• Starting process instance using the jBPM REST API and setting parameters

    Greetings!   I would like to start a new process instance using jBPM REST interface. I have managed to figure out that the following URL needs to be called in order to start a new process instance:   http:...
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    last modified by stmarci
  • How to send customized response json object for new_intance Restful  request

    I want to send custmized respose json object instad of default respose when a RestFul request for "/gwt-console-server/rs/process/definition/{id}/new_instance" came.How  I do that ?I am using Jbpm5.4.
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    created by vijaykr
  • JBPM 5.2 in DB2 - Sequence generation problem

    Hi   Currently i am using oracle DB. I am try to change the database to DB2. In oracle, Session id generated using the sequences SESSIONINFO_ID_SEQ. But in DB2 the same sequence is not working . Due to that pr...
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    last modified by shijuj
  • Getting errors after login through jbpm-console

    Hi, I am using jbpm5.4 on glassfish server3.1.2. I deploy “jbpm-human-task”, “gwt-console-server”,” jbpm-console” successfully on glassfish server 3.1.2.  I am able to login t...
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    created by snowstormuser
  • How to call external web service in jbpm process.

    Hi, I have a scenario where I want to call the external web service. Please hlep me. Thanks.
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    last modified by snowstormuser
  • JBPM 5.1 Final Release with jboss-5.1.0.GA - Human Task taskId

    Hi, Do i get TaskId of a human task in 'On Entry Actions'? How? Please help. This is kind of important. If i get taskId in 'On Entry Actions' then it would be helpful for my implementation. Thanks in advance
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    last modified by priyakpandey
  • Question on Validating process in jBPM5 designer tool

    Hi,   When I validate process via jBPM5 designer tool via http://localhost/drools-guvnor, it says that "User Task has no task form defined.", but I am not able to find out this property to be set.   Can an...
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    last modified by chinna123
  • Facing an error while using service task for web service

    Hi,   I am facing an error while execuation of the example from this link.   https://github.com/mswiderski/jbpm-examples/blob/master/jbpm-ws-sample/   here i'm provding the bpmn file, java code and e...
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    created by snowstormuser
  • How to configure the jbpm5.x on GlassFish Server 3.

    Hi, I had already configured Jbpm5.x on the tomcat 7.0.22 server using the following link: https://community.jboss.org/people/bpmn2user/blog/2011/09/21/jbpm5-web-example   Now I want to configure the Jbpm5.x ...
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    created by snowstormuser
  • How to deploy a BPMN process file by using the JBPM API ?

    there's some questions for me .   In my project , i use the spring to manage the KnowledgeBase and the StatefulKnowledgeSession , and the config XML is follow .   <drools:kbase id="kbase">  ...
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    last modified by miniservice
  • Is it possible to dynamically substitute a gate condition ?

    Is it possible to dynamically substitute a gate condition ? I am Using JBPM 5.2 .   Example : suppose my condition in a gate is amount > 100 Is it possible to change this condition at run-time to amount = 200
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    last modified by shijuj
  • I am getting Row was updated or deleted by another transaction (or unsaved-value mapping was incorrect): [org.jbpm.task.Task#1]

    I am trying to create simple process and register simple Human Task handler.   Exception occurs when I try to start process. Any idea what problem could be?   All required users => "Administrator" and "...
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    created by svlada
  • WS-Human Task Android app?

    I thought it would be pretty cool to have an Android app where you can log in and complete all the human tasks assigned to you. I'm hoping there's already something out there? I'd basically want all the funtionality t...
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    last modified by john0945
  • jBPM Runtime

    Hi all   Just a tip I discovered.   When installing jBPM 5 using the installer, everything worked fine, until I tried opening Eclipse directly, using the .exe. I did this so I could write my own programs w...
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    created by john0945
  • How to get and update the process variable outside the process.

    Hi, I want to get and update the process variable outside the the process in java code.How can i achive this. I have used the following code given below:   Map param=new Hash(); param.put("rejectStatus",true); ...
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    last modified by snowstormuser
  • WorkflowProcessInstanceUpgrader throwing ClassCastException: ...CommandBasedStatefulKnowledgeSession cannot be cast to ...InternalKnowledgeRuntime

    Hi people!   I'm having this issue trying to upgrade process intances using WorkflowProcessInstanceUpgrader as described at http://docs.jboss.org/jbpm/v5.4/userguide/ch.core-basics.html#d0e2318   This is t...
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    last modified by zabalet
  • hi  I am new in Jbpm,please show me step by step jbpm integration with webapplication

    please show me step by step jbpm integration with webapplication .
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    last modified by rehankhan
  • Question about how to add user to assign and execute human task

    Dear all:           I created a jbpm project only include  .bpmn file and .ftl file, I start and execute process by jbpm console. At first, a user task node 's ActorId I&...
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    last modified by jimmy.dongjia
  • persistence unit error in jboss

    Hi,   I'm having some trouble while running my jBPM project on jboss 5. Just before the server starts, I get an error:   DEPLOYMENTS IN ERROR:      Deployment "persistence.unit:unitNam...
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    last modified by rafaelsoledadem
  • jBPM5 Web application

    Hi,   I have to create a web application using jBPM5. Just for normal BPM features like completing tasks, delegating tasks etc. Now, I remember using jbpm 4 and i never needed to set up jbpm. All I ever did was ...
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    last modified by roxy1987