HashMap, from outside the process? In the documentation I can see it's possible to do it using ActivityExecution, but only when we're inside the process...
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    created by tirwit
  • Get all processes keys

    Hi!   I want to create a method that will get all the processes deployed keys, and search that list for a key. In case the key is not found, the process is not created. But I don't know how to get all the proces...
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    created by tirwit
  • adding a custom service to jbpm.cfg.xml

    Hi all, i'm a newbie into jbpm. I'm trying to add a service similar to IdentityService which provides me a list of all groups. I found other topics about the method to select all of them using hibernate but i want to ...
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    last modified by h4rlock
  • JbpmMeetingTomHeikoJanuary2009

    Logging / History [JBPM-1994] Transactional storage of the history of a process execution (not software logging) Do we have a good name for this ? Log pluggability is in place Basic pluggability infrastructure is i...
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    last modified by tom.baeyens
  • jBPM4 and XForms

    Using XForms for building HIM interfaces Opposed to the JSF/Facelet approach in jBPM3, XForms offers another alternative to realize task form interfaces. This page should acts as a resource collection to  get th...
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    last modified by heiko.braun
  • jBPM 4 Release Procedure

    Preparations on trunk Verify addition of version axis to hudson job jbpm4-upgrade Verify all jbpm4 hudson jobs run ok Update release notes: Add release notes to the modules/distro/src/main/resources/readme.html for ...
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    last modified by tom.baeyens
  • jBPM4 Building from Source

    This page explains how to get the jbpm 4 process engine sources, the various things you can build with it and how to set up your eclipse. Requirements JDK 5 or higher Maven 2.0.9 or higher Subversion Other build ins...
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    last modified by thomas.diesler
  • jBPM4.4 and jbpm-console: obtaining user

    I would like to display in the task form the information who has started the recent process instance. Moreover I'd like to run this porcess on jbpm-console...   My idea was to make an EventListner which was sup...
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    created by pawel.gutowski
  • Removing history information of completed process instances

    Hello All,   Is there any way to remove the history of completed process instances from jBPM 4 history tables? I can't see any API function to achieve that. The retention of all process instance history informati...
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    last modified by h.peter
  • jbpm4 create / retrieve task timer programmatically

    With jBPM4 I was able to create and retrieve timers against a given task programmatically. I can't see an obvious way to do this in jBPM4, or am I missing something?
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    last modified by aapthorp