• InvocationTargetException when creating StatefulKnowledgeSession

    Hello -   I've been wrestling with this for about a day and a half, now.  My environment is jBPM 5.2.0.Final, running on JBoss 5.1.0.GA, with Java 1.5.0_12, under 64-bit Windows 7.  It's entirely poss...
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    last modified by tim.kutz
  • Adding new  workitems programmatically, without repacking the application ?

    I am working with creating domain specific processes and followed the example   Created  work definition in the MVEL format Register the workdefinition in the drools.rulebase.conf Creating the work item hand...
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    last modified by arunvg
  • Simple state machine with transitions

    We have an existing (bespoke) workflow engine in our product and we are looking at options to bring it up-to-date using jBPM or similar.   Each asset type in our system has a state machine that defines the lifec...
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    last modified by alfiekirkpatrick
  • JBPM Guvnor- TOMCAT Integration

    Hi Everyone,             In JBPM 5.2 we are deploying the jbpm process definitions in JBOSS AS server, likewise is it possible to do the deployment in TOMCAT server. ...
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    last modified by jbpm_new
  • Automatically refresh process list in JBPM Console from Drools-Guvnor

    I have seen the following statement in the JBPM5 user guide and I was wondering what I have to do to turn on automatic updating of the process list in jbpm-console when packages are built in drools-guvnor.   ...
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    last modified by atan20
  • BPMN2 Designer Stuck loading after adding custom work item definition

    I am trying to create a simple BPMN2 process that uses a domain specific service. However, after I add a new work item definition in drools-guvnor 5.3.1 and I attempt to create or open an existing bpmn2 process the de...
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    last modified by atan20
  • JEE + jBPM + threads

    Hi, I am new to jBPM and trying to integrate it with my JEE application. Basically I have a servlet handling all incoming requests and proxying them to an EJB stateless bean that contains all jBPM stuff. So if I call ...
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    last modified by sergey.sazonov
  • drools-guvnor.war deployment issue in SOA-P5.3.1

    Hi,   I am attempting to integrate JBPM5.2 with JBoss SOA-P5.3.1 which is running on PostgreSQL.   I have been able to update the jbpm-installer and my JBoss SOA-P5.3.1 to run the demo via jbpm-console by ...
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    last modified by atan20
  • Getting ***java.net.SocketException: Too many open files*** when running JBPM 5.2 in linux OS

    2012-02-07 13:53:48,754 ERROR [org.apache.tomcat.util.net.JIoEndpoint] (http- Socket accept failed java.net.SocketException: Too many open files         at ...
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    last modified by uvijayreddy657
  • BPMN process with XML input - XSLT transformation - XML output

    Hi all,   I am a newbie to jBPM, so hope to not put a trivial question... I am designing a software system to integrate several systems exchanging messages through JMS. All the systems defined a common XML data...
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    last modified by amizzo
  • Why the JBPM task can't rollback ?

    In my project , i use the JBPM5.3 ,spring,mysql,and the tomcat.   and the JPA is not the JTA type .   When the business has a exception. The transaction must be rollback .   But it can't like this ,...
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    last modified by miniservice
  • Starting Multiple Process Instances

    Hi,      I am new to jBPM. I want to start a number of process instances in bulk (anly automatic tasks involved). When I try to start, it by iterating, process execution starts only after the exec...
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    last modified by sajuc
  • getTasksAssignedAsPotentialOwner is very slow, How to optimize it?

    My database is oracle 11g, I use JBPM 5.4, There are 9654 records in TASK table, But getTasksAssignedAsPotentialOwner is very slow, every execute will cost more than 3 seconds. Anybody has idea to optimize it? thank...
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    created by lijiangt
  • Pass the result of a workitem to the next workitem with a workitemhandler

    Is it possible to pass the results of a workitem to the next workitem with a workitemhandler:     public  class MyHandlerWorkItemTypeA implements WorkItemHandler{        @...
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    last modified by hansi007
  • Session and thread safety

    Hi   jBPM 5.2, PostgreSQL 9.1.   Kris wrote (https://community.jboss.org/message/613360#613360) that session is thread safe. Well, getWorkItemManager() present in various implementations (e.g. CommandBased...
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    last modified by marcin.galazka
  • BPM5Processor - JBossESB

    Dear Community,   I've successfully deployed a process on JBPM console. This process consists of different Task forms, Java and JBossESB work items (imported from public Service Repository)   It would be ...
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    last modified by vukien
  • JBPM5 Error Handling

    Hello, How to handle an exception if it occurs in any of the step . For eg. If I have 3 steps, if exception occurs in first step, the execution flow should end and error should be logged. But I dont know how to achi...
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    last modified by ragramaiah
  • How can I add JBPM5 to S2SH(struts2 Spring3 hibernate 3)?

    Hi everyone         Today I was download the JBPM 5.4,My boss asked me to use this tool,In one week,perhaps,I should write a demo use JBPM5       ...
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    last modified by zhangjingtao
  • How to do computations in parameter Mapping

    Can I concat 2 process variables and  create a task parameter.   Assume that I  have 2 process varaibles named CustomerID and IdProofName and now if I have to create a new task varaible named "RecordId...
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    last modified by a_nat
  • Passing data to a work item handler

    My question is quite simple.   I know that is possible to declare a Work Item Definition where some parameters are String and alike. Then the user can simply fill those parameters using the Web Designer in More ...
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    last modified by out_sider