• JBPM 5 Transaction in EJB 3

    Hello,   I'm using JBpm 5.4 with JBoss 7.1 and JBPM 5.4. I have problem with transaction when I create kssesion object inside EJB (transaction managed by container). I don't know how to force (configure) JBPM 5 ...
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    last modified by swienty1
  • Human task transitions in JBPM5

    Hi,   In JBPM4.4 you could have transitions from one human task to a number of other (human) tasks. It was easy to query these transitions and show user 2 a choice list of these transitions upon completing the ...
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    last modified by mvermand
  • Jbpm sample project error

    Hi I'm new to Jbpm, when I try to run the sample jbpm project (ie. simple "helloworld" project) I'm getting this error on console. I've imported almost all jar files those which are required for jbpm project. But stil...
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    last modified by aneesrahman
  • can we create a component in json format

    Hi ,   Can any one give me the solution for my below query .   1. Can we create each component in Json ? 2. Can we Add it to Response JSON with BPMN Standard ? 3.  will it possible to Open the resp...
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    last modified by sravan008
  • how to get all deployed processes?

    hi, i develop business processes interface in java. i need to get all deployed process list. (or only one process by process id). how can i get? thanks.
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    last modified by semih88
  • how to install JBPM plugin in eclipse

    Hi everyone ,   Can any one please tell me the procedure for installtion JBPM plugin in eclipse (JUNO) . for last couple hours I tried searching in google but not able to found a best link for this.   ...
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    last modified by sravan008
  • jbpm5.2 integration with liferay 6.1

    I am trying to integrate (defination of integration is display  drools guvnor task i.e. designing workflow, custom pallete, deploymemnt and jbpm console task i.e process definations , user task etc on liferay UI ...
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    last modified by maverick.mittal
  • A question on the external event using event Correlation

    I have a use case which needs to handle multiple intermeidate message events from external partners (applications) in a process. Let's say each external partner sends the JMS message (or Web Services, which does not m...
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    last modified by byungwoojun
  • Exposing WorkItemHandler as an EJB (3.1) and referencing that work item handler from the BPMN process definition

    JBPM 4.4 allowed us to expose an EJB and reference that <java> node within the JPDL using the attribute ejb-jndi-name (per devguide:http://docs.jboss.com/jbpm/v4/devguide/html_single/#java).  This was remar...
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    last modified by xmrk
  • JBPM access on browser

    Cannot access the jboss server on the browser
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    created by mkalema
  • Eclipse Plugin installation

    How do i install the jbpm plugin im my already installed eclipse?
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    last modified by mkalema
  • Embedding in Play Framework

    I am at a point where I need to decide between jBPM5 and Activiti and for all different reasons till now I am leaning towards jbpm but to seal the decision I want to know few things, if any of the users may please hel...
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    last modified by bsnl
  • How to back flow in JBPM5 ?

    How to back flow in JBPM5 ? I mean when the process is running like this: start ->A->B->C-D-end. But when the process run to the C node , the actor of B found that the date had been set wrong , he want to g...
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    last modified by miniservice
  • JBPM 5, WorkItemHandler as a Spring Bean

    Hello. Is there a way to register domain specific work item handlers via Spring configuration? There is an example in the manual on how to create such nodes: https://hudson.jboss.org/hudson/job/jBPM5/lastSuccessfulBui...
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    last modified by valgoerad
  • (how) jBPM in JBoss Fuse, change to Oracle DB for Persistence?

    I have jBPM and Drools loaded in my container already.  I need to make it persist to Oracle instead of the H2 in memory DB.  Can this be done without having to build a custom verison of jBPM/Drools with cust...
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    last modified by mlucas67
  • jBPM5.1 : Setting Process Variable from code(Using API)

    Description : I am trying to create a business process having two tasks : a) Enter Comments Task to be entered by author and b) Verify comments Task : To approve or reject comments entered by author. If the comme...
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    last modified by sandeepsapra
  • Simple state machine with transitions

    We have an existing (bespoke) workflow engine in our product and we are looking at options to bring it up-to-date using jBPM or similar.   Each asset type in our system has a state machine that defines the lifec...
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    last modified by alfiekirkpatrick
  • comming from osworkflow

    I used osworkflow and now we want   to move to jBPM, tutorials of osworkflow   describe defining process difiniotaiton and using java code to start the process and perform actions and its simple pe...
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    last modified by fachhoch
  • JEE + jBPM + threads

    Hi, I am new to jBPM and trying to integrate it with my JEE application. Basically I have a servlet handling all incoming requests and proxying them to an EJB stateless bean that contains all jBPM stuff. So if I call ...
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    last modified by sergey.sazonov
  • BPMN process with XML input - XSLT transformation - XML output

    Hi all,   I am a newbie to jBPM, so hope to not put a trivial question... I am designing a software system to integrate several systems exchanging messages through JMS. All the systems defined a common XML data...
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    last modified by amizzo