• Task element in jBPM 4.4

    Hi All, i am very new to jbpm. I am trying to model some business workflows in jbpm (using jpdl).   I wanted to know if the element "task"   basically mean a human task?   I am trying to assign use...
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    created by ayusman_dikshit
  • Activity name in EL ?

    Hi,   I can't find any documentation about EL context in jbpm 4.4...   Is it possible to access to current activity informations (the name and assigned user particularly), for example in a mail send on "en...
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    last modified by newbeewan
  • Deployment error on redeploy

    Hi,   I'm trying to redeploy some processes definitions (jbpm4.4). the documentation is not clear about that the code is hidden by calling   I'm deploying process definition like that :   NewDeployme...
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    created by newbeewan
  • Environment for jBPM 4 workflow (jPDL, xPDL, ...)

    Hi guys,   I've got a question. We want to use the jBPM 4 as our process manager. We've choosen the BPMN as a notation which can be understood by both - developers and analysts guys. It occurs that the only pro...
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    created by pedrokowalski
  • Questions regarding the construction of forms (electronic forms)

    Hello, how are you? In my organization we are wanting toadopt the jBPM5,but Istill have some questions regarding thistool.     I'veused the BonitaSoft andIntalio inother organizations. The jBPM also allo...
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    last modified by nemesiofreitas
  • Access to task comments in an EL, possible ?

    Hi,   I'm looking for a simple solution to get task comments via EL to write then into a mail hooked to the event on "end".   Is it possible to get then or do I need to create a mail activity and populate ...
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    created by newbeewan
  • adding a custom service to jbpm.cfg.xml

    Hi all, i'm a newbie into jbpm. I'm trying to add a service similar to IdentityService which provides me a list of all groups. I found other topics about the method to select all of them using hibernate but i want to ...
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    last modified by h4rlock
  • Problem with hibernate entity and variable

    Hi,   I encoutered a trouble with hibernate entity stored into a process variable in jbpm 4.4...   I've got every time a lazy loading error for any property of a very simple entity :   @Entity @Table(...
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    created by newbeewan
  • JbpmMeetingTomHeikoJanuary2009

    Logging / History [JBPM-1994] Transactional storage of the history of a process execution (not software logging) Do we have a good name for this ? Log pluggability is in place Basic pluggability infrastructure is i...
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    last modified by tom.baeyens
  • jBPM4 and XForms

    Using XForms for building HIM interfaces Opposed to the JSF/Facelet approach in jBPM3, XForms offers another alternative to realize task form interfaces. This page should acts as a resource collection to  get th...
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    last modified by heiko.braun
  • jBPM 4 Release Procedure

    Preparations on trunk Verify addition of version axis to hudson job jbpm4-upgrade Verify all jbpm4 hudson jobs run ok Update release notes: Add release notes to the modules/distro/src/main/resources/readme.html for ...
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    last modified by tom.baeyens
  • jBPM4 Building from Source

    This page explains how to get the jbpm 4 process engine sources, the various things you can build with it and how to set up your eclipse. Requirements JDK 5 or higher Maven 2.0.9 or higher Subversion Other build ins...
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    last modified by thomas.diesler
  • jBPM4.4 and jbpm-console: obtaining user

    I would like to display in the task form the information who has started the recent process instance. Moreover I'd like to run this porcess on jbpm-console...   My idea was to make an EventListner which was sup...
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    created by pawel.gutowski
  • Removing history information of completed process instances

    Hello All,   Is there any way to remove the history of completed process instances from jBPM 4 history tables? I can't see any API function to achieve that. The retention of all process instance history informati...
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    last modified by h.peter
  • jBpm4.4 +spring test error(Could not synchronize database state with session)?

    I use the jBpm4.4. install with spring,do like this:   I modify the build.xml file 187 line for create.cfg target.and change the tx to "spring",then ant create.cfg.I get the cfg files and copy all the files to e...
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    last modified by wuarron
  • Deployment problem of the jBPM database schema

    Hi,   I am trying to get jBPM 4.4 running with a MySQL database version 5.5.8. I changed {jbpm-home}\install\jdbc\mysql.properties and called "ant -Ddatabase=mysql create.jbpm.schema", but the follwing error o...
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    last modified by k1nghg0
  • Why "TerminateEndEvent" terminator process does not work, is it jBPMN4.4 the Bug it?

        <process id="subProcessTest1" name="subProcessTest1"> <startEvent id="Start_1" name="Start" /> <userTask id="Task3" name="Task3"/> <endEvent id="End_1" name="End_1" /> <subProc...
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    created by bcanew
  • In jBPM 4.4 [using BPMN2.0] referenced in the process has been deployed as part of the process do you (subprocess)?

    I am currently using jBPM 4.4, I see in the document have been supported and supportBPMN2.0 subprocess 【Reusable (call activity)】, the problem is I can not referencean external process to a certain process, has reache...
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    created by bcanew
  • Spring 3 + jBPM 4.4 - 2 different hibernate sessions

    Hi,   I've strange problem with spring and jbpm. I have code which works sth like that: Session session = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); Order order = new Order(); ExecutionImpl e = processEngine.startPr...
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    last modified by mqqla2
  • jbpm4 create / retrieve task timer programmatically

    With jBPM4 I was able to create and retrieve timers against a given task programmatically. I can't see an obvious way to do this in jBPM4, or am I missing something?
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    last modified by aapthorp