• jbpm-forms-rest-integration.js postMessage problem

    Hello, I have a problem with the postMessage invocation of the method completeTask. I have a ZK web application that invokes the REST API of JBPM to get the task list from JBPM. I would to integrate the showForm and...
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    last modified by michelep
  • jBPM Forms load very slowly in Custom User Interface

    Hi everyone,   We have a Custom User Interface that uses jBPM 6.3 forms. We experience very long task form load times (it can take up to 30 seconds). This long time loading happens on local machine or on remote ...
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    last modified by danutc
  • JBPM 6.5 Final, ResumeProcessInstance will overwrite workitem parameters

    The scenario is simple. We pass process parameters from 1 stage to the next. Each stage is a task performed by a java class implementing WorkItemHandler.   At a validation stage we detect the parameters are mi...
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    created by leonv-1
  • NullPointerException with jBPM-Services + Spring

    Hi   I have set up a project where I instantiate the jBPM-Servies using Spring. I am following the documentation (Chapter 20. Integration) and the example project (GitHub - jBPM 6 spring application) closely. Ev...
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    last modified by uhrm
  • jBPM 6.1 doesn't work properly with JTA transactions

    I am using JBPM 6.1 and trying to integrate it with my Spring app. The application is deployed on JBoss 6.2 EAP. I followed instructions from this post http://planet.jboss.org/post/jbpm_6_with_spring and successfully ...
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    last modified by d.losev
  • UserInfo is still using DefaultUserInfo in EmailNotificationListener

    Hi All,   I am trying to get the deadline email notification working but no email is being sent when it is triggered.   I  am using version 6.4 final with tomcat and I have set my human task's notific...
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    created by mel4l
  • No JTA TransactionSynchronizationRegistry found at default JNDI location

    Hi,      I have configured jBPM 6.0.1 on Tomcat 7.0.54 and Oracle 11g as the database using the war mentioned here. However on server start-up I get the below mentioned error. Any light on the iss...
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    last modified by vinayv
  • PerProcessInstanceStrategy and SingletonSessionStrategy in jBPM

    Hello All,   I come across the situation where i have started the process instance using the Singleton Session Strategy and taken the RuntimeEngine object like below: RuntimeEngine engine = runtimeManager.getRu...
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    last modified by rahul7163
  • Is there anyway to add constraints in gateway by java code?

    The situation is : the constraints in gateway would be defined by our users, and they could not be able to use the workflow editor. So, is there anyway to add or change constraints in gateway by java code? Then I cou...
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    last modified by churry
  • get / set process variables in jbpm 6.5

    Dears how to get / set process variables in JBPM 6.5 remote API   i can set the process variable when start the process ProcessInstance   process=kieSessionClient.startProcess("CustomerService.Custome...
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    created by sward
  • populate the email workitem handler using properties

    Hello All,   I have created business process using the jbpm workbench and I am able to deploy and execute the process successfully.   Now I want to do some changes in the deployment-descriptor.xml file of ...
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    last modified by irs
  • localhost:8080/jbpm-console opens "404 not found" error page

    Hi, I'm getting "404 not found" error page when I tried to access "localhost:8080/localhost".   The following warning message was logged in server.log file, service jboss.deployment.unit."jbpm-console.war".com...
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    last modified by chandrakanthi
  • Human task in jbpm 6.5

    Hi all,   I've created a simple bpmn2 process in Eclipse Mar which consists of StartProcess, Human Task and End Event. When I run it in Eclipse,  it says "Could not find work item handler for Human Task". Tr...
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    last modified by jolene
  • cloning a repository using the KIE-WB REST interface

    Hello,   Our current use case is to use a central repository of knowledge for all our various customer specific pieces of knowledge.  As part of our automated testing infrastructure I would like to clone a ...
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    last modified by simholte
  • Not able to deploy the exported jbpm project from jbpm workbebnch using maven

    Hi   I have created a process in jbpm workbench, I'm able to build the process from the work bench. But when I exported the project and try to build the project using maven I am getting dependency exceptions. In...
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    created by irs
  • Prevent 'Named query not found' exception being thrown due to human task

    Currently I am not using human task in my jbpm 6.5 project. But still while loading the persistence.xml file during runtime I am getting this error:     ERROR [org.jbpm.services.task.commands.InitDeadlinesC...
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    created by rajatjalal
  • How to get bpmn2 source file via rest call?

    Hi Everyone, In jbpm 4.x we used to get the pmn2 source by calling the follwoing rest call:       /dsbpm-repo/rest/packages/DTWorkflow/assets/Transfer/source   Now we have been migrat...
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    last modified by mr.bee
  • Problems while installing JBpm

    Hi , I'm new to JBPM.   I've downloaded "jbpm-6.3.0.Final-installer-full" version & then executed "ant build.demo". Build was successful. But I got error while executing "ant start.demo".  I couldn't...
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    last modified by chandrakanthi
  • How to resume JBPM process after system crash?

    Hi, I have created sample JBPM prosess which contain two script task and two human task as shown below. I am stopping process execution while execution user task 2. After resuming, process should start form usertask ...
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    last modified by manavbhaykar
  • Readonly roles in Drools workbench 6.4

    I need to know whether it is possible to make a user to have read only access to a project. I need to assign role to the user by which he/she can have Read-only access to see the Project/repository. The user should ab...
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    last modified by dilip.dash2005