• Unable to view instance data in jBPM console when using postgresql

    Hi All, I am using the postgresql as process database. When I select any processinstance and click on Instance Data button on jBPM console I get the following exception.   org.hibernate.exception.SQLGrammarExce...
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    last modified by rahulamt
  • Starting process instance using the jBPM REST API and setting parameters

    Greetings!   I would like to start a new process instance using jBPM REST interface. I have managed to figure out that the following URL needs to be called in order to start a new process instance:   http:...
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    last modified by stmarci
  • jBPM 5.2 set process instance variable from java - NullPointerException

    Hi to all.   I'm using jBPM for two projects that need a workflow engine. In particular I'm just using the jBPM runtime, embedded in our jBoss AS 5.1 web applications.   Thanks to you all I solved the sev...
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    last modified by slash17
  • How to send customized response json object for new_intance Restful  request

    I want to send custmized respose json object instad of default respose when a RestFul request for "/gwt-console-server/rs/process/definition/{id}/new_instance" came.How  I do that ?I am using Jbpm5.4.
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    created by vijaykr
  • Custom workitem property in designer not working

    Hi,      I have created a custom property for email node as below:(I created a custom workitem definition for email)   for this I added a property in:  jbpm-designer-2.4.0.war\stencil...
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    last modified by tomsebastian
  • Concurrency problem with persistent JBPM + Drools

    Hi all,   We have a problem that when multiple threads try to fetch process variables an exception is thrown: java.lang.NullPointerException            ...
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    created by vercruysse_tim
  • JBPM 5.2 in DB2 - Sequence generation problem

    Hi   Currently i am using oracle DB. I am try to change the database to DB2. In oracle, Session id generated using the sequences SESSIONINFO_ID_SEQ. But in DB2 the same sequence is not working . Due to that pr...
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    last modified by shijuj
  • Exception handling for technical exceptions

    Hello. I have a scenario where a java exception inside a work item handler should abort the workflow execution. Up until now I've been mapping this java exception to a business exception (following a suggestion by Kr...
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    last modified by marcomr
  • Error in JBPM 5.2 transaction

    I'm using jbpm 5.2 and drools repository 5.3.1 in my web app.   I've package crw and crw1 in drools repository   When i try to initiate one of the process in CRW , Getting the following number :   1...
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    created by manimportal
  • Getting errors after login through jbpm-console

    Hi, I am using jbpm5.4 on glassfish server3.1.2. I deploy “jbpm-human-task”, “gwt-console-server”,” jbpm-console” successfully on glassfish server 3.1.2.  I am able to login t...
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    created by snowstormuser
  • Task deadline issue

    Hi all ,      I am using jbpm 5.2 and  jbpm humantask implementation 5.2. We currently upgrade the designer.war to configure reassignment, notification through UI. We could successfully ser...
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    last modified by tomsebastian
  • Error in Jbpm 5.2 process split node .

    Dear Friends,   I'm using jbpm 5.2 and drools engine 5.3.1 and Jboss server 5.1  in JSF web application.   While I try to add the additional or split path to the existing OR decision node in Emp proce...
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    last modified by manimportal
  • Error in Jbpm 5.2 split decision OR node

    Dear Friends,   I'm using jbpm 5.2 and drools engine 5.3.1 and Jboss server 5.1  in my project.   While I try to add the additional or split path to the existing OR node in one of the Employee process...
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    last modified by manimportal
  • Integrating jBPM 5 into web application - architecture

    Hello,   I've been trying to integrate the jBPM5 into my own web app, but I've some doubts about how to make it.   My processes are mostly composed by Human Actions, which make them long running processes....
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    last modified by pgoncalves
  • How to call external web service in jbpm process.

    Hi, I have a scenario where I want to call the external web service. Please hlep me. Thanks.
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    last modified by snowstormuser
  • JBPM 5.2 console can't get any Guvnor Process Definition

    I'm using   jbpm-5.2.0.Final jbpm-5.2.0.Final-gwt-console guvnor-distribution-wars-5.3.1.Final     on jboss-as-7.0.1       I could create process definitions in Eclipse, add them...
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    last modified by roger0681
  • Question on Validating process in jBPM5 designer tool

    Hi,   When I validate process via jBPM5 designer tool via http://localhost/drools-guvnor, it says that "User Task has no task form defined.", but I am not able to find out this property to be set.   Can an...
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    last modified by chinna123
  • Facing an error while using service task for web service

    Hi,   I am facing an error while execuation of the example from this link.   https://github.com/mswiderski/jbpm-examples/blob/master/jbpm-ws-sample/   here i'm provding the bpmn file, java code and e...
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    created by snowstormuser
  • When creating a reusable subprocess in Guvnor/ Designer in "Called Element" is only available from default package

    Hello,   I trie to create a reusable subprocess task in my process. When I open "Called Element" in the properties tab I can only see processes of the default package:   although there are processe in my...
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    last modified by renez
  • jbpm5 scale out reference architecture..

    After scavenging the forums and docs for jbpm 5 over the last week, I have drafted up the attached 'reference architecture' for a scalable jBPM 5 deployment. Would love to get feedback (aka ripped apart ).   Her...
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    last modified by affandar