• Create a new asset in Guvnor through REST API (POST method)

    Hi All, I am trying to create an asset (.txt file ) in GUVNOR through REST API in JAVA. But the problem is when using the post method to create asset .. program is executing with no error but i am having SERVER_ERROR...
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    last modified by neokiing
  • ERROR builder.impl.KnowledgeBuilderImpl.newKnowledgeBase  - ProcessLoadError: unable to parse xml : Exception class java.lang.NullPointerException : null

    HI , I am new to jbpm, some one plz help me for the bwlow error .       java.lang.NullPointerException   at org.jbpm.ruleflow.core.validation.RuleFlowProcessValidator.validateNodes(   R...
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    last modified by swathi123
  • To Create and Register Custom UserGroupCallBack for jbpm 5.4

    Hi   How can i create and register a custom UserGroupCallBack for database user authentication? i am using jbpm 5.4 and jboss as 7.1.1   Regards Kannan
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    last modified by kannan123
  • How to dynamically specify groupid in jbpm5.4 or jbpm6?

    Hi, guys. I want to dynamically specify groupid like this: #{groupid} in the bpmn file. When auditor commit his results, I get his group and put it into a Map that pass to the complete() method. I hope the jbpm engine...
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    last modified by linuslan
  • Database login module for jboss

    Hi all   I am trying to implement the remote jbpm workflow in my project. I have successfully used it except creating the users and roles from my web application. My requirements and the methods i followed are m...
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    last modified by kannan123
  • about the real work in human task

    I want custom a real work item such as store some data in my database in a human task,and i use jbpm console service with REST,so how can i do that?? Thanks a lot~
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    created by zydzjy
  • Drools persistence unable to rollback

    Hello everyone,   I am using jBPM5 and along with I have configured Bitronix Transaction Manager (BTM) as transaction manager to be used by jBPM process persistence unit.   Everything works fine from past ...
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    last modified by mayankjain
  • Set up jBPM 5.4 Final Installer to use MySQL - or how to run section 3.7 of the User Guide

    I've started using jBPM 5.4 a couple weeks ago. It's my first forray into jBPM and I am slowly working through the user guide. I go to 3.7. 10-Minute Tutorial: Using your own database with jBPM and got stuck. First o...
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    last modified by iahi1998
  • [JBoss BRMS 5.3][jBPM 5.2] How can I add service task with work item handler

    Hi,   What I want to do is to run the process through jBPM REST interface from my application and inside the process execute the logic from Java code inside my application.   I have troubles with adding se...
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    last modified by mateuszadamiak
  • sending recurring task reminder notifications in jbpm 5.4.0.Final

    I have a workflow which has several tasks, one of which needs to send recurring reminder notification every day until the task is completed. I am able to send task notification through custom mailer implementation by ...
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    last modified by yasir1arafat
  • configure mysql5.6 in jbpm5.4

    Hi All,   i am new to jbpm .I've followed the steps to config mysql of jbpm-docs,but when i going to the step "ant install.demo.db",i found there's no infos in build.xml about "ant install.demo.db".how could i do...
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    created by corona.h
  • Script tasks vs. Service tasks

    Hello community,   the project i am currently working at (based on jbpm 5.4) uses exclusively script tasks (to call further service functions). After reading a lot, i noticed that the develpers favour service ta...
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    last modified by happyhippo
  • users and roles creation

    Hi community   I have a requirement that i wanna to create the users and user roles in the jBPM from my web aplication. I appended the users and roles in the user.properties and roles.properties in the jbpm-inst...
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    last modified by kannan123
  • Assign tasks to newly created user

    Hi Community   i am trying to assign workflow tasks to newly created users. I appended the users and roles in the user.properties and roles.properties in the jbpm-installer\jboss-as-7.1.1.Final\standalone\config...
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    last modified by kannan123
  • Issue with Session in JBPM5.4 (Tomcat+Bitronix+jbpm5.4+Spring)

    Dear All, I'm facing error related to Ksession. My Environment is : Spring3.2+jbpm5.4+tomcat7+Bitronix Below are the error I'm getting:     Sep 23, 2014 4:29:27 PM org.drools.persistence.SingleSessionCom...
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    created by yogesh02
  • LocalTaskService keep using one Entity Manager, Breaks when Database is Restarted

    Hi,   This is similar post to https://community.jboss.org/thread/231488?tstart=0 Only that it discuss about LocalTaskService here   I use JBPM5.4.Final, and Drools-Spring 5.4.Final in a Web Application. ...
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    last modified by thomas.setiabudi
  • Issue in configuring audit/logging with jBPM5

    Hello everyone,   I am trying to configure the audit/logging component of jBPM5 with one of my workflow application. I am using jbpm library version of 5.5.0.Final for jbpm-human-task-core, jbpm-bpmn2, jbpm-pers...
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    last modified by mayankjain
  • How to revoke a task

    Hi, guys, I want to revoke a task, but i don't know how to do.Is there any api to call?
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    last modified by linuslan
  • Abort parent and child process jBPM5

    Hello everyone,   I have a parent process which internally invoke the multiple sub-processes. In my project, I have a requirement to abort/close the parent process which should internally abort/close all its chi...
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    last modified by mayankjain
  • Is there a way to identify process variable with each node instance

    Hi ,         Now we want to track what user had done on the process , so we want to know what user had done on each process node (variable changed on this node instance ) . But i just fi...
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    last modified by wguo