• how to close ksession

    hi   how i can close ksession?   ksession.halt() or ksession.dispose()
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  • Custom process view, SVG BPMN problem?

    I need to be able to build a custom "control panel" for jBPM that shows a process and lets the user view and initiate certain process related actions, for example view information about the script that a certain task ...
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    created by glimberg
  • problems in jbpm5 with db2 integration

    What i am doing:             Trying to use DB2 with jbpm5 (5.3)    Problems:      a. Some tables are not created ---> (mentioned ...
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  • How to create rule tasks as graphical as possible in Designer?

    Using Designer it is pretty straight forward to use rules in relation to decision points using a gateway. But, I haven't found any good description on how to integrate and use Drools Expert rules as a Task in a proce...
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  • Does jBPM support clustering for load balancing?

    Hi all,   Does jBPM  take into consideration about clustering for load balancing? In our application,we are thinking about such a model: two jBPM servers, a DB server, a load balaner for load balancing. (...
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  • Human Task or User Task

    Hi All,   I have a scenario where i have to wait for the Human resource to perform some task like approval or rejection at each and every node and i don't want to use the Drools Console or JBPM console to start,...
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    last modified by logicalj
  • JBPM5.1 with LDAP

    Hi,     How to connect the jBPM5.1 to LDAP users based on the LDAP users i have to create the Tasks     Regards,   Kiru
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  • how to fix "No diagram associated with process" issue?

    Hi, all. I am using jbpm5.1. I create a process in eclipse, deploy it to drools-guvnor, and then rebuild the package, finally I can find the process in jbpm-console, but when I create a instance of the process, i ca...
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    last modified by victor_ma
  • Acess Process variables in  drools using Guvnor 5.3

    hi everybody,                   I am using guvnor 5.3 for both rules(Drools) as well as process flows(JBPM).Can anybody suggest how...
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    created by perfect.sol00
  • install the jbpm5 to work on mysql database, how to prove my configuration is right?

    I am configuring jbpm 5.1 on jboss 5.1 with mysql 5.1, I have done it according to someone's description. but I don't know how to prove the configuration is right. See the database structure in mysql database?? hope s...
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  • the problem caused by the reassignment and notifications under the usertask node in JBPM5

    First of all, define a process as below, refer to below picture In the picture, I defined above info for the reassignmenthe and notifications under usertask.   Then, I transferred the process to guvnor as per...
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  • guvnor repository error:premature end of file.

    Tried to transfer the process definition file via eclipse, but met the problem as followed:   When I tried to re-transfer the file, the error turned to,:     Both the guvnor and the designer are r...
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    created by forrest43
  • jbpm-5.1.0 Demo can't work fine

    hi,   I have learned the file[ch03.html] in jbpm-5.1.0.Final-docs,   On the basis of the file, 1> I have installed all components successfully by the command [ant install.demo]. 2> and then ant ...
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  • Problem in deploying Process from guvnor to JBPM Console

    Hi,   I've created a sample BPMN  Process in guvnor designer.But,When I validate the package configuration and save the changes,I'm not able to see the process under ProcessOverview of JBPM Console.Can you ...
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  • the reassignment and the notification are invalid under the human task

    I have created a process, defined notification and reassignment under task1, as per below picture,:   When the process stayed at task1 over 10 seconds, it didn’t do the reassignment, and the notification...
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    created by forrest43
  • return an array in human task form

    Hi, I have a multiple selection box in my human task form with lots of "Project Codes" in it. I want to select some of them in the form and have an array of "selectedCodes". But it just returns a string, which is on ...
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  • Loading processInstance/session via JPA, workItem executes before able to register workItems

    Hey guys,   I've got a process that I run the 1st half until it hits a timer, at which time I persist the process instances to the DB.  This portion works fine.   When retrieving the sessions, I find ...
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  • Has everyone ever integrated JBPM into ASW  / IBS (an ERP > ibs.net)?

    Here is additional info on IBS Enterprise: http://www.ibs.net/products/ibs-enterprise/   Please let me know your thoughts.  Looking for experienced input and assistance.   Thank you!
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    created by abear
  • jBPM 5.2 vfs error JBoss 7.1 final

    jBPM 5.2 vfs error JBoss 7.1 final   12:26:01,309 ERROR [org.reflections.Reflections] (MSC service thread 1-3) could not create Vfs.Dir from url. ignoring the exception and continuing: org.reflections.Reflection...
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  • jBPM 5: Attaching form to service task for human interaction

    Hi,   Could anyone provide a tutorial, documentation or an example explaining how to attach a user intrface to the Service Task element in the process definition. To be precise, I am interested to know how to in...
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    last modified by shekhargod