• Integrating jBPM in Existing Web Application along with Guvnor / Designer

    Dear Commuity,   I'm into the jBPM /Guvnor/Designer suite for about two months now - so still a newbie - However, I feel like I have convered a good (at least horizontal) space. I have got many questions on the ...
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    last modified by ikrambabai
  • jbpm and spring integration sample program

    how to integrate jbpm with spring. I need sample program step by step.
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    last modified by diyyadav
  • $drools-guvnor.war/WEB-INF/preferences.properties  missing

    As per documentation section 10.5.2. Changing the default configuration in Guvnor  we need to mage chnages to $drools-guvnor.war/WEB-INF/preferences.properties. I looked for the file in JBPM 5.3 drools-guvnor war...
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    last modified by ashpcs
  • Problem with designer

    Hi!   I have one problem in designer.   I create a new simple process, with an start and end node, in the designer inside guvnor 5.4. I save it.   Then, I update the process using Guvnor Rest API. I ...
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    last modified by calca
  • Project update - which version of JBPM to use?

    I'm just coming back to some JBPM work after a while on other projects. Our current workflow component is using JBPM 5.1.0 and runs in JBoss 6.1.  I'm looking at some changes and additions. My timeframe is for de...
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    last modified by bwallis42
  • Embedding in Play Framework

    I am at a point where I need to decide between jBPM5 and Activiti and for all different reasons till now I am leaning towards jbpm but to seal the decision I want to know few things, if any of the users may please hel...
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    last modified by bsnl
  • The Data in the processInstanceinfo table get removed.

    Hi,   The data gets automatically removed from processInstanceinfo table when the process gets completed. Some one please help me with this problem?
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    last modified by snowstormuser
  • How to back flow in JBPM5 ?

    How to back flow in JBPM5 ? I mean when the process is running like this: start ->A->B->C-D-end. But when the process run to the C node , the actor of B found that the date had been set wrong , he want to g...
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    last modified by miniservice
  • EJB3 Remote lookup in Jboss AS 7.0.2

    Is there a way to do a  lookup to a remote EJB3 installed in other server than the war is installed, in JBoss 7.0.2 ??? I've found that EJB3 remote lookup is only available on 7.1.  Is that real?   This...
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    last modified by betoflint
  • Is it possible to get UUID of a process opened in designer from drools-guvnor url

    Hi,       Is it possible to get UUID of a process opened in designer from drools-guvnor url?   Usecase:           We have an use case were ...
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    last modified by prathap.vs
  • Drools jBPM vs jBPM Kie?

    I am concerned which jBPM version and implementation to use, which one is supported?   I have a switchyard application, which has switchyard-bpmn component dependency, wich uses Kie implementation (e.g. Knowled...
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    last modified by mariamhakobyan
  • run and debug web application project

    hi , i'm new to jbpm5 , i have downloaded a web application example. how can run (and debug) a maven jbpm5 web application project in eclipse helios with jboss AS 7 . thx for your help !
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    last modified by mahdi1991
  • JBPM upgradeProcessInstance to a SubProcess in Target Process

    Hi,   Is it possible to *upgrade* a JBPM process to a node in a SubProcess of target Process?   E.g.   Source Process: START -> SNode1 -> SNode2 -> SNode 3 -> END Target Process: START -...
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    created by e3aa3b
  • Log errors in Guvnor - Designer

    Hi People!   I am using Guvnor 5.3 and designer 2.4.Final   I see that in this version, designer has some simulation things that I am not using. However, I see that it adds to the BPMN things like this: &#...
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    last modified by calca
  • Simple state machine with transitions

    We have an existing (bespoke) workflow engine in our product and we are looking at options to bring it up-to-date using jBPM or similar.   Each asset type in our system has a state machine that defines the lifec...
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    last modified by alfiekirkpatrick
  • Problem with forms in the soa-p 5.3.1 integration with jbpm 5

    Hi   I am testing the integration of jbpm 5 with jboss soa platform. So far, i downloaded soa-p-5.3.1.GA.zip and soa-p-5.3.1.GA-jbpm5.zip. Also, according with the instructions in the readme file of the soa-p jb...
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    last modified by jmiguel77
  • SyncTaskServiceWrapper timeout issue

    I have been running into random timeout issues when using  SyncTaskServiceWrapper for Human task related services. My current setup has humantask service war and gwt-console-server deployed in same server, using ...
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    created by mydevbox
  • JEE + jBPM + threads

    Hi, I am new to jBPM and trying to integrate it with my JEE application. Basically I have a servlet handling all incoming requests and proxying them to an EJB stateless bean that contains all jBPM stuff. So if I call ...
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    last modified by sergey.sazonov
  • web service from ftl?

    Hi everybody... here's the scenario :   On an human task, when the user enter a client code and press a button I need to fill all the customer information from a Web Service.   Could I use javascript or ...
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    created by lcabrera
  • BPMN process with XML input - XSLT transformation - XML output

    Hi all,   I am a newbie to jBPM, so hope to not put a trivial question... I am designing a software system to integrate several systems exchanging messages through JMS. All the systems defined a common XML data...
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    last modified by amizzo