• Facing to deploy all deployment units while restarting tomcat7 and jbpm6.2

    Hi, Please find the following exception, All Deployed Units failing while we are restarting tomcat. But this wouldn't happen every time i restart tomcat, occasionally tomcat restart fine without any issues and depl...
  • How do I get JBPM6.5 taskform overlay instead of side pane

    Hi,     I am trying to get jbpm taskform in overlay iframe instead of side-pane as I have large dataobject and fields. following are the screen shots I am getting this.   Instead i want someth...
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    last modified by rupeshbende
  • Create a custom service repository

    Hi, I was reading about creating a custom service repository here Chapter 21. Domain-specific Processes but I have some questions: 1) Is the repository a Web server or a nexus repository? 2) Where I should put impl...
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    last modified by lauradp
  • jbpm start process and do the first task in a single procedure with the same transaction

        normally, use jbpm as follows: 1)start process 2)get task 3)claim,start,and complete the first task.     however,how do i encapsulate "start process" and claim,start,complete the first tas...
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    created by zydzjy
  • Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite - Data provider field in select box

    Can someone help me with this? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44797463/red-hat-jboss-bpm-suite-data-provider-field-in-select-box Thanks in advance
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    last modified by giorgio94c
  • Assign Human task to group users in round robin manner

    Hi All,   I want to assign human task to group users in round robin manner in JBPM 6.2.   E.g. - I have a group of 5 users. I want to assign 1st task to 1st user, 2nd task to 2nd user, 3rd task to 3rd user...
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    last modified by vikassharma437
  • JBPM Human Task Form Selectbox

    I am using JBPM 6.5.0 Kie Workbench on Windows 7. With this workbench I am trying to create a human task form which will has a Selectbox where I will provide its content. With some research, I have learned that I need...
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    last modified by acos
  • Unable to start wildfly with jbpm as a service

    Hi, I'm having troubles in setting up a jbpm 6.5 environment.   My environment is a docker, so I need to set-up GIT repository location to a custom folder as suggested here.   I added those lines to my st...
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    last modified by lauradp
  • Alternative to add Process at Runtime in JBPM6

    Hi,   I was using JBPM5 in my Project in which I use to create a KnowledgeBase and add Process at Runtime as User creates them instead of creating KnowledgeBase again and again like:   final KnowledgeBuild...
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    last modified by arpitvkarma
  • jbpm-console.war not deployed for version 6.3.0

    Hello,   I have installed jbpm6.3.0 full version. When I say "ant start.demo" or "ant start.demo.noeclipse" it says build successfully but jbpm-console not opening in browser. So I have started standalone.bat th...
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    created by amruta.w
  • Unable to list my created process in process definition

    Hello,   I have installed jdk 1.7, ant 1.9.9 and jbpm 6.3.0. It installed properly. I have created simple workflow example of hello world using start, script and end events. In the script task I have just writte...
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    last modified by amruta.w
  • Install JBPM 6.5 on Mac OS X

    Hi, I am facing problems trying to install jbpm 6.5 on Mac OS X. First of all, I could not install it using Ant install.demo.   So I installed it using Ant install.demo.noeclipse, but when I try to start it usin...
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    created by marcec85
  • JBPM 6.4.0 Per Process Instance synchronization

    Hi,   Using bitronix and oracle. in my processes i use catching intermediate signal events to acquire data from external system.   Thing is, that signal (in upper line) may be invoked while engine is pr...
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    last modified by adrianjasiocha
  • 6.5.0 calling {taskinstanceid}/state/completed removes all task information from database

    I started seeing this behviour in 6.5.0 and never seen this in 6.4.0 where all entries for the human task are deleted when task is marked as completed. Is this something new?
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    last modified by guru.inamdar
  • jBPM newbie questions

    Hi,   I just started evaluating jBPM Suite #6 for use in a large scale enterprise application and have couple of questions.   1. I have a small business process that uses a data object as a variable that d...
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    last modified by sarathy
  • How to solve postgresql "large objects should not be use in autocommit mode" problem with jBPM 6.4

    HI everyone, i've been working for the last year with jBPM 6.4 API coupled with Mysql without major problem. Since some days im trying to use a postresql database but i am facing a problem during operations on proces...
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    created by imphilippesimo
  • Generate diagram from API

    Hello, I am currently looking for a solution to generate diagrams via an API. I need to export to the format image (PNG and possibly SVG). To build them, I can do it manually via the Objects, or directly loader as ...
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    last modified by romuald.maire
  • JBPM 6: persisting process variable in specific table

    I have a simple process embedded in java application. I need to persist one of the process variable in a custom table.   I followed the instructions in jBPM 6 - store your process variables anywhere | Planet JBo...
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    last modified by sdcompsc
  • jbpm docker repository persistence

    Hi, I'm having trouble with jBpm projects deployments (jbpm istance is in a docker derived from https://hub.docker.com/r/jboss/jbpm-workbench-showcase/).   I have a process A. I'm able to deploy and run it.  ...
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    created by lauradp
  • jbpm docker repository persistence

    Hi, I'm trying to create a jBpm docker using this image: https://hub.docker.com/r/jboss/jbpm-workbench-showcase/     As suggested in the docker description I put my repository in /opt/jboss/wildfly/mygit ...
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    created by lauradp